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EBSL Minutes
Date: June 28, 2005
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:11 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes were reviewed and approved.

2. Old Business
Due to lack of a proposal, the teams were unable to vote on the "alternates at CHAMPs" issue. It was agreed to wait until next year to review again.

3. President's Report
President, Tom Miller had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report
Vice President Betsy Leff handed out final team rosters.

5. Treasurer's Report
League budgets were passed out and reviewed.

6. Secretary's Report
Teams were reminded to send all meet results to Betsy Leff.

7. Meet Director
Jerry Engler said that we were on track and everything had been approved for swimming at Chabot.

8. Computer Director
All test discs have been reviewed.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Will be able to add outside swimmers next year.
  • Columbia - Nothing to report.
  • Glenmoor - Everything going well.
  • Highlands - Everything going well .
  • Kennedy - Everything going well.
  • Mission Valley - May have to find another pool next year.
  • Newark - Everything going well.
  • San Leandro - Not present.
  • Southgate - Everything O.K.
  • Treeview - Nothing new.
  • Washington Manor - Nothing new.
  • Warm Springs - New coach introduced.

10. New Business
A motion to change the IM ruling was brought up and seconded. Discussion followed. A vote was taken and the motion was carried. The results were to "implement H/S rules on the IM, effective 6/29, 05.

Programs will be $10 day of meet, or $8 on pre-sale.

A motion and vote was taken, which approved the running of smaller children's relays between the Fly and IM.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12.

Next meeting will be Sept. 27 at the Alta pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: April 26, 2005
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:06 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting
A motion was made to approve the March minutes, with corrections, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

  1. Ribbon orders are due. They will be placed this week and should be ready by the next meeting at the latest.
  2. Jerry Engler will email all who do not have their card orders in. He suggests 4 cards per swimmer per meet.

3. President's Report
No report.

4. Vice President's Report
Vice President Betsy Leff confirmed that final rosters are due to her by May 20. All applications need to be on her porch by midnight or a $10/day late fee will be charged. Please drop off no later than the above date.

5. Treasurer's Report
Report was accepted.

6. Secretary's Report
Requested that all teams report any new or changed e-mail addresses. Teams should also make sure to notify the secretary of all past EBSL and/or team officers who should be removed from this year's email address list.

7. Meet Director

  1. Any questions about cards should be emailed to Jerry Engler.
  2. The Meet Directors have agreed to a "streamlined" Championship Rep. meeting schedule, because most teams have the same jobs as last year. Exceptions include MV, CO & WS. There will be 2 Championship Rep meetings as follows: JUNE 7 at SL; JULY 6 at Alta
  3. All teams MUST tell Peggy &/or Jerry who the Champ. Rep is within the next 2 weeks.
  4. Chabot Jr. College never sent a bill for 2004 Champs. Jerry will send them a new check because the old one is too old and won't be accepted.
  5. Jerry has put in our application for 2005 Champs at Chabot.
  6. Jerry will be emailing the company whom we use for the Timing System regarding the date of Champs. Jerry doesn't expect any problems because he told them the date of the 2005 Champs last year.
  7. Jerry will schedule a Starters' Clinic at NK for early May.

8. Computer Director

  1. All teams MUST upgrade to the latest version of Meet Manager this year.
  2. Glenn will email all team computer directors to advise them of which version of Team Manager to purchase and when he will provide training on this new version.
  3. July 16 is when the final roster disk is due.
  4. June 18 is the date when a test disk is due to Glenn.
  5. Glenn stated that his last year will be 2006. He wants a replacement found this year, so he can train that person this year. Next year, he will work with the new person to be sure he/she understands what to do at Champs and before.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Everything fine
  • Columbia - Not Present
  • Glenmoor - Everything fine
  • Highlands - Everything fine
  • Kennedy - No problems
  • Mission Valley - No problems
  • Newark - Fine
  • San Leandro - Fine
  • Southgate - Fine
  • Treeview - Fine
  • Washington Manor - Fine
  • Warm Springs - Fine

10. New Business
Seeding meeting will be July 20.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50.

Next meeting will be May 24 in SL.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: March 22, 2005
Place: S.L. Chamber of Commerce, San Leandro

Meeting brought to order at 7:09 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting
A motion was made to approve the Feb. minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business
     1) Ribbon orders are due.
     2) Card orders are due by April meeting

Additions to swim team requirements:
     a) Chabot - 100 swimmers max. at home meets
     b) Mission Valley - must start meets by 8:00 am

3. President's Report
President, Tom Miller confirmed that swim camps are acceptable, but swimmer may not participate on another team.

4. Vice President's Report
Vice President Betsy Leff confirmed that final rosters are due by May 23. All applications need to be on her porch by midnight or a $10/day late fee will be charged.

5. Treasurer's Report
Certificates of insurance were passed out for each team.

6. Secretary's Report
Requested that all teams report any new or changed e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director
Peggy Herndon confirmed CHAMPs job assignments, by team.

8. Computer Director
Not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - 85 registrations
  • Columbia - 120 registrations
  • Glenmoor - 130 registrations
  • Highlands - Not present
  • Kennedy - Not present
  • Mission Valley - 125 registrations
  • Newark - 90 returning
  • San Leandro - Not present
  • Southgate - Not present
  • Treeview - 68 registrations
  • Washington Manor - mail-in registrations
  • Warm Springs - 138 registrations

10. New Business
Peggy will check with the computer director to see how an alternate for each relay during CHAMPs might affect the timing of the meet.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52.

Next meeting will be April 26 at the Alta pool. Don't forget to bring your last dues installment of $500.00.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: February 22, 2005
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting
A motion was made to approve the Jan. minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business
No old business.

3. President's Report
President, Tom Miller, had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report
Vice President Betsy Leff asked to have the EBSL applications alphabetized, by sex, when they are turned in to the league. Due date was not established at this time.

5. Treasurer's Report
A financial review was handed out to the teams, which showed at current balance of $3200. The teams were also reminded that the second installment is due next meeting, with the balance due by the April meeting.

6. Secretary's Report
Requested that all teams report any new or changed e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director
Chabot pool still has not submitted a bill to us for CHAMPs.

8. Computer Director
Not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - 3/12 registration
  • Columbia - 3/05 registration
  • Glenmoor - 2/27 registration
  • Highlands - Nothing to report
  • Kennedy - Not present
  • Mission Valley - Registration on-going
  • Newark - March registration
  • San Leandro - Registration last week
  • Southgate - 40th anniversary in April
  • Treeview - Nothing to report
  • Washington Manor - 1 registration already, one in several weeks
  • Warm Springs - 3/5 registration

10. New Business
It was suggested that each team state any restrictions they have for dual meets:

  • Chabot - 8:30 start time - 120 swimmers max.
  • Columbia - 12:00 end time
  • Glenmoor - 1:00 end time
  • Highlands - 12:00 end time
  • Kennedy - Not present
  • Mission Valley - No restrictions
  • Newark - No restrictions
  • San Leandro - No restrictions
  • Southgate - 8:30 start time - 12:00 finish - 100 swimmers max
  • Treeview - 12:00 end time - 100 swimmers max.
  • Washington Manor - No restrictions
  • Warm Springs - 12:30 end time

Jerry of San Leandro suggested that each coach assign an alternate for each relay during CHAMPs. Please review with your coach and report back in March.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45.

Next meeting will be March 22 at the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce building on Davis St. Don't forget to bring your second dues installment of $750.00.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: January 25, 2005
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:07 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Oct. minutes could not be approved as they were not available for review.

2. Old Business
A vote was taken concerning the "Comp/No Comp" rule and the teams voted unanimously to keep the ruling as it has been the last several years. Peggy Herndon also requested that each team report back to her with the probable number of swimmers that they will have on their squad. Bruce from Newark stated that he would have the 2005 schedule next meeting.

3. President's Report
President, Tom Miller, had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report
Everything O.K.

5. Treasurer's Report
A motion was made to raise fees from $1600 to $2000, which was approved by all teams. All teams need to bring a check for $750 (the first installment) to the Feb. meeting. Any team wishing to pay the entire amount may do so as well.

6. Secretary's Report
Requested that all teams report any new or changed e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director
Chabot pool still has not submitted a bill to us for CHAMPs.

8. Computer Director
Not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Nothing to report
  • Columbia - Nothing to report
  • Glenmoor - Nothing to report
  • Highlands - Nothing to report
  • Kennedy - Coaches coming back
  • Mission Valley - Nothing to report
  • Newark - Nothing to report
  • San Leandro - Nothing to report
  • Southgate - Looking for coaches
  • Treeview - Nothing to report
  • Washington Manor - Nothing to report
  • Warm Springs - Looking for assistant coach

10. New Business
Jerry from San Leandro suggested pre-selecting an alternate for a relay for CHAMPs. He also suggested a proposal for future discussion.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04.

Next meeting will be February 22 at Alta Pool. Don't forget to bring your first dues installment of $750.00.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: October 26, 2004
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:07 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Sept. minutes could not be approved as they were not available for review.

2. Old Business
No old business to discuss.

3. President's Report
President, Tom Miller, had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report
Diana Souza had nothing to report.

5. Treasurer's Report
For the transition of the treasurer position, bank e-mail addresses need to be exchanged and new check cards need to be issued.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Chabot pool still has not submitted a bill to us for CHAMPs.

8. Computer Director
Not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Nothing to report
  • Columbia - Nothing to report
  • Glenmoor - Nothing to report
  • Highlands - Nothing to report
  • Kennedy - Not present
  • Mission Valley - Nothing to report
  • Newark - Nothing to report
  • San Leandro - Nothing to report
  • Southgate - Not present
  • Treeview - Heater broke
  • Washington Manor - Nothing to report
  • Warm Springs - Looking for coach & assistant

10. New Business
Bruce Garrett discussed comp. Rule differences. All teams need to be prepared to vote in January for "Comp./No Comp." issue for permanent ruling.

First meet next year will be June 4. No meet July 2. CHAMPs will be July 30.

Future EBSL meetings will be split between Alta & San Leandro facility. Tentative schedule is as follows:

  • Jan - Alta
  • Feb - Alta
  • March - San Leandro
  • April - Alta
  • May - San Leandro
  • June - Alta

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 7:31.

Next meeting will be January 25 at Alta Pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


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