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EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: 6/27/2007
Place: Marina

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm

Attendance: Jeff R., Jim K. Chabot, David M. Warm springs, Betsy L. Warm springs, Paul Y. Glenmoor, Joanna H. Southgate, Carol A. San Leandro, Mike F. Columbia, Bruce G. Newark, Nancy M. Highlands, Jessica D. TV, Jenn S. TV, Jane C. Mission Valley, Marguerite A. SLST, Filiz C. Highlands.

1. Minutes from last meeting approved with following corrections. The team in with limited help is Columbia, not Southgate, and Mission Valley starts at 8:30 not 8:00.

2. Old Business: Team limitations for dual meets were discussed. Following discussion a vote was taken to determine if this should be pursued next year. The vote was No 7 Yes 5 It was determined that each home team would be responsible for letting the visiting team know of any numbers limitations. Also it was discussed the option of maybe imposing a time limit and parody (size and strength of teams) this will be discussed in more depth at the end of the year meeting.

3. President: Nothing on the website refund. Have been unable to contact Robert G. regarding this issue. Asked if everyone was clear on the false start rule, yes.

4. Vice President: Distributed updated rosters. Will discuss possible changes to the roster process at end of the year.

5. Treasurer: Insurance was adjusted to include 81 more swimmers, this was in budget approximately $450.00. Passed out current financial statement. We will go over on the software budget. New software was required to function properly.

6. Misc.: Ribbons, where are the 4th place ribbons? All teams currently have all the ribbons they need. A issue for next year will be to verify each teams inventory of ribbons and order accordingly.

7. Secretary: No Report

8. Meet Director: 99.9% sure we will be at Chabot. The timing system is confirmed. Need names for the 7 deck passes allotted each team. Layout of the pool is different. We will be starting at the opposite side. Will be doing a blind draw to determine practice times for champs. MOTION: wants to have two meets run at the same time. 10 and under and 11 and over. The meets will be run side by side. The timing system will be adjusted to accommodate the relays of the 10 and under. VOTED: Passed 7-6. There will be starting blocks on all lanes. There is no head official as of yet. The new president will be from Newark, and the secretary from San Leandro. Discussed the new false start rule. IT is thought by some coaches that there will be more DQ's at championships due to lack of enforcement by home teams during the dual meets. It was assured that this would not be a problem and that the starters at championships will be diligent in enforcing the rule.

9. Computer Director: Upgrades team meet manager. Have 11 of 12 test data results turned in. Suggested we assist in the purchasing of extra timing pads for Chabot. The cost would be that of which we pay for currently to rent pads for a weekend and we would save money in the long run as long as we swam at Chabot.

10. New Business: 50/50 Betsy has two volunteers, same as last year to run the 50/50. They have a goal of raising $4000.00. She will have a set time for the drawing; this will be in the program. Also she will be purchasing two big dry erase boards so she can put them in the outfield and keep them updated to the draw. Also a small dry erase board so the number of the 50/50 ticket can be run around the outfield so those not paying attention will be informed. She will set s time limit of 15 minutes to respond to the drawing, then a new number will be drawn.

11. Team Reports: None

Meeting adjourned: 8:23 pm

Next meeting at the Alta Pool. (EBSL Calendar)

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, May 23. 2007
Place: 7pm Alta Pool

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by the VP

Attendance: Jeff Rice Kennedy, Bob Harren Chabot, Jane Conn Mission Valley, Paul Y Glenmoor, Filiz Crocher Highlands, Ray Jackson, Southgate, Nancy M. Highlands, Sue Miller Kennedy, Michelle Picher-Carlson Gators, Marquerite A. SLST, Shilrley Harvey WMST, Jessica Dorr TV, Michael P. Columbia, Bruce G. Newark, Paula D. WSA

1. Minutes of last meeting: Approved

2. Old Business: NONE

3. President's Report: Following up with Robert on the refunds for the website.. The pool depth rule is still in effect.

4. Vice President's Report: All Rosters were turned in on time. Would like electronic copies sent. Updates will be done by e-mail

5. Treasurer's Report: All dues and fees paid by teams. Will have a updated insurance on 6/15/7

6. Secretary's Report: No report

7. Meet Director: 99.9% sure that championships will be held at Chabot. Starters will be the one to DQ swimmers for false starts. Use a meet to best decide how to notify the recorders of false starts and DQs.

8. Computer Director: Colorado system will cost the same as last year. Ray will schedule a meeting of the comp. Dirs, will notify via e-mail. E-mail Ray preliminary championship rosters 6/15/7. Will also check with Diana about the Colorado system and the Chabot system compatability.

9. Team Reports

  • Kennedy: Introduced Nora as possible representative for next year. Have 127 swimmers
  • Chabot: Passed out flier for parking at meets. Will start at * am.
  • Mission Valley: Start Time is * am
  • Newark: Pool was vandalized and pumps damaged. No delay with meets.
  • WMSP: Start at 8 am
  • Nweark: Start 8:30
  • Glenmoor: Start at 8:30

10. New Business - Jane Conn would like to have all new coaches and president information to update current list.

  • Championship jobs, Southgate *** Correction - Columbia *** is small this year and would like to be able to adjust the number of team jobs. 11 jobs will be distributed to the other teams.
  • Discussion: On the team level. Should there be a limit on the number of kids that can swim at the dual meets? Should we consider adding a new team or teams?
  • Kids at Champs should we treat them like the big kids when it comes to staging?
  • Rule update: Breaststroke is allowed one dolphin kick on turn.
  • 50/50 will be discussed at next meeting.

Meeting adjourned 7:50

Next meeting will be at the Marina location 6/27/07 (Yahoo Map) | (EBSL Calendar)

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: April 25, 2007
Place: Alta Pool

Meeting Called to Order 7:00p.m.

Attendance: Paul Y. Glenmor, Dave S., Bruce G. Newark, Paula D. Wsh. Mike P. Columbia, Shirley H. WMST., Jane C. Mission Valley, Bob H., Jim K. Chabot, Jenn S., Jessica D., Treeview, Ray J. Southgate, Filiz C. Highland, Sue M., Jeff R. Kennedy.

March 2007 minutes approved

Old Business: Insurance and HS Rules.
1.) High School Rules. A motion was brought and failed to not follow the High School Rule on false start. The vote was, Yes-5, No-6. We will follow the High School Guidelines for false starts.
2.) Insurance. $600.00 still in budget for this year. A Motion was brought and passed that starting in 2008 the EBSL will cover the first 100 swimmers after that the individual teams will be responsible for each swimmer above the first 100.

President: Discussion. Standardize meet sheet. Does everyone have the Hi-Tec program? Should we have a meet sheet clinic? Can we use meet manager to seed meets? To do so each team would have to get licensed for meet manager. This all we be discussed at the next Meet Directors meeting, and the best avenues for the up coming years will be decided.

This year any teams that already have meet manager can get together for their meets and use the system as a test for upcoming years.

Website is officially no longer being run by Robert. The teams that paid him $130.00 will have to contact him for their refunds.

Vice President: All teams should have Jims address. Due date for final roster is June 16th. Jim Kentris E-mail

Treasurer: Southgate and Warm Springs still need to pay the final installment for dues. Has paid for first swimmer for the board, will go over budget for this. The HS Rule book has been paid for. Insurance paid for, $600.00 in reserve. Paid for Deck cards, came in under budget. We will amend Insurance on June 16th after final rosters have been turned in.

Meet Director: Has rule books, distributed to teams. Starter Clinic is May 16th, Just show up 6pm at Newark HS.

We are 99% sure that we will have championships at Chabot College. Pool should be completed by June 18th.

Deck cards in, order quantity of 60,000. Each team gets 10 pink packs and 8 Blue packs. If you need more cards you can contact Bruce.

Ribbons ordered, no due date for them.

Computer Director: Ray will schedule meeting with teams to go over computer use. This will be good for new computer people.

Team Reports:

  • Wash. Manor: 105 swimmers.
  • Warm Springs: 130 Swimmers.
  • Treeview: 95 Swimmers.
  • Southgate: 130 Swimmers.
  • Newark: 160 Swimmers.
  • Mission Valley: 128 Swimmers
  • Kennedy: 107 swimmers
  • Highland: No numbers yet.
  • Glenmor: 130 swimmers, Started practice.
  • Columbia: 80 swimmers.
  • Chabot: 160 Swimmers.
  • San Leandro: 125 swimmers

Will be checking past meeting minutes to verify that is a limit of 100 swimmers per meet.

Meeting adjourned 7:58

Next meeting at Alta Pool Weds, March 30th (EBSL Calendar)

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: March 28, 2007
Place: Alta Pool

Meeting called to order 7:08 p.m.

Attendees: J. Kentris - Chabot, R. DuCoty - Mission Valley, P. Yamaguchi - Glenmoor, M. Panko - Columbia, R. Jackson - Southgate, S. Miller - Kennedy, N. McDonough - Highlands, S. Harvey - Washington Manor, M. Felarca - Washington Manor, C. Alvarez - San Leandro (new e-mail:, P. Doherty - Warm Springs, F. Crocker - Highlands, J. Doerr - Treeview, B. Garrett - Newark

Minutes from February meeting was approved as amended (F. Crocker will e-mail changes of minutes to J. Rice)

Old Business: None

President: Jenn was absent so no report given

Vice Pres:

Preliminary Rosters are due on Saturday, May 19, 2007. Each team is to give the VP: 15 copies of roster, one copy of the league application for each swimming family and one copy of the birth certificates of all new swimmers. *The documents can be mailed to Ken's address, dropped off at his house in Castro Valley or turned in at the April EBSL BOD Meeting. After the Preliminary rosters are submitted all future changes and updates will be handled via e-mail to


League insurance premium has been paid for 1440 swimmers (twelve teams at 120 swimmers per team) Hard copies of insurance certificates were available for all teams to take.

Next installment of Team dues are due today. $550 or $650 depending on the team's first payment.

Secretary: Jeff was absent so no report given

Meet Director:

2007 High School Rule Books have been ordered but will not arrive until March 29. If teams want the new rule books before the next EBSL meeting on April 25 please contact Bruce Garrett.

The eight rule changes were handed out to all teams present at the meeting. There was a discussion about the False Start rule change and the Board has decided to vote on accepting/rejecting at the April meeting. The Team's are to talk it over with their coaches and boards now then come prepared to vote.

Championship Meet Status: San Ramon High School (Cal High) has rejected our EBSL application to have the Championship meet at their pool this summer. The Chabot College swimming pool restoration is ahead of schedule and may be ready to host the Champs meet. The demolition is complete and construction has begun. The backup pool is now Independence High School in San Jose which is near to Interstate 680 and Berryessa Road.

Our Web Site master, Robert Gonzales, has regretfully resigned. Robert has a new job and does not have the time to work on the EBSL web site. Is there anyone that wants to take over as web master? There are a few teams that have their team web site on the EBSL server that Robert had procured. Currently when you access the web site on the internet you get a "fatal error" message. There was a short discussion on the $130 yearly fee that the teams had paid for use of the web site. No action taken.

Computer Director:

All teams computer directors need to contact, via e-mail, EBSL Computer Director now to establish communication for Championship seeding process.

Team Reports:

  • Chabot - 150 swimmers on team
  • Columbia - Need more swimmers for a full team so please direct any interested swimmers to Columbia's swim team, 10 swim lanes
  • Glenmoor - Full team
  • Highlands - Full team, 8:00 a.m. start time for all home meets
  • Kennedy - 120 swimmers on team, 8 swim lanes
  • Mission Valley - 125 swimmers on team, turned away 42 applicants
  • Newark - 150 swimmers on team
  • Southgate - 100 swimmer limit at home pool during dual meets
  • Treeview - 100 swimmer limit at home pool during dual meets, need more swimmers
  • Warm Springs - 8:00 a.m. start time for home dual meets
  • Washington Manor - 50 swimmers currently on team, need more swimmers

New Business:

EBSL Vice-President commented: It looks like the EBSL insurance coverage this year is not accurate. Quite a few teams have over 120 swimmers so the every team shall submit an accurate count of each team's swimmers to the VP via e-mail so the insurance premium can be correctly paid. There is still some money in the insurance budget line-item that can be spent.

Discussions about team's 2008 Insurance premiums.

       EBSL pays for first 120 swimmers per team and each team pays for additional swimmers
       EBSL pays for first 100 swimmers for team and each team pays for additional swimmers

No action taken.

Meeting closed at 7:45 p.m.

Next meeting will be at the Alta Pool location. (EBSL Calendar)

Minutes respectfully submitted by Paul Yamaguchi, Glenmoor Stingrays


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: February 28, 2007
Place: Marina CC

Meeting Called to Order 7:04 p.m.

Attendees: J Rice Kennedy, N. McDonough Highlands, J. Doerr Treeview, R. Jackson Southgate, C. Alvarez San Leandro, M. Axworthy San Leandro, J. Kentris Chabot, S. Harvey Wa. Manor, M. Felarca WA. Manor, J. Conn Mission Valley, P. Yamaguchi Glenmoor, P. Dpherty, D. Mack Warm Springs, F. Crocker.

Minutes from previous meeting approved.

Old Business
Team Dues were to be turned in at this meeting. If not you can mail to Filiz Crocker.

Vice Pres
Please be vigilant in turning in rosters. 15 Copies of roster needed. You can mail to Jim Kentris. You can E-Mail changes and updates to

Safety Committee
Distributed Safety guideline. It will be up to each team to use this as they see fit and implement the necessary safety measures.

Tres Report
Submitted updated budget for approval. Includes the $750.00 cost to register to become non-profit.

Would like to verify and update current pools for insurance. Coaches are insured automatically with policy. We need the correct number of swimmer from each team; this will determine the total cost of insurance policy. You can send Filiz the total number of swimmers that you had on the team from last year. The cost of option I, 1 million each occurrence/2 million aggregate with 25k medical payments for participants, is $5.62 per swimmer. Option II, 2m/2m with 100k medical, costs $7.94 per swimmer and option III, 2m/2m with 250k medical, costs $8.90 per swimmer. The EBSL Board is insured separately.

There is a Credit Card available through the new Bank Account if we want to activate it.

  • Motion 1: To approve option 1 insurance 2m/2m 25k Brought and approved
  • Motion 2: To approve the number of 120 per team to eliminate having to wait for final tally on swimmers. Brought and Approved.

Meet Director
Please E-mail ribbon orders.

  • Motion 3: EBSL to pay for 750 ribbons for each home meet. Brought and approved.
  • Need enough ribbons 1st-5th for entire year.
  • Teams are responsible for any other ribbon needs.

San Ramon pool seems to be the favorite Cal. HS Olympic center, parking near by. Cost is $1200.00 day plus $7.50 an hour for six lifeguard's min 12 hours.

The smaller deck card is being prepared. Starter clinic will be in May at the Newark pool.


  • Chabot Starting registration this weekend 3/3 using the same form as last year.
  • Glenmoor We need to follow the new High School Rules. There have been changes. We will have the book next meeting. Pres.will send out the changes.
  • Jenny from Wa. Manor wants it kept in the record that she would like to have the ability to make changes to the relay teams for championships up to the last meet. Since we are not going to be in our regular venue, this will not happen this year.
  • San Leandro, will be starting April 5th
  • Southgate still looking for coach.

Meeting adjourned, 8:11

Next meeting will be at the Alta Pool location. (EBSL Calendar)

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday January 24, 2007
Place: Alta Pool

Meeting called to order at 7:00


1. Minutes of last two meetings
Minutes (Sept.& Oct.) Apporved

2. Old Business
Safety Committee: Working on first draft, should have a plan ready for Feb. meeting.

Web Site: Server is currently being re-provisioned. This is due to newer web technologies. This should be done within two weeks. After which all the sites will need to be set up and make minor core changes to the server. Everything should be up in ONE MONTH if everything goes right. Robert will be returning e-mails as he has time. San Leandro has a domain name and has not been in contact with Robert.

3. President's Report
To keep up to date on Web Site status

4. Vice President's Report
Jim K. hasn't been in touch with Betsy. The registration form from last year will be used again this year.

5. Treasurer's Report
See E-Mail sent 1/25/07. Also didn't have signature authority to close out old account. That has been corrected. By becoming a non profit it will also affect our low bank balance, we will only be required to maintain $100.00 vs. $4000.00. Motion was brought and passed for Filliz to go ahead and apply for Non-Profit status.All pool insurance needs to be renewed by March 2007. First payment is due at February's meeting.

6. Secretary's Report
Please update teams boards and contact information

7. Meet Director
Pool Status. Waiting for call back from Stanford. Pool is tentatively available. It is being double checked that no other events are scheduled for then. Cost is $2000.00 plus. The City of Morgan Hill Their pool has a 6 lane warm up pool available until 11. The cost is $1000.00. They have concessions, janitor, and security. We can bring vendors at $50.00 each. We can use our own timing system, they will rent a PA system, and we can set up the afternoon before. DeAnza College Their pool rents for $164.00 an hour plus extra for security, janitor, etc. Have not heard back from HIS

Other suggestions were not having championships at all or having over a two day period.

8. Computer Director
No Software upgrades needed yet. Would like to wait until next year to make changes to the championship seeding since we will not be at our normal pool.

9. Team Reports
Southgate is short one coach. Glenmore will have a stroke and turn clinic again this year if interested contact Paul Y. Chabot Will have a clinic in mid February and will start swimming soon. San Leandro Fred S. is the new coach, Feb. 13th is registration, Apr. 2 will be try outs, and Apr. 4 will begin practice. Warm Springs May be looking for Asst. coach, will start swimming soon. Kennedy Has new head coach, looking for asst. coach, will start practice on the 16th Other comments, Rocky Pagan is available for coaching. You can get his number from Susan Miller of the Seals.

10. New Business
Make sure all pool levels are proper depth.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07

Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, Marina Community Center February 28th

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday October 25, 2006
Place: Marina CC

Meeting called to order at 7:05 - No Quorum

Attendees: J. Rice Kennedy, Nancy McDonough Highlands, Mike Panko Columbia, Ray Jackson Southgate, Jenn Stringer Treeview, Joanna Houghtelling Southgate, Carol Alvarez San Leandro, Bill Kriskovich San Leandro, Jenny Kubicki Wash. Manor, Diana Souza Wash. Manor, Michele Felarca Wash. Manor, Shirley Harvey Wash. Manor.

1. Minutes of Last Meeting
Not approved, no quorum

2. Old Business
No web site update. No safety committee update

3. President's Report
No Report

4. Vice President's Report
Not in attendance

5. Treasurer's Report
Not is attendance

6. Secretary's Report
No report

7. Meet Director
Passed out team schedules for next year.

8. Computer Director
Not in attendance

9. Team Reports
There is a new format for team reports. Instead of each team being asked individually if they have anything to contribute it will be asked as a group. If a team reports it will then be noted. No team reports.

10. New Business
All Coaches should attend the next board meeting to discuss seeding for championships. There was debate on how and when the final seeding should be done by coaches. The coaches in attendance felt that it should be done at the last minute so they could better seed their A and B teams. By doing this there is a risk of some swimmers not getting to swim in four events. It was also discussed, by doing the seeding the Monday before championships that would it be better to electronically distribute the final rosters, the negatives to this would be less time to pre and print the programs. And by distributing this early by e-mail will cut into the revenues generated by the sales of the program.

Meeting Adjourned 7:48

Next meeting Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday September 27, 2006
Place: Alta Pool

Meeting called to order at 7:02

Attendees: J. Rice Kennedy, Sue Miller Kennedy, Paul Yamaguchi Glenmoor, Nancy McDonough Highlands, Jessica Doerr Treeview, Jim Kentris Chabot, Bob Harren Chabot, Mike Panko Columbia, Ray Jackson Southgate, Bruce Garrett Newark, David Mack Warmsprings, Paula Doherty Warmsprings, Jane Conn Mission Valley, Jenn Stringer Treeview, Betsy Leff Warmsprings.

1. Minutes of last meeting

2. Old Business
No web site update.
Paul Y, Bob H, Paula D. Are the safety committee assigned to come up with a universal team safety program. Will have update in October meeting.

3. President's Report
No Report

4. Vice President's Report
Will have all the VP documents ready to hand over at the next meeting to new VP Jim Kentris of Chabot

5. Treasurer's Report
Distributed current financial report. Ended year with surplus of $8,262.56 Passed treasurers' document to incoming treasurer. Motion brought and passed to allow new treasurer to close current bank account and open a new bank account.

6. Secretary's Report
No report

7. Meet Director
All went well. All teams did their jobs well. Introduced a new time card to be used next season. Give any unused card to Bruce G. Will be visiting Independence HS to check out the pool for next years use. If anyone has suggestion please advise. There was a complaint that there were not enough 1-5 ribbons at championships. B relays do get ribbons. The computer director needs to find a way to print the labels for b relays. 50/50 went well. Does this need to be a designated job? All parents need to be respectful of the clerk of the course. Each team needs to remind their parents of this.

8. Computer Director
No report

9. Team Reports
There is a new format for team reports. Instead of each team being asked individually if they have anything to contribute it will be asked as a group. If a team reports it will then be noted.
Warm Springs - We have a new co-president David Mack

10. New Business
Motion brought and approved to allow the incoming treasurer to close and open a new bank account

Meeting Adjourned 7:48

Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, Marina Community Center, October 25th

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary

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