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~ Swim Lessons ~

2016 Swim Lessons

Southgate offers both morning and evening classes supervised by Red Cross Certified Instructors!

Signups are limited and evening classes are very popular! Signup early to reserve your spot!

Children's Lessons For Ages 3 & Up! (must be potty-trained)

Adult Lessons for Ages 15 & Up!

Supervised by Red Cross Certified Instructors

Two-week sessions with half-hour classes on weekday mornings

starting at 9:30 AM throughout the summer.


Evening sessions starting at 5:20 PM.

Children's Lessons (Ages 3 & up)

     Session 1: June 20 - July 1

     Session 2: July 5 - July 15

     Session 3: July 18 - July 29

*All sessions do not include weekends and are 30 minutes each.

Morning SessionTimes:




Evening Session Times:




There will be no class on July 4th

Adult Lessons (Ages 15 & up)

     Session 1: June 20 - July 1

     Session 2: July 5 - July 15

     Session 3: July 18 - July 29

*All sessions do not include weekends and are 30 minutes each.

Only Evening Session Times:




There will be no class on July 4th

Lesson Sign Up Day

     June 4 - 1:30pm-3:30pm at Southgate Swim Club*

*We will no longer take sign ups once the session you've requested has started.

Cost and Payments


     Children (3 & up) $60.00 per sessions

     Adult (15 & up) $80.00 per session


     Children (3 & up) $75.00 per session

     Adult (15 & up) $95.00 per session

We accept:

     • Cash (lifeguards will not be able to accept cash)

     • Check (if mailed please send 1 week before session starts)

     • PayPal

Swim Lessons signups have passed

but we still have a few spaces available

in both morning and evening sessions.

If you are interested please email

Jessica at jessica@southgateswimclub.org

Click here for Club Location


Home | Club Location | Pool Hours / Rules | Memberships | Newsletter | Swim Lessons | Pool Rentals / Parties | Calendar
Board of Directors / Meeting Dates | Club History | Photographs | Southgate Penguins Swim Team