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Some words of support from our members ... 

Univision 14 Video | CBS Channel 5 Video | Pool Work Photos (updated 10/13)
Hayward Daily Review Article | Chabot Spectator Article | Pool Theft Article - Around The Bay, 10/10/2012

Hello Southgate Swim Club families,

Latest Update - 2/6/2013

Hi Everyone!

We are reaching out to all of you (Club Members, Swim Team Families and Southgate Community) for your help. We need extra "Hands" this Saturday - We are gearing up for our last pool inspection set for next week and have a few more items that need to be done.  If you are able to help Saturday, even for an hour or two, it would be greatly appreciated!!!

       • WHEN - SAT, FEB 9TH
       • TIME - 10AM - 4PM
       • LOCATION - Southgate Swim Club
       • TYPE OF WORK - Washing down decks, moving dirt, gardening and other odds and ends

I wanted to also give all of you an update on our progress and what is new at Southgate for 2013.

We had our most recent Board Meeting last night, Feb. 5th, 2013 @ 7pm. We covered many items, mostly about finishing the last items to get our pool opened. The below are the some bullet points covering our discussions:

  Status of the club

Passing the Last inspection - All items that were requested by the county Inspector on our last inspection (Nov 2012) have been completed; or will be wrapped up by this weekend.

New Swim Team - We are working on a collaboration to have a High School Swim Team (Moreau High School - Hayward) to use our pool for their team practices. Their season is from Feb - to early May

Lifeguard Jobs - We are contacting our prior Lifeguards/ Swim Instructors and working with them to get all certifications updated so they are ready to go when the pool opens.


If you or someone you know may be interested in joining our Lifeguard team/ Swim Instructors, please have them contact me.

  Board Member Elections

We had a few changes on the Board, not sure if everyone saw the emails that had gone out. The following are the current changes


Karen DiNatale - Stepped down as Vice President to help her husband Robert in his new role as the Penguin Swim Team President



Karen has agreed to help out where needed until we find a replacement



Please let me know if you are interested in this position; we would truly appreciate the help


Robert DiNatale - Stepped down as one of our Club Maintenance people. He accepted the position he was voted into as the 2013 Penguin Swim Team President *Congratulations Robert!*


Joanna Houghtelling - Has joined the board in conjunction with Pamela Laase to help with the duties as the position of Board Secretary *Thank you Joanna!*

  Fundraisers/ Community Events

Our Fundraising team (Sheryl Hallinan and Andrea Ford) are both working on some very exciting events for this year; to name a few


February Freeze - this will be our kick-off event to get everyone rallied together and ready for this exciting year *please watch for emails with more information


Bingo Nights


Family Movie Nights


Car Show

  Pool Rentals - Be sure to contact Paige Adza if you would like to book a date for your next upcoming Party - Dates are filling up already! Please go to our website for more information

Birthday Parties



Family & Friends Reunions

  Treasurers Report

2012 was a very stressful year for our entire membership, The Penguin Swim Team, our board members and especially our Bank Account that is used for Pool expenses


We had so many generous donations that helped get us to where we are today with the full reconstruction of our pool (New plumbing, New electrical, New Pool Lights, New Plaster, etc).


We got estimates from contractors to do this work and they estimated a cost of over $200,000!!!


With the overwhelming help of volunteers and the generosity of so many donors and a loan of $10,000 from one of our Board Members we were able to do everything for about $96,000!!! That's a savings of over $100,000!!!


With all of this we would like to rev up the fundraising to pay off the amount borrowed ($10,000) and the amount due to some of our kind vendors that are carrying a tab for us for supplies. The total we would like to raise for 2013 (to go towards paying everything off) is at least $25,000; any excess will go towards other projects that need to be tended to - New Roof, update the boys & girls restrooms, new pool covers, etc

Please note that we are still accepting donations to help get us back in the black on our Profit/ Loss statement. If you would like to send a donation please go to our website and select the tab "Donations" for more details. You could also contact me directly.


Swim Season will begin Spring 2013; which is right around the corner - Season dates that we will be opened to all of you will be sent out in a few weeks!  Keep an eye out for this email!!

We are happy to report that we have some new families that have signed up and are excited to join our Southgate Family.

Lisa Johnson will be sending out information regarding this year's (2013) dues.


She will also confirm for all of those members that paid in full in 2012 that you have a locked membership rate, free guest passes and a free party. Lisa's contact information is also on our web page

Again, thank you so much for being a part of our Southgate Swim Club Family; we appreciate each and every one of you.


Tracy Diaz-Dominguez

Dec 5th Board Meeting & Pool Update
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to send a quick update regarding the state of our pool and a quick synopsis of our board meeting Tuesday, Dec 5th.
Current status of the pool -
- the pump's engine ceased and we have asked a Representative from the manufacturer to come to see what happened. We are hoping it is something that will be covered.
- The railing in the shallow end of the pool (the far end) is the incorrect size per regulation standards. It is being removed and a new one is being installed.
-  there are a few other minor items that need to be done - caps on the sleeves for the diving blocks & flag poles, fill expansion joints with concrete and a few other things.
We are working diligently try and get this pool up and running so that we can start the programs we have been planning. The programs will bring in much needed income to help pay our bills and continue to improve the club.
Voting for Board Positions that their terms are expiring. You will be receiving a separate email soon detailing all the positions coming up for re-election.
Treasurers Report/ Club funds - 
- Our current balance in our account is $2,029.46 (as of 12/05/12
- We voted to pay our property taxes due; $1,870.60.

This still leaves unpaid bills, which we will be able to pay once the pool is opened.
We want to thank all of you for believing in the pool by showing your overwhelming support. This entire project has been full of ups and downs. We're staying positive and not giving up hope to finish this project so that we can enjoy the pool again with our families and friends.
Please always feel free to contact me should you have any questions at
Take care,
Tracy Diaz
Pres. S.G. Swim Club


November 10th Grand Opening POSTPONED

Hi Everyone -
       Due to unforeseen circumstances we will need to postpone our planned "Volunteer Appreciation/Grand Opening" that was scheduled for Saturday, November 10th, 2012. Please note on your calendars that we will be rescheduling for early April, 2013; we will be sending out the date to everyone in January.
Please note that the pool will be opening within the next few weeks for the following activities -
• Swim Lessons (*discounted prices for members!)
• Swim Team Instructional Clinic/Training
• Water Polo Clinic - will start up Jan 2013
• Lap Swimming throughout the year - we are working on a schedule
• Open for parties - throughout the year

A newsletter with more information will be coming out soon and for more information, always check our Website with up-to-date news.
Thank you everyone for your support this year. We are looking forward to a long, extended Swim Season for membership for summer of 2013; details to come out early 2013 for dates.
As always, please feel free to reach me anytime at
Thank you,
Tracy Diaz


Dear S.G. Board, Members and Swim Team -
       Julio, Jessica, Jimmy and I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your overwhelming generosity and the show of support! Your generosity will definitely help to purchase many of our tools that were stolen from the club.
We have come a long way together, even tough we had a "few" bumps in the road during the construction of our beloved "Southgate Swim Club Pool", but we pushed though together. This show of support has brought our community closer in a way that makes our family so proud to have the opportunity be a part of it.
Our dream now is for all of you and your families to reap the rewards of "all of our" hard work. Without the support of everyone we would not be where we are today. Many families stepped up and sacrificed countless hours, blood, sweat, tears and donations... You gave us the encouragement needed to push forward!
Looking forward to enjoy all the rewards with everyone!
Julio, Tracy, Jessica & Jimmy


November 10th Grand Opening Party!!!
       Our Grand Opening Party is set for Saturday, November 10th, from 12pm to 3pm. Please RSVP by November 5th. Lunch will be offered for $5 per plate of spaghetti, salad, & bread.
-- Fundraiser: There will be a bake sale & donations of baked goods are needed.
Highest bidder will be the First Person/Family in the pool.
-- Raffle Prizes & tickets will be $1 each.
-- Entertainment: Live Latin Music.
-- Early bird sale for new members for 2013 will be available.

More details to follow...


Highlights of our board meeting on Wednesday, 10/24/12
• Club Clean-up: Saturday October 27th & October 28th from 9am to 1pm.  We need volunteers!!!!
• Electrical needs to be completed before inspection which could be early next week (Oct. 29th)
• Next Meeting is Thursday Nov. 1st 7pm @ the Public Works Building on Kay Avenue.

November 10th Grand Opening Party!!!
       Grand Opening Party is set for Saturday November 10th from 12pm to 3pm. Must RSVP by November 5th. Lunch will be offered for $5 per plate of spaghetti, salad, & bread.
-- Fundraiser: There will be a bake sale & donations of baked goods are needed.
-- Highest bidder will be the First Person/Family in the pool.
-- Raffle Prizes & tickets will be $1 each.
-- Entertainment: Live Latin Music.
-- Early bird sale for new members for 2013 will be available.

More details to follow...

10/13/2012 -- Plaster Completed! -- Photos


Hello Club Members,
       The pool has been plastered and is full of water. We need your help this week!!! We need to brush the new plaster 3 times a day to knock off the rough spots so the pool will be smooth for our tender feet when it's ready for swimming. It's also part of the "curing" process. If you can help please call or email our President Tracy Diaz at as she is setting up the schedule to coordinate workers. -- Lisa Johnson
Brushing the pool (Anytime during these time slots)
• Morning - 8-10am 
• Mid day - 12-3pm
• Evening - 5-8pm

Please let me know what time you are able to come and what day ( - need a schedule from tomorrow, Thurs, Oct 18th thru Sat, Oct 27th.
We also need the following done -
• Clean & pick up all debris (on lawn & around the deck)
• Clean both bathrooms
• I need a painting crew - need someone to spearhead it

Take Care,

Latest Update - 10/10/2012
Daily Review (10/10/12) - Southgate
Hi Everyone -
There is an article in our Wednesday (10/10/2012) Local Daily Review, by Rebecca Parr, regarding our pool.
Thank you everyone for all your support - be it physically helping, financially and with all your encouragement!
Tracy Diaz

Re: Pre-Plaster Inspection **PASSED** 10/05/2012
Last week's progress - Sept 25th - Oct 8th
• Patched concrete for the depth marker tiles/ and railings
• Pre-Plaster Inspection - PASSED - Oct 5t, 2012
• Julio & Chris had to repair the broken fence on side (near where swim shed is), for inspection to pass.
• Break in - Pool was Robbed - Sept 29th Evening or Sept 30th Early Morning - Working on Police Report
• Once Police Report complete will submit to Insurance Company to see if we can recover anything; doubtful

Work planned for week of Oct 9th - Oct 23rd
• Liquid Diamond - Add the plaster - Appt for Sat, Oct 13th
• They will be using Regular White Plaster/ Standard for Commercial Pools
• Working with Eric and Karen - Activities through out the year (swim lessons, Member & non- member lap swimming during the year, Water Polo, Life guard certifications, etc.)
• Hiring Process to start - Looking for guards, office manager, etc.
• Working on 501 (c) status change from "7" to a "3"
• My mom and one of our swim parents are assisting in this. Once our status has changed they will both start working on writing grants for both the swim club and team.

Account Balances (as of 10/09/12)
Total Account Balance is - $ 6,170.53
Outstanding Costs (Estimates) -

• Payment to Liquid Diamond once water in pool - $3,000 - Due 10/13/12 
• Purchase chemicals for pool (Chlorine, etc.) - Approx. Cost $ 1,800
• Tax Collector - $1,870.61

Inspections left to pass before opening the pool
• Post-Plaster Inspection (inspect plaster, decks, pumps, etc.)
       - City of Hayward Building department
       - Alameda County Health Dept.
• Annual walk through Inspection (this is done annually, but this time will be more in depth checking pumps for large pool and baby pool - safety inspection)
• Alameda County Health Dept.

*** Next meeting - Oct 23rd

Plaster Install Date Saturday 10/13/12
Good Morning Everyone,
Please note that Julio confirmed with Lazaro this morning that the plaster will be installed, Saturday October 13th buy Liquid Diamond.
Take care,

Pre-Plaster Inspection **PASSED** 10/05/2012
Good Afternoon Everyone - Great news to report, finally!
We officially passed the pre-plaster inspection earlier today!!!
The inspector has a few item that he wants addressed, but he did sign off on the permit.
The inspector also questioned the handicap sleeve; John spoke to the inspector; I will report the status at our next meeting Tues, Oct 9th @ 7pm.
The inspector also wants fence repaired where is was kicked in when we were robbed over the weekend; located on the side where the ping pong table area is - the inspector is coming back in two hours to check it - Julio is at Home Depot getting the supplies now to repair the fence now.
Next Steps -
Julio spoke to Lazaro (Liquid Diamond) this morning (as soon as he learned we passed inspection) and is working to setting a date for the plaster install - will discuss at Tues meeting also.
John and Julio…. Thank you so much for meeting with Gary this morning! A Special thank you to all those to came out to help get us to this point…!!!!
I will keep all of you posted -
Tracy Diaz

Hello Southgate Families,
Sadly we have some bad news.
       Sometime in the late night or early this morning (9/30), after the Southgate Swim Team's awards banquet (held at the club on the lawn near the BBQ yesterday evening), Individuals broke into the club by cutting the locks off of the front and side gates. They stole tools, a cement mixer, and several jack hammers. They then cut the lock off of the team shed. After looking to see what's missing, it appears that the only items that were taken were a majority of the pop-up canopies, the sound system, and all the accessories that went with the sound system. According to the investigating officer from Hayward PD these thieves knew what they wanted and knew exactly where to find it.
There was some evidence recovered. We will keep you all posted on the progress of the investigation. In the mean time, the club will contact the insurance company to see if we are covered. We will also contact the news papers and the TV stations who have done stories on the progress of the renovation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tracy (
Thank you,
Tracy Diaz-Dominguez
President Southgate Swim Club

Southgate Pool Meeting - Update Sept 25th, 2012 - Post Meeting Notes
Hi Everyone -
Last week's progress - Sept 10th - 24th
• All unused plumbing material was picked up for return; we should get a check back in a few months (there acct. dept. is back east and is very slow)
• Depth markers on deck added
• Railings installed

Work planned for week of Sept 25th - Oct 9th
• Need to patch some of the concrete for the depth marker tiles/ and railings
• Pre-Plaster Inspection - Set date/ maybe Oct 1st or 2nd
• Liquid Diamond - Add the plaster - Target date after "Pre-Plaster Inspection" completed
• They will be using Regular White Plaster/ Standard for Commercial Pools
• Swim Team Awards Dinner - Scheduled for Sept 29th
       - May have to have in parking lot - for safety reasons
       - Will need to clean parking lot, tables and chairs
• Working with Eric and Karen - Activities throughout the year (swim lessons, Member & non-member lap swimming during the year, Water Polo, Life guard certifications, etc.)

Account Balances (as of 09/25/12)
• Total Account Balance is - $6,916.16
Outstanding Costs (Estimates) - Approx. = $_______________________
• Payment to Liquid Diamond once water in pool - $3,000
• Purchase chemicals for pool (Chlorine, etc.)

Inspections left to pass before opening the pool
• Pre-Plaster Inspection
       - City of Hayward Building department
• Post-Plaster Inspection (inspect plaster, decks, pumps, etc.)
       - City of Hayward Building department
       - Alameda County Health Dept.
• Annual walk through Inspection (this is done annually, but this time will be more in depth checking pumps for large pool and baby pool - safety inspection)
       - Alameda County Health Dept.

*** Next meeting - Oct 9th

Hi Everyone,
We need volunteers this week, Wed, Thurs and Friday (Sept 12, 13 and 14th) to help - 5pm - 7pm
• Clean up inside the pool
• Wash down decks and interior of pool
• Get everything ready for plastering
• Plumbing Help needed - 4pm - 7pm

Work planned for week of Sept 10th - Sept 16th -
• Returning all unused plumbing material for reimbursement
• Liquid Diamond - Add the plaster - Target date Week of Sept 17th

Last week's progress - Sept 3rd - Sept 9th
• Pre-Concrete Inspection - Postponed to 9/18
Account Balances (as of 09/10/12) -
• Total Account Balance is - $10,871.60
     - Club Construction Fund - $9,898.03
     - Pool Operational Fund - $973.57

       Our volunteers are working tirelessly to finish the project in time to get the pool open before the end of the summer season. Once the pool is open, we will immediately have a meeting to confirm how long the season will be extending to so that all of us can enjoy the pool before winter creeps back in. As always, everyone is welcome to come to our meetings.
** Next Meeting is, Tues, Sept 25th at 7pm - Location is at Southgate Swim Club.

Help Needed at the Swim Club - Saturday (9/1) & Sunday (9/2)
Hello Members,
       Our plans have changed and we do need help this weekend at the pool. We are trying to get ready so that the plaster can be put in the pool on Tuesday. If you have some time to spare and want to lend a hand, please email Julio at to verify what times they will be there working. We thank all of you who have come out to help with this very large overwhelming project. We are so close to being finished!!!!
Work to be done this weekend:
     -Clean up inside the pool
     -Wash down decks and interior of pool
     -Get everything ready for plastering on Tues, Sept 4th

Thank you,
Lisa Johnson

Southgate Pool Update - 08.27.12 Meeting
Hi Everyone,
We need volunteers this week, Wed, Thurs. and Friday (Aug 29, 30,31) to help - 5pm - 7pm
• Clean up inside the pool
• Wash down decks and interior of pool
• Get everything ready for plastering on Tues., Sept 4th
• Plumbing Help needed - 4pm - 7pm

Work planned for week of Aug 27th - 31st (no work Sept 1st - 3rd)
• Returning all unused plumbing material for reimbursement - Once the pub has been installed
• Liquid Diamond - Add the plaster - Target date -  Tues., Sept 4th
• Order LED Lights for pool
• Order Wheelchair sleeve (for lift)

Last week's progress Aug 20th - Aug 26th
• Pre Concrete Inspection - Passed 08/24/12
• Pour Concrete - Set for Sat, Aug 25th @ 8am - DONE
• Footprints - Great turn out - raised $1,450

Account Balances (as of 08/27/12)
• Total Account Balance is - $11,360.32
     - Club Construction Fund - $10,051.34
     - Pool Operational Fund - $1,308.98

       Our volunteers are working tirelessly to finish the project in time to get the pool open before the end of the summer season. Once the pool is open, we will immediately have a meeting to confirm how long the season will be extending to so that all of us can enjoy the pool before winter creeps back in. As always, everyone is welcome to come to our weekly meetings every Monday at 7pm - Location is at Southgate Swim Club

Footprints in the Cement
Hello Club Members and Swim Team families,
       We want to thank everyone who participated yesterday in our "Footprints in the Cement" at Southgate.  We raised $1,450 towards our pool repairs and now have many family memories forever imbedded in our cement. *** SEE PHOTOS ***
Thanks so much to all,
Lisa Johnson


Hello Southgate Swim Club Members - This is your last chance to have your child's footprint forever remembered in the cement at Southgate.
       We will be doing footprints SATURDAY morning (8/25/12) at 11:00 a.m. SHARP. If you did not reserve a spot with me, you can still take your child to the club at 11:00 a.m. SHARP and have their footprint put in the wet cement. Tomorrow is the only day the cement will be wet so it's your one and only chance.
The cost is $25 per footprint. If you decide to go, please park outside the lot on the street as there will be cement trucks and lots of activity going on. Please walk into the parking lot and look for Tracy Diaz. She will be coordinating the footprints.
Thank you,
Lisa Johnson

Footprints in the Cement $25
Hello Club Members,
       At tonight's meeting we voted to offer our members a chance to have their children's footprints (and family name) in the cement to be forever remembered by our membership.
We are (hopefully) pouring cement this Saturday as a last step before getting the pool re-plastered and filled with water. We would like to offer all members a chance to have their children's footprint and name listed in the wet cement. We are hopeful this will happen this Saturday, August 25th. We will notify you later in the week if and what time it will happen...
If you are interested in having your child's footprints in the cement at the pool please let me know ASAP!!! Please send an email to me at and we'll put you down on our list. Remember it is only $25 and you'll be able to see that footprint forever.
Taking reservations now!!! Limited footprints available...
Thank you,
Lisa Johnson

Chabot Flea Market Results
Hello Southgate Members,
       I have the totals for today's fundraiser at the Chabot Flea Market. We made $723.86. I want to thank everyone who donated to the flea market. I also want to thank Roy Braun for letting us use his trailer to collect donations and for bringing it to the flea market this morning.
For the volunteers who helped today, a HUGE thank you!!! Sheryl, Chuck & Jake Hallinan, Crystal & Roy Braun, Karen Dinatale, Susan, Nicholas & Justin Dodemaide, Joanna Houghtelling, Carol Setinek, Darlene Gantz, Paige & Kaylin Adza, Tracy Diaz, Jimmy & Jessica Dominguez, Marissa Ramirez, and Emily Ford.
I want to thank Jimmy, Jessica and Marissa. They sold water and soda during the day adding $102.50 to our total. The soda and waters were donated by Tracy, Crystal and Andrea.
So our grand total for the day was $826.36.
Again, thank you to everyone who made this possible. It would not have been so successful without everyone's help.
Andrea Ford

Saturday - Aug 18th ***NEED VOLUNTEERS***
Importance: High
Hi Everyone,
       Please note that we did not make our deadline to have the inspection today, Friday Aug 17th - so we had to move the concrete pour to Sat, Aug 25th.
I know we have a lot going on tomorrow, Rummage Sale, Sat, Aug 18th, but Julio will need help both Saturday and Sunday to finish the following -
• Remove the diving board/ fill hole with gravel
• Insert the remaining rebar around the perimeter of the pool
• Install/ set both the diving block sleeves and the flag pole sleeves
     - These will need to be accurately installed and set in concrete before the pour to assure they do not move

Please see if you, your friends or neighbors could assist.
Also, if anyone could bring down some food: Snacks, Sandwiches, Fruit, etc., that would be great. I will be at Chabot helping with the rummage sale and won't be able to provide lunch this time. Jimmy told me yesterday there isn't any more water at the pool either so I will try and get some after work.

Thank you so very much!!!


Hi Everyone,
       First, we have wonderful news!!! The Houghtelling Family has generously offered the Club a Loan in the amount of $10,000.00 to complete the repairs on the pool and get it up and running!
Our volunteers are working tirelessly to finish the project in time to get the pool open before the end of the summer season. Once the pool is open, we will immediately have a meeting to confirm how long the season will be extending to so that all of us can enjoy the pool before winter creeps back in. As always, everyone is welcome to come to our weekly meetings every Monday at 7pm - Location is at Southgate Swim Club.
Please see below the most current updates:
Last week's progress Aug 6th - Aug 12th
• Pool Pump - Fill hole with sand/ concrete - platform where pump will sit
     - Hole is ready for concrete to be poured
• Blue Tiles - Paid Jose the agreed upon $2K; please see signed contract attached.
• Fill trenches -
     - Fill with the recycled crush gravel/ sweep decks into ditches - DONE
     - Julio will need a few people to help adding and tying in the needed cross rebar prior to pouring the cement on the deck.
     - Holes completed for rebar on deck
• Skimmers - Liquid Diamond came and finished the Skimmers

Work planned for week of Aug 13th - Aug 19th
Volunteers Needed - We will need volunteers both at the pool and Chabot College
     - Pool - We will need people to help (mostly labor work)
     - Chabot College - We will need volunteers to help run the booths (we have two side/ by side)
• Pool Pump - Check with John if this needs to be installed to pass the "pre-concrete inspection"
• Cross Rebar & gravel - Large majority of gravel complete/ still need more help
     - Need help to install the rebar
• Pre-Concrete Inspection - Target date is Friday, Aug 17th
• Diving Board - Need to officially vote at today's meeting to remove board; was tabled to vote at next meeting; 08.13.12
• Pour Concrete - Set for Sat, Aug 18th @ 8am
• Returning all unused Plumbing material for reimbursement

Fundraiser - Chabot College "Aug 18th"
• We are currently accepting donations
• Someone should be at the pool daily, but it would be better to let us know ahead of time so that we can let the volunteers know to expect you.

Account Balances (as of 08/12/12)
• Total Account Balance is - $7,206.94
     - Club Construction Fund - $6,544.81
     - Pool Operational Fund - $662.13

Outstanding Costs (Estimates) -  Approx. = $9,265.32
• Concrete - $2,100 (18 yards)
• Labor (6 Finishers + Pump) = $1,500
     - We will need volunteers this day also
• Reimbursement to Julio - $565.32
     - (supplies from weeks of July 30th and Aug 6th)
• Pool Lights (LED) cost approx. - $2,100
     - $300 each
• Payment to Liquid Diamond once water in pool - $3,000

Tracy Diaz

Notice to all Members - Diving Board
Hello Everyone -
       It was brought to our attention by the Inspector for the Alameda County Health Department that our diving board is no longer up to code and will need to be corrected or removed completely. We wanted to let you know that at our next board meeting, Monday, Aug 13th, 2012 we will make our official vote regarding the diving board. We welcome everyone to come to the meeting should you have any questions or concerns.
Please note the facts at this point:
Diving Board -
• Diving Board prior to our remodel fell under the "grandfather clause" when we would have our annual inspections.
• Current condition of the diving board -
     - The base of the diving board is cracked down the middle

• Our Current General Contractor that has offered to help us through all of our inspections and sign off on everything will NOT sign off on a diving board; honestly I do not blame him.
• Anyone involved with purchasing, installing, etc. is leaving themselves open for liability should anyone get hurt on the diving board.
• To purchase a new diving board - cost is approx. - $6K +
• Keeping the Diving Board - We would need the following -
     - Licensed Contractor willing to sign off with both the Alameda Health Department and Hayward Building Dept. to accept all liability for the diving board

     - They would need to pull the permits and coordinate installment, etc.
     - Make sure everything is up to current code
     - Raise the funds for the purchase of a new Diving Board & Base (please note approx. cost is $6K+)
Should anyone have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at
Thank you,
Tracy Diaz

Last week's progress July 30th - Aug 5th
• Pool Pump - Fill hole with sand/ concrete - platform where pump will sit
     - This has been tabled to week of Aug 6th
• Blue Tiles - Jose "tile guy" started 7/23 to fix tiles - DONE Aug 4th
     - Need to issue a check to Jose "Tile Guy" for $2,000.00 - Approved - 08.06.12 to issue check
• Julio picked up 3 needed boxes of the blue tiles - DONE
• John bought the rest of the black tile - DONE
• Missing a few of the depth markers; John is getting them
• Fill trenches -
     - We will need volunteers to start filling the ditches with 4 inches of sand. - DONE
     - Fill with the recycled crush gravel/ sweep decks into ditches
• Need a little more to do
     - Julio will need a few people to help adding and tying in the needed cross rebar prior to pouring the cement on the deck.
     - Once the ditches are filled and the rebar is installed we will be doing our second inspection with the city
• Skimmers - These have been cemented in and ready for Liquid Diamond to put tiles

Work planned for week of Aug 6th - Aug 12th
• Pool Pump - Fill hole with sand/ concrete - platform where pump will sit
• Cross Rebar & gravel - Julio will need a few people to help adding and tying in the needed cross rebar prior to pouring the cement on the deck.
     - Once this is complete we will be doing our second inspection with the city
• Install Pump
• Skimmers - Liquid Diamond coming Aug 9th to install the tiles on the skimmers
• Diving Board
     - Need to vote to keep it or remove it - Tabled to vote at next meeting; 08.13.12 *** Please check for separate email to vote regarding removal of diving board

Goal - Next inspection we are shooting for (08/15/12)
Bank Balances - As of Aug 5th, 2012
- Pool Repair Fund - $8544.81
- Club Operations Fund - $871.12
- Total bank bal. is $9415.93
- Bills holding - $279 approx. for dumpsters

Donations needed in the amount of $10,000 = Every donation (large or small) counts…
     • 200 people/ companies donated $50 = $10,000
     • 100 people/ companies donated $100 = $10,000
     • 50 people/ companies donated $200 = $10,000
     • 25 people/ companies donated $400 = $10,000

We are almost there…! Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Tracy Diaz at
Thank you!
Tracy Diaz

Last week's progress July 23rd - 29th
• Plumbing & Electrical Inspection - ***Passed preliminary inspections 07/27/12***
     - Plumbing Permit #BI2012-1419 - request for underground inspection of - #159
     - Electrical Permit #BI2012-1718 - request for underground inspection of - #149
          ^ Need to assure that electrical systems/ lighting are properly installed, bonded and grounded

Work planned for week of July 30th - Aug 5th
• Pool Pump - Fill hole with sand/ concrete - platform where pump will sit
• Pool Tiles - Jose "tile guy" started 7/23 to fix tiles
     - Julio picking up 3 needed boxes of the blue tiles
     - John bought the rest of the black tile
     - Fill the ditches with 4 inches of sand.
     - Fill with the recycled crush gravel/ sweep decks into ditches
     - Julio will need a few people to help tie in the needed cross rebar prior to pouring the cement on the deck.
     - Once the ditches are filled and the rebar is installed we will be doing our second inspection with the city - Goal is Thurs., Aug 2nd
• INSPECTION #2 - Pre-concrete (City of Hayward only) **hopefully by Aug 3rd** (Once this is cleared then we will be ready for the final inspections with both the City and Health Dept.)
     - Cover all the trenches/ install decking rebar/ install all needed bonding. Then we will move forward with the next inspection:
     - Swimming Pool pre deck inspection #120
     - Any pool equipment filters, pumps, gas fired equipment etc. being replaced will need -
     - Electrical #141
     - Mechanical #163

Construction Fund and Pool Operating Fund Balances - ***We need at least another $10,000***
• Pool Construction Fund - Balance $9,297.22 *(as of 07/29/12)
     - Outstanding Expenses:
          ^ Need to purchase lights (LED) will cost approx. $2,100 (they are $300 each)
          ^ Concrete skimmers and deck approx. $5,000 *(already purchased forms)
          ^ Payment to Liquid Diamond - $3K once water in
          ^ Tile Installment - $2,000 (Pam please confirm this amount)
• Pool Operating Fund - Balance $871.12 *(as of 07/29/12)
     - These funds are needed to purchase the water to fill the pool, buy the chlorine and chemicals needed


Donations needed in the amount of $10,000 = Every donation (large or small) counts…
     • 200 people/ companies donated $50 = $10,000
     • 100 people/ companies donated $100 = $10,000
     • 50 people/ companies donated $200 = $10,000
     • 25 people/ companies donated $400 = $10,000

We are almost there…! Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Tracy Diaz at
Thank you!
Tracy Diaz

City Inspection - PASSED!! 07-27-12
       I just received the call from John Sydow and Julio, our preliminary inspection with the City of Hayward Building Dept. passed today; YEAH!!!
As many of you know, I have been back and forth with the building dept. for over a week trying to set this appointment. This morning (7:30am) they ended up changing our inspector to a very nice gentleman. Here are the details of the inspection -
INSPECTION #1 *Passed 07/27/12*
I made the appointment for - (Prior to concrete) - Friday, July 27th
• Plumbing Permit #BI2012-1419 - request for underground inspection of - #159
• Electrical Permit #BI2012-1718 - request for underground inspection of - #149
     - To assure that electrical systems/ lighting are properly installed, bonded and grounded

Next we will need volunteers to start filling the ditches with dirt and gravel. Julio will need a few people to help adding and tying in the needed cross rebar prior to pouring the cement on the deck. Once the ditches are filled and the rebar is installed we will be doing our second inspection with the city -
Once this is approved, then ~ Cover all the trenches/ install decking rebar/ install all needed bonding. Then we will move forward with the next inspection:
• Swimming Pool pre-deck inspection #120
• Any pool equipment filters, pumps, gas fired equipment etc. being replaced will need -
     - Electrical #141
     - Mechanical #163

Once this is cleared then we will be ready for the final inspections with both the City and Health Dept.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Take care,
Tracy Diaz

Pool Renovation Update
July 16th - 22nd Progress
• Steps are in the deep end. Plumbing & Electrical Inspection is set for Tuesday July 24th.
• Two pressure tests were performed on the plumbing & two small leaks were found & fixed.
• Pool was cleaned & pressure tested.

Week of July 23rd
• John Sydow is checking on the status of the pool pump.
• Jose the tile guy is redoing ALL of the blue tiles. Two boxes of tiles have been on back order for 3 weeks.
• AFTER passing inspection trenches need to be filled in with sand & then get ready to lay the concrete.

• Chevys dinner - July 11th - Proceeds will take at least 6 weeks for results/check
• Hayward Street Fair - July 19th - Raffle Proceeds $190
• Chabot College Flea Market - August 18th - Will be collecting donations one week prior. More info to follow.
• Lenny Weirsma - Swim Team Alumni donated $500.

Questions OR Volunteering Info contact Tracy Diaz at

Hello Swim Club Members,
       Below is an update on the pool and what upcoming fundraising events we have planned. We are still looking for volunteers! If you have some extra time please come by the club to help with the below jobs!
Last week's progress July 9t - 15th
     • Electrical - installation started and a good part is now complete
     • Plumbing - Plumbing around the pool has been completed now working on pump room connection.
     • Main Drain - 4" PVC has been installed and connected to the external plumbing. The cement has been paid to close the whole.

Work planned for week of July 16th - 22nd
     • Plumbing - Complete installation & set up appointment for inspectors (Health and City) *Target date is Tues., July 24
     • Electrical work - Complete installation & set up appointment for inspectors (Health and City) *Target date is Tues., July 24

Fundraising - Upcoming Events
     - Hayward Street Fair - Thurs., July 19th @ 5:30pm
     - Hayward Street Party - Thurs., Aug 16th @ 5:30pm
     - Chabot College Flea Market - Aug 18th

Jobs for week of July 16th - July 22nd
     - Sweep and remove all debris from inside of pool (getting it ready for plaster to be put in)
     - Pressure wash inside of pool
     - Install steps (in deep end where railings will be)
     - Light casings - need to grout the backs to seal them in (in the ditch)

*** Next meeting is Monday, July 23rd at 7:00pm - at Southgate Swim Club
Southgate Board

Hello Members,
Our next meeting is Monday 7/16 at 7:00pm at Southgate Swim Club. We will be discussing where we are on construction, how you can help and fundraising opportunities!
See you there!
Southgate Swim Club Board

Hello Members!
Below is information from the meeting on 7/9. Our next meeting will be on Monday, 7/16, 7:00pm, at Southgate Swim Club.
Last week's progress July 2nd - 8th
       • Electrical Permits - Approved 07/05/12
       • Plumbing - Large amount has been completed
       • Main Drain - has been opened and the pipes have been replaced with the required 4" PVC and connected to the external plumbing.
       • Electrical - being installed
       • Boy Scout Troop 110 (from Union City) - came and sanded and painted all the picnic tables (with the exception of two of them. They also helped with other projects - digging and cleaning debris

Work planned for week of July 9th - 15th
       • Pool Pump - John Sydow ordered 07/09/12 (EQK-750) - approx. $4,078.78 *takes 2 weeks for delivery; they are "made to order"* The entire cost of the pump is graciously being donated by one of our Swim Team Families
       • Plumbing - Complete installation & set up appointment for inspectors (Health and City)
       • Electrical work - Complete installation & set up appointment for inspectors (Health and City)
       • Fundraising - Plan and set dates
                   - Chevys dinner - July 11th @ 4pm - 9pm
need to bring your flyer)
                   - Chabot College Flea Market - Aug 18th

Pool's Construction Fund Balance (Approximate)
       • $12,730.82 - Crystal's balance as of 07/02/12
       • $10,530.26 - Approx. balance (07/09/12)

Other outstanding expenses
       • Owe John Sydow - approx. $1000 - for materials he purchased and delivered to the pool
       • Lights (LED) will cost approx. $2,100 (they are $300 each)
       • Concrete skimmers and deck approx. $6,000
       • Payment to Liquid Diamond - $3K once water is in pool

       Great turn out and great progress today. Thanks to everyone who came out to help. I wish we could of got a picture of everyone who was there (see new photos).
We were successful in removing the existing deep end drain pipe and digging the trench and shaft for the new 4" PVC drain system called for in the plans. This was a big undertaking and hopefully the last major excavation and demolition.
The plumbers also made great progress in connecting the skimmers, returns and running the pipes back to the pump house.
Big thanks to the Boy Scout Troop 110 for refinishing the picnic tables. They look great. Look for pictures to be posted soon on their web site (
The electricians also made great progress this past week. Great progress made on all the tasks on the list.
There is still plenty more to do keep helping we are getting closer.
Thanks again
Tom Giles

Southgate Swim Club Needs You!
Dear Southgate Swim Club Members:
       As you know that we are close to getting the pool operational, but to be able to do this we need your help this weekend. Listed below is what is going to be done this weekend. Any help from everyone will get the club opening sooner.
TIME 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
For swim team parents if you can please come after swim meet to help. Below we have listed several items the need to be completed this weekend - hopefully all on Saturday so everyone can have a break on Sunday.
If you can't help please bring food or drinks for workers Volunteer Assignments
1. Boy Scouts - repair & paint picnic tables (work done on lawn back by Alameda county fence).
2. Dirt Removal - shovel the balance of dirt and remove to parking lot in pile.
3. Wood Removal - pile up against wall on side of BBQ against ladies restroom. Move wood in bathrooms.
4. Sweep cement area and clean up all garbage around entire area.
5. All garbage cans to empty in dumpsters and stack up neatly.
6. Sand needs to be shoveled and placed around drench areas - will be directed by plumbers.
7. Office needs to be painted.
8. Move the lockers one set into each bathroom.
9. Clean out bathrooms, pile all tools in one area for easy access.
Michael A. Weavil

The following is a quick update from our weekly meeting we had yesterday, Mon, July 2nd:
*** Volunteers are needed to help with our pool Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm & Sat - Sun 8am - 5pm. If you have a couple of hours or so to lend a hand please contact Tracy Diaz at
Week of July 2 - July 8th:
     - We will need to purchase the pump
     - Working on installing the plumbing
     - Target for first inspection to pass plumbing will be Monday, July 9th
     - Working on installing the electrical
     - Boy Scout Troop 110 planning to donate their time to repair all the wooden picnic tables and sand and paint them to be ready for when the pool opens. They are looking to do this Sat, July 7th

Last weeks progress:
     - All the plaster has been removed
     - The crack in the shallow end has been repaired
     - The rebar for the skimmers was completed and the skimmers installed
     - All the dirt from the trenches has been moved to the grass parking lot and the sand to fill the plumbing drenches moved pool side
     - Les Fohl (Hayward Realtor) - sent out a notice with his monthly newsletter asking for help and donations for our pool; he donated this.

Our next meeting will be Monday, July 9, 7:00pm, at Southgate Swim Club!

The following is a quick update from our weekly meeting of Monday, 6/26:
     *** Volunteers are needed to help with our pool Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm & Saturday & Sunday 8am to 5pm. If you have a couple of hours or so to lend a hand or while your swimmer is at practice please contact Tracy Diaz at We are also in need of plumbers.
Week of June 25 - July 1:
     - fix/ cement the crack near shallow end
     - finish adding rebar where skimmers will be installed
     - adding 6" of sand in trench so that plumbing can be installed
     - fish the casing for the lights (all 7)
     - remove the last remaining corners with plaster

Last week's progress:
     - 99% of plaster removed
     - all 7 old lights (in the pool) have been removed and new casings are being installed this week
     - trenches were measured and dug to the needed 27" deep to instal the plumbing
     - plumbing material ordered and delivered; with exception of a few items on back order

Our next meeting will be Monday, July 2nd, 7:00pm at Southgate Swim Club!
Take Care,


Hello Swim Club Members!
We will have a Board/Swim Club Member meeting tonight (Monday, 6/25) at 7:00pm at Southgate Swim Club.
Topics to be discussed:
1. Construction update - what has been completed and what will be worked on this upcoming week.
2. Volunteers - How you can can help, projects that need to be completed.
3. Fundraising
Please plan on attending this meeting, the more people we have attending the meeting the more information we can get out to our members and the more volunteers we can get to the pool to help with the completion of the pool!!
Reminder - the pool is an active construction zone, please keep young children at home.
Southgate Swim Club Board

Hi Everyone-
Sat, June 23 - I want to personally thank everyone who made it out to help dig the trenches, chip the plaster and clean around the pool.
*** Sun, June 24 - We will need a lot of volunteers again to help with finishing digging the trenches, adding sand to prepare for the plumbing installation. Help finish last of chipping the plaster. Help finish repairing the crack in the shallow end. Help add the rebar for the skimmer instal.
Thank you everyone!! We are getting there!
Take Care,

Dear Southgate Families,
       If you haven't heard, we are very close to getting all the work done at the swimming pool, but we still need your help. There is a lot to do and every person that helps is another step closer in opening soon. If you can't shovel or move plaster, there are other things you can do. If you or your family are available, please let me know. There will be people at the swim club from 9am on Saturday & Sunday this weekend.
Some of the things that can be done:
*Fix the chairs
*cleaning club grounds
*cleaning up pool debris
*water plants
*sanding and painting picnic tables
*painting club building

If you are able to help out please contact Tracy Diaz at or contact me.
Please come out and pitch in. This is your club as well!
Michael A. Weavil
Southgate Swim Club, President

Current Construction Update (June 19, 2012)
We have hired a new contractor effective Sat, June 16th - Liquid Diamond (they are located in Ripon, CA). They will be doing the following:
     • Helping to chip plaster/ supplying 6 guys/ jackhammers and large compressor (this is at no fee - they worked from 8am - 4pm)
     • Purchasing eight new skimmers - Done (at the pool - 06.14.12)
     • Installing the eight skimmers (does not include the plumbing)
     • Completing all of the tile work in the pool
     • New plaster for the entire pool

Liquid Diamond has agreed to the following payment plan:
     • First payment - $10,000.00 - paid June 16, 2012
     • Second Payment - $3,000.00 - once water is in the pool
     • Following $7,000.00 will be as a payment plan:
            - 1st payment - Aug 15, 2012 - $1,400.00
            - 2nd payment - Sept 15, 2012 - $1,400.00
            - 3rd payment - Oct 15th, 2012 - $1,400.00
            - 4th payment - Nov 15th, 2012 - $1,400.00
            - Final payment - Dec 15th, 2012 - $1,400.00

We are getting quotes for the plumbing material and hope to have everything purchased and start installing by June 22nd. We are working on pricing out the parts for the electrical and talking to the city for their approval.
*** We need more plumber volunteers
*** We need more electrician volunteers
*** We need volunteers during the week and this weekend to help. There should be someone at the pool Monday through Friday - 8am - 5pm, Sat and Sun - 8am - 5pm (times may vary). Please call Julio the day before to let him know if you will be there - his cell is (510) 688-6514
Sat and Sunday we need volunteers to
     - Clean around the pool grounds
     - Gardening/ watering plants
     - Replacing the straps on the lawn chairs
     - Cleaning debris

Recent Donations
     - $1,000 - Adza Family - June 14th
     - $4,000 - Brian Gantz's father - June 18th

We have raised the $10K and the anonymous donor has matched the $10K. We still need to raise approximately $30,000 to finish the pool and have enough money for operating expenses to get the pool up and running.
Please note this amount is attainable:
• 100 people/ companies @ $300 each = $30,000
• 200 people/ companies @ $150 each = $30,000

Please feel free to contact Tracy Diaz should you have any questions at

Hi Everyone,
       I wanted to urge all of you to try your best to be at the meeting tomorrow night, Monday, Jun 18th at 7pm. We will meet at the Club.
Also, I can't stress enough how IMPORTANT communication is. I am very thankful that Felix asked Julio & I to be at the Swim Team Parent meeting on Thursday night. Many of the parents said they were not aware that we still needed help. We had a chance to speak to everyone (thank you Patricia Molina). We need everyone to talk about the pool. Keep up to date, read your emails we send, talk to your friends, neighbors, barista at Starbucks, your job, even the checker at foodmaxx. We need the word to get around.
Everyone - we need plumbers and electricians to help... This week and the following week.
See you soon,
Tracy & Julio

Dear Southgate Families,
       At this time we are currently working hard to get the pool open ASAP. To do that we are in need of some volunteers for this Saturday, June 16th. If you or your family are available, please let me know. We are trying to divide the workload into 2-3 hour shifts with 4-5 people per shift, so no one has to give up their whole Saturday.
The shifts are as follow:
• 8:00am - 11:00am
• 11:00am - 2:00pm
• 2:00pm - 5:00pm

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Michael A. Weavil
Southgate Swim Club, President

Hi Everyone - hope you're all well!
       Sorry for not sending an update in over a week, we have been very busy. I want to catch everyone up who were not able to make the meeting on Monday.
Sergio Valencia is no longer the contractor on the job site. Unfortunately he misrepresented himself and is not the true owner of Agua Bella. We have been in contact with the true owner, Elizabeth Valencia. She is helping us with what she can to help finish this project.
We are also hiring a new contractor, Liquid Diamond. They will be installing all the skimmers, helping to complete all the tiles and putting the plaster in the pool. They know our situation and are trying to help also. They have discounted the work and offered the following payment plan-
$20,000 total -- (1st payment) $10,000, when job complete & water in the pool (2nd payment) $3,000. Remaining $7,000 will be made in payments over a five month period.
They will also be coming on Saturday with a large compressor and five guys to help us chip the remaining plaster (they are not charging for this). They will also help to be a consultant on the remainder of the work.
We will be completing the remainder of the work ourselves. Please let us know if would be able to help with the installation of the Plumbing and the Electrical. We will need as many specialists as we can find. We will finish this pool and are working hard to get this done.
We still need to raise approximately $30,000 to finish the pool and have enough money for operating expenses. Please note this amount is attainable:
     • 100 people/ companies @ $300 each = $30,000
     • 200 people/ companies @ $150 each = $30,000

We just received another large donation form the Adza family in the amount of $1,000!
I want to personally thank all of you who are helping to support this project. Our family loves this pool so much and we will not stop until Southgate Swim Club is open again!
Tracy Diaz-Dominguez
Fundraiser Chair

Hello Club Members!
       The plans have been approved and the permits have been pulled. There was a team that installed the tiles along the upper edge of the pool, the lane lines and the turn "cross" points on the walls [see photos]. The board will be meeting with Sergio Wed night to review his plan, the finish date and settle any other questions or issues.
We still need you to keep up your efforts with fundraising and volunteering at the pool!! Remember all donations are appreciated and needed and every hour volunteering at the pool makes a huge difference!!
Thank you!
Southgate Board Members

Hello Southgate Club Members
Are you in town this weekend? Come by the pool to volunteer and help out! We will be working on Saturday (5/26) so bring a shovel, rake and work gloves.
Permit update:
       We just got the long awaited call from Sergio from Aqua Bella; Newton (Alameda County Health Department) has approved the plans and all the requested spec-sheets that Sergio provided today. We are so close to completing this obstacle!!

Volunteers update:
       Over the weekend we had about 15 students from Mt Eden come to the club to volunteer. They helped clear all of the brush on the side of the building (the other side of the wall where the ping ball table is). They also helped digging where the new electrical will go.

Lifeguard update:
       Karen, Robert and Bob (board members) met with all the lifeguards to collect all of their paperwork. They also went over all the pool, party and guest rules. They reviewed with them the procedures regarding Hazmat training.

Thank you!
Southgate Board Members

       Pool work continues this weekend, Saturday & Sunday (5/19 & 20) -- WE NEED HELP! -- bring shovel, rake, hammer, etc. Please come lend a hand. Questions contact Tracy Diaz at See you there!
Also ...
       We're looking for someone who has access to free or discounted paint. Lots of painting needs to be done at the club and we'd like to do it as inexpensively as possible. Please contact Tracy Diaz at
Thanks in advance for your help!

Southgate Swim Club Needs You
Hello Swim Club Families,
I am Michael Weavil, your current President and Volunteer Coordinator. I know that several members have been putting in a lot of time at the Club to help with the cleanup and repair of our beloved pool. But for us to open the Club at the end of the month, we need more help and would like to ask for volunteers to come to the club and help out. Here is what is need for us to focus on this week and weekend.
1. Yard Maintenance and Cleanup
- general yard maintenance
- load chipped and branches from trees in trucks to be dumped
- Rake grass area of dirt so we can cut the lawn

2. Fix & Clean up Bathrooms
- fix the locks girls bathroom
- move stalls out another 6" to 1'
- fix toilets

3. Paint interior and exterior
4. Fix all of the outdoor furniture
- replace all broken straps on lawn chairs
- clean and paint tables

5. Take inventory before we open
-Katie went through and cleaned and organized
     - the supply cabinets
     - the office
     - there is a list of supplies we will need

As you can see there is still a lot of work that needs to be done and we need your help. For this week, we will need people for the following days:
• Wednesday 5.9.12 afternoon
• Thursday 5.10.12 afternoon
• Friday 5.11.12 afternoon
• Saturday 5.12.12 9am - 4pm

If you are able to help out a couple of hours or all day, please let me know so I can plan ahead and layout the workload for those days. Please check the office window for a list of items that will need to be worked on for that day.
I will put out a requested volunteer schedule for next week this Sunday. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Michael A. Weavil

Hello Club Members!
May Board Meeting
When: Monday, May 7th at 7pm
Where: Public Works Building on Kay Avenue
Who: YOU! We will have updates on the status of the pool, information about our fundraising efforts and much more!

Below is our schedule for the pool repairs for this week. We NEED volunteers this weekend! Summer is right around the corner and we want to make sure the pool is ready to go!
Friday, May 4
- Remove plaster from the deep end of the pool.
- Finish rebar in the crack on the shallow end of the pool.

Sat, May 5 ( and Sun) - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!
- We will work on dumping all the green & clean the front of the club.
- Power wash building & bathrooms.
- Chip plaster & clean up

Sun, May 6
- Sergio from Aqua Bella will be putting tile around the pool.

Mon, May 7
- Break the remaining plaster

Wed, May 9
- Plumbing

Thank you everyone for your donations, volunteering and getting the word out about our pool!!
~ Southgate Swim Board Members

Electrical Materials Donation
I wanted to let everyone know that Deanna Murchison (club member & swim team member) was able to get the following donation from - Electrical Contractors Trust of Alameda County.
- $1500.00 - plus some of the list of materials
Thank you Deanna!
As soon as we have the details we will send a tax donation letter.
Take Care,

Here is a quick update;
I spoke to Sergio this afternoon about the status of the permits. He said he did meet with the Engineer last week and the Engineer had a few more questions about the return lines and the suction lines. Sergio met with the Engineer again today and picked up the completed plans and he will be submitting them to the city. I will check with him tomorrow afternoon and let everyone know. We also have our electricians going to help with all of the electrical; I will check the status with my contact tomorrow of the donation if cash/ materials for the electrical part. She was in Washing DC all last week.
We are getting to the point now that all our hard labor is almost done and it's time for Sergio to step in to do his part. Once they start on the pool, our volunteers will start working on the following-
Trimming/maintaining all the landscaping (a lit of this has been done). I want to also fix the entire front yard. We need to clean up and dispose of all the green waste-wood chips, etc.
Fix & Clean up Bathrooms-
     - fix the locks girls bathroom
     - move stalls out another 6" to 1'
     - fix toilets

Paint interior and exterior
Fix all of the out door furniture
     - replace all broken straps lawn chairs
     - clean paint tables

Take inventory before we open-Katie went through and cleaned and organized -
     - the supply cabinets
     - the office
     - there is a list of supplies we will need

I let Sergio know the my deadline to complete this pool is May 11th. We have a lot of work ahead.
Guess this is not so quick; sorry too many items in my head. Let me know if I'm missing anything.
Take Care,

Hi Everyone,
       I want to personally thank everyone for coming out to the pool today. The reporter, Eric Kurhi from the Daily Review, and the photographer both were moved by our story. The story should be in the Sunday paper. I will stay in contact with him to confirm the print date.
Take Care,

Hi Everyone,
       I spoke to Eric Kurhi from the Daily Review today and he is interested in coming down to the pool to do an interview, Tuesday, April 17th at 5:30pm - please be there around 5pm. Again, I will need working Volunteers - they want to take pictures and talk to everyone.
Would like representatives from:
Swim Team/Coaches too if you could make it
Members/all ages
Board Members

Thank you Everyone!!!
Tracy Diaz

Our ultimate fundraising goal has increased to $80,000.
       Basically, the first estimate we received from the contractor was approx. $30,000. This was to re-plaster the pool (we were only going to remove the bubbles). He was going to redo all plumbing, new pump and replace all the cement from the 2 ft opening. Once we started pulling all the plaster, more was coming off. This is from the years and years of "patching". As we were working on removing the plaster and cutting the concrete, the cement tiles at the edge of the pool were lifting. This is when we found how horrible the electrical was (rotting, broken, etc.). They had run the electrical right under the cement tiles. This is from the years of wear and tear. All the tiles need replacing and the electrical too.
We are spending and donating a lot of money and back breaking hours to get this pool up and running. We do not want to just patch everything! We want this pool to last another 25+ years! So the additional $18,000 is for the new tiles, replacing all eight skimmers and all the cement around the edges of the pool. Retail price is ($36,000).
So, with the original estimate to raise $50,000, the additional $30,000 is the the cost of getting the pool up and running; including a new sewage meter; our negotiated price with the water district is approx. $3,500 (regular price is $10,000). It is imperative that we get this meter in order to bring our related costs under control.
Friday afternoon the majority of the board approved the additional $18,000 for the new tiles. Please note also that the contractor is floating this additional money, until we can get it raised, at zero % interest!
I know this is a lot of money, but we are determined to make this happen. Going forward, I need everyone to think, talk and stay positive. We WILL do this, we CAN do this!
Please spread the word to your family, your friends, schools, church, work, neighbors - you never know who might be willing to help donate, join the club, etc. The worst thing anyone could say is no. But, remember there may be a few people who would surprisingly say Yes!
-- Tracy

Pool work days this weekend, SATURDAY (14th) & SUNDAY (15th), 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM both days. Please help if you can.

Contact Tracy Diaz at


A huge thank you to the following workers for
April 6

Danny Civello
Mike Civillo
Roy & Daisey Brauns
Julio, Tracy, Jimmy, Andrew
Felix, Felix Jr, Gavin
Tom Giles
Denise (coach) brought yummy cookies
Paige - thank you for lunch!

Hello Everyone
       I would like to say thank you to everyone that has stepped up to make the renovation of the pool happen this year. All the work everyone has done will make the Swim Club a better place for your's and future families to enjoy.
So thank you and have a nice Easter weekend.
Mike Weavil


Club Members -- Volunteers Needed This Thursday & Friday (April 5 & 6)
       We will again be doing work on the pool this Thursday and Friday. If any of you can find the time in your busy schedules to come down for a couple hours and lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated. Can't make a workday? We also need food to help feed our volunteers. Please contact Tracy Diaz at
     Thursday, April 5, from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Friday, April 6, from 9:00am to 5:00pm

We will NOT be working this Saturday and Sunday in observance of Easter.
Thanks in advance for your help!!!
Southgate Swim Club Board


Good Morning Everyone
       Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Julio is going to be working at another job and won't be at the club on those days. I will be scheduling work for Thursday and Friday this week. We will NOT be working Saturday and Sunday in observance of Easter.
Take Care,


Thanks to EVERYONE who helped with the pool work this weekend!

       Please note everyone ---> Julio needs to work at another job Mon & Tues. Sergio will be at the club around 10am doing the excavator; Should anyone want to come by. I took Thurs. off for vacation and I have Friday off. I am going to arrange work days both days.
Also, there will be NO work Sat & Sun (Easter break) everyone needs to be with their family & friends or relax for two days. We can't keep working seven days a week.
We made a lot of progress today. The weather was on our side, with no rain, but was very windy. Our small group is very worn and tired, but like troopers they kept going.
We are currently chipping all of the top layer of plaster off so that we can add the new. We have already filled the dump truck with debris (cement & plaster) and now making a pile in the pool. We will need to make an additional trip to dump it.
All the electrical around the pool is to code. Mike Civiello has agreed to be the lead on our "100% Volunteer Electrician group". Pam also brought Joe Herpe on Friday to help with the planning for the installation of electricity to the pool (for the lights). Joe grew up at the pool and swam on the team for years. Joe is very excited to be a part of this huge project. Joe came back today to talk to Mike and Sergio for the electricity, then changed his clothes and picked up a jack hammer to assist the few other volunteers. Raul Villalobos had agreed to help also for free.
Food & Other Donations-
DiNatale's brought coffee and hot water, for tea, hot chocolate and hot cider.
Felix bought lunch for the group today.
My daughter and I bought drinks, fruit and a variety of snacks for the volunteers.
I want to especially thank the following people for coming and lending the much needed help. Some came in the morning and stayed all day. Others came and helped in either the morning or the afternoon. When the afternoon crew showed up I could see the look of relief on everyone's face that had been there all day. Sergio has been at the pool helping both Sat and Sunday.
Sunday April 1

We started the work day about 9am and ended about 6:30pm
Felix, Felix Jr., Gavin Martinez
Chuck Hallinan
Julio, Tracy, Jessica & Jimmy Ortega/Diaz/Dominguez
Mike & Danny Civiello
Robert, Charlie, Katie, Josiah, Emila DiNatale
David & John Fitzgerald
Jim, Andrea, Emily, Joey Ford
Joe Herpe
Braden (LPS high school student - he came yesterday also to donate time for community hours)

Saturday March 31 

DiNatale family - Breakfast
Pam Laase & Lisa Johnson - Pizza
Carol Setinek - drinks & snacks
Kelvin Jew
Chuck & Sheryl Hallinan
Danny & Mike Civiello
Priscilla, Emila, Charlie, Karen & Katy DiNatale       
Mic Nicholas
Justin Dodemaide

Felix Martinez
Jessica, Jimmy, Tracy & Julio
Luis Luarte (Mt Eden high school)
Lawrence Bocage (Mt Eden high school)
Gilbert Eide (Mt Eden high school)
Carol Setinek
Jocelyn Ward-Haddan
Jim, Andrea, Emily & Joey Ford
Braedon & Tara (LPS high school)

*** So sorry if I missed anyone ***
Thank you again!!! Tracy Diaz

Volunteers Needed This Weekend

       Southgate will again be doing workdays on the repair of the pool this weekend. Please look at the schedule below for times and what to bring. Can't make a workday? We also need food to help feed the volunteers. We have a sample list of food items that would be wonderful to donate this weekend.

Saturday (March 31) - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday (April 1) - 9:00am - 5:00pm
*** Please bring 5 gallon buckets, shovels (with point to dig) and gloves. We have some, but it would be great to have more.
- Examples -
       Water for the whole day
       2 dozen donuts in the morning
       Fruit such as grapes, strawberries, cut up oranges
       Pizza for lunch (maybe several people could each buy one pizza)

Contact Tracy Diaz at Thanks in advance for your help!!!

-- Southgate Swim Club Board Members

We still need pool work volunteers for the rest of this week. The dates are:
Friday (March 30) - Saturday (March 31) - Sunday (April 1)
All days, 9AM to 5PM

The work will be:
- Help break remaining cement from pool to pump room
- Help remove old plaster
- clean up, etc.

Please drop by and lend a hand if at all possible. Julio will be there each day approx. 9am - 5pm. If we all work together, we can get it done! Contact Tracy Diaz at
Thank you! -- Tracy


Photos from Saturday, 3/24/2012


Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all feeling ok today after the work yesterday in the rain!

The latest, The pool now needs all the electrical replaced around the pool and all the lights in the pool replaced.

Julio and I went down to the pool today and met with one of our members who is also an electrician; Raul Villalobos. He is going to do the work for free (we will need to help supply the labor and pay the cost of materials). He is also going to help us by trying to get material we will need donated. Raul also said he would replace all of the outside lighting (the small ones) for free. Raul, Julio and Brian are going to meet with Sergio tomorrow at 1pm at the pool.

Things that need to be discussed -

- Sergio needs to cut the lines in the concrete from the pool to the pumps
- Explain the issue of the electrical (it needs to be fixed up to code)
- Sergio will need to draw up the plans and Raul will get the permits
- Issue regarding replacing all the tiles in the pool and edges of the pool
- Discuss removing all the existing plaster, since 20% was removed yesterday and is in really bad shape
- pump the existing water in the deep end of the pool
- Status of the permits for the plumbing, has been started
- Copy of his License & proof of Current/ paid Bond
- Mike please send all of us on the board a copy of the signed contract with Sergio/Agua Bella

Regarding needed donations, this is what we are looking at as the goal for this year (2012) $50K. We (Crystal & me) will keep track of three markers/graphs

1 - $20K assessment fee-I believe last count we had $10k, so we have the possibility of another $10k (based on 80 members).

2 - $20k = donor funds + match, last count we received $750, the donor sent a match check of $750 = $1,500. Deadline for matching funds is June 30, 2012.

3 - $10K hopefully from organizations.

Take care!



Thanks to EVERYONE who helped with the pool work this week!

Friday, March 23
    Robert & Charlie DiNatale
    Roy & Kyle Brauns
    Bob Houghtelling
    John & Joshua Fitzgerald
    Danny Civiello
    Felix Martinez
    Julio Ortega

Others who came during the week
    Josiah DiNatale
    Mike Weavil - brought water, gloves       

If I missed anyone, I'm sorry!
I want to thank everyone!
-- Tracy Diaz

Saturday, March 24
    Karen & Robert DiNatale - breakfast burritos, coffee,
        hot choc, tea & orange juice
    Crystal & Roy Brauns - pizza, chips & cookies
    Chuck Hallinan
    Felix and little Felix Martinez
    Brian Gantz
    Robert, Katie, Pricilla, Emilia DiNatale
    Roy, Crystal, Daisey, Katlin Brauns
    Danny Civiello
    Drew, Anthony Watson
    Troy Tomson
    Bob Houghtelling
    Rene, Antinette Ornelas
    Julio Ortega, Jessica & Jimmy Dominguez
    Susan, Mick, Nicholas, Justin Dodemaide

   Thank you HOME DEPOT and TIFFANY HALE from the Tool Rental Department   
for donating the rental of the Concrete Saw and Jackhammar!
Thank you KEVIN at URBAN RECYCLING in Oakland
for letting us dump approximately 4 tons of concrete for only $100!

Thank you to all of the people that showed up and worked in the "challenging" (tried to use a nice word) conditions today (3/24). It rained most of the day and made working pretty miserable. Thanks to everyone who brought food and drinks.

The concrete is all taken out that we are responsible for. Roy brought his trailer yesterday and dump truck today to load all the concrete in and it's all set to go to recycling next week, THANKS ROY!

Like the other days we again have found more problems with the repair. There are many covings that are loose and broken that will let water leak past the area between the tile and coving as I described in last nights email. The concrete behind the plaster and coving in areas is not in good shape. There are also many tiles under the coving, at the water level, that are broken and missing. All of these will let water leak out of the pool. The black tiles along the bottom of the pool are also a problem with many bubbles in the plaster underneath them. When one section was removed we found blue tiles underneath them. This means years ago the pool was resurfaced and retiled which I never knew anything about.

The proper thing to do is to replace the tiles which can be done (more work and more money). The fix for the coving and concrete under the coving, as well as behind the plaster, is to remove all the coving and repair it. Julio suggested a fix for this would be to get rid of the coving completely and using forms, concrete completely up to the side of the pool and water line when the deck concrete is laid. The forms would make the concrete very close to the same shape the covings are now. At this time, Agua Bella is responsible for the deck concrete and if we do this ourselves he should reduce his repair cost.

All of these things we can do but...more work more money. Going as far as we are with the pool it would be a shame not to take it further and repair these things -- hopefully we will raise the money.

JJ - want to make sure you got the message about the items the swim team needs to think about yesterday. A plan will have to be developed before the final concrete is done to install the starting block and back stroke flag anchors.

-- Bob Houghtelling



Southgate Swim Club is looking for volunteers to help with the repair of the pool. If you are available please contact Tracy Diaz at

Friday, March 23rd - (Approx. - 8am-5pm)

This day will be used to start breaking the cement and working on breaking the bubbles on the inside of the pool

  Saturday, March 24th - (Approx. - 9am-5pm)

• Julio is planning to move all the cement Saturday - rain or shine.
• We are looking for as many laborers as we can get so we can get the job done in that one day.

I spoke to Mike this morning - he is going to bring water and other drinks to the pool for the workers. I asked him to also pick up gloves for the volunteers.

The DiNatales will bring breakfast Saturday morning. Thank you DiNatales!

We should forewarn people that it is supposed to rain this weekend, so dress accordingly.

Is there anyone that is available during the day to help provide food - breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks for our volunteers? I think this is the least we can do. Would someone be available to coordinate this? Please contact Tracy Diaz at

Work is just getting started. There's tons more to do. Please help if at all possible - the survival of the club depends on YOU!

Thank you!

Southgate Board Members

Josiah working the jackhammar (3/22/12)


Julio working the concrete saw (3/22/12)


They would like to get started Thursday morning (3/22) - I know this is last minute notice - but we need to know who is available to go down to help. For the cutting we need a few guys to help and rotate pushing the "walk behind concrete saw".

Home Depot on Hesperian in Hayward has donated the rental of the "walk behind concrete saw" and blade for Thursday. Julio and Tracy will pick up the saw Thursday morning at 6am and then head over to Southgate to start the repairs on the pool!

   Thank you HOME DEPOT and TIFFANY HALE from the Tool Rental Department   
for donating the rental of the Concrete Saw!

I am expecting the work would start around 8 - 8:30am (not too early because of the noise ordinance) and will probably go through the day just the cutting. Next would be jack hammering - this will require the back labor -

Again, we know this is very last minute, but if you are able to volunteer that would be great!! Please email Tracy Diaz at Please include your name, cell phone number and time you, a friend or family can be there.

I spoke to Julio also and he was hoping to get a jump start - so here is the tentative schedule:

       Thurs, March 22nd

8:30am - 6pm *** work on cutting the deck around the pool

Friday, March 23rd

8:30am - 6pm *** work on jack hammering, hauling concrete and digging trench. This will probably be a two + day process.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. Please reach out to the team and see if there is anyone that could come to help. For students - we could give them "Community Hours" most schools require this - good for their transcripts.

We are trying to have this done by April, but we are at the mercy of the weather. I am hoping to have a better schedule going forward - I will keep you posted as we find out.

Anyone who is interested in helping - please have them email me or call me - I will need: Their name, contact info and what days/times they can work. If they are students, have them let me know and I will have someone sign for their community hours.

Thank you!

Tracy Diaz


We met with the contractor tonight (Monday, 3/19) and discussed our agreement and when to start.
* We have negotiated some of the labor that we, "SG Volunteer Community Labor", will do ourselves to help keep costs down.
* We have a few men that will be taking the lead on some of the projects and they will need volunteers to come and help cut the concrete, jackhammer, dig a trench and haul the cement around the pool. The trench will need to be about 2 ft wide/ 18 in deep.
The contractor will be marking the lines to cut on Wednesday (3/21). We need to organize volunteers now on a rotating schedule. As soon the dates/times are set, we will let you know what work needs to be done and when. PLEASE STAY TUNED...

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