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~ EBSL Meeting Minutes Archive ~

2000 - March 28 | May 23 | June 27 | October 30
2001 - January 23 | February 27 | March 27 | April 24 | October 23
2002 - January 22 | February 26 | March 26 | April 23

EBSL Minutes
Date: April 23, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:08 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve March minutes made and seconded.

2. Old Business
Championship program sales and expenses were discussed. Sale of programs last year covered expenses and made profit.

3. President's Report
Nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report
Due May 27th - applications alphabetized by family name, no staples. 14 copies of roster alphabetized by age group, by boys and girls. Due to Bruce Garrett.

5. Treasurer's Report
All ribbon payments received except for one team.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Champ Rep meeting May 7th at Alta Pool 7:00 p.m.. Important for each team to have a rep and attend meetings. Coaches clinic by Treeview Coach Bob Radecke on Thurs. May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Treeview Pool. We encourage coaches to attend especially new ones.

We follow High School rules. Peggy Herndon will order a copy of last years' High School rules book for each team since new ones won't be published until July. There have been some changes this year. You can go to the website click on rules information, swimming, then rules revision to see these updates. The following are the highlights. Please discuss these changes with your coaches.

April 2002. The NFHS (National Federation of Sate High School Association) reaffirmed the decision to no longer permit 18 inch starting platforms in water less than 4 feet deep.

Rule 8-1-1 (Clarification) In the forward start, prior to the starting command 'take your make', it is no longer necessary to place your foot/feet on the front edge of the starting platform or deck.

Rule 8-1-2 Eliminates the standup start in the backstroke, … "prior to the command 'take your mark' and until the feet leave the wall at the starting signal, the swimmer's feet, including the toes, shall be completely under the surface of the water.

Rule 8-2-2c Standing on the gutter or curling the toes over the lip of the gutter, immediately after the start is not permitted

8. Computer Director
There are no new computer directors so there will not be a training meeting. If anyone has questions contact Glenn St. Marie he can work with you individually. In the team's budget plan for computer upgrades.

9. Team Reports

  • Warm Springs: Season kicked off with a pizza party. Have about 126 swimmers.
  • Washington Manor: Nothing to report
  • Treeview: Everything going well, at least 100 swimmers.
  • Southgate: Have about 106 swimmers.
  • San Leandro: All kids are swimming.
  • Newark: Have 20 radios (instead of 30) reserved for champs.
  • Mission Valley: Have 123 swimmers, turned away 40.
  • Kennedy: Have 102 swimmers.
  • Highlands: Parent meeting last night. Start swimming Monday with 140 kids.
  • Glenmoor: Started swimming Monday with 125 kids, everyone happy.
  • Columbia: Have 100 swimmers, a head coach with 2 assistant coaches, 7 lifeguards. They can do snack bar or raffle on their home meets which will be held away.
  • Chabot: Have 113 swimmers, compared to 73 last year. 2 head coaches and 2 assistant coaches.

10. New Business
Larry of Glenmoor has deck cards available tonight. He will bring ribbons for the North teams to the next meeting, he will distribute ribbons to the South teams.

Becky, Treasurer, will check on number of swimmers insured since teams are very full this year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55. Next meeting: Tuesday, May 28, 2002.

Submitted by
Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: March 26, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve January minutes made and seconded.

2. Old Business

3. President's Report
Nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report
Turn in applications early if you like. Due May 27th.

5. Treasurer's Report
Insurance certificates are here and were distributed to the teams. Thank you for past ribbon payment and 1st dues installment.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Meet directors need to know who is your team's championship representative. First champ rep meeting will be May 7th at 7:00 pm, location to be determined. For your champ job this year please get last year's information from the appropriate team by this meeting.

8. Computer Director
Computer director needs to know who is your team's computer director. Do you want computer training for your team's computer director? If training is needed he'll set a date.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot: They have 99 swimmers. Champ job &endash; Press/First aid
  • Columbia: 90 swimmers so far, more coming. Brand new coach &endash; excited to have him. Their meet pool, Cal State Hayward, is being repaired and cannot be used. Their home meets need to be held at the other team's pool &endash; Treeview, Chabot and Newark. Let Columbia know how they can help &endash; do snack bar, raffle … Champ job &endash; Clerk of Course
  • Glenmoor: 103 out of 125 swimmers returned. Team full. Have one new coach and one returning. Larry wants ribbon orders tonight he'll be placing the order next week. Next meeting be ready to pick up deck cards and ribbons. Champ job &endash; Ribbons & Awards
  • Highlands: Had 2 registrations, 143 swimmers. Champ job - Officials
  • Kennedy: Not full yet. Champ job &endash; Clerk of Course (2)
  • Mission Valley: Registration done, coaches in place. Champ job &endash; Security
  • Newark: Final registration is April 20th, they still have room. FYI, high school rule book requires 4 ft water depth for starting blocks, next year requirement will change to 5 ft. Champ job - Hospitality
  • San Leandro: 140 registered, reviewing applications now. Champ job &endash; Take Down
  • Southgate: 2nd sign up coming up. Champ job &endash; Set-up
  • Treeview: 2nd sign up coming up. They'll be hosting Columbia's meet &endash; Columbia will bring ribbons. More information on coaches'clinic later. Meets at their pool need to end by 12:30-1:00, large teams need to adjust (comps swim less events) so meet ends on time. Champ job - Purveyors
  • Washington Manor: Had registration. Everything looking good. Champ job &endash; Programs. Becky Cull will bring information re: program costs and expenses.
  • Warm Springs: Have 130 swimmers, turned away about 40. Need a spring coach for oldest age practice. Champ job &endash; Volunteer Coordinator. Going to write a description for each job so people know what they are signing up for. Want people experienced with the job. For next month bring input &endash; were more volunteers needed in your champ job area?

10. New Business
Peggy will order a High School rule book for each team.

Next year the EBSL board will have a new Vice President from Washington Manor and a new Treasurer from Kennedy. It's a good idea to start recruiting for these positions now.

Next meeting: April 23, 2002 at 7:00 pm, Alta Pool.

Submitted by
Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: February 26, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Motion to approve January minutes made and seconded.

2. Old Business


3. President's Report

Nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report

May 27th is the deadline for 14 copies preliminary roster, applications and birth certificates for new swimmers (anyone that did not swim last year). Please alphabetize by last name and remember no staples. Emergency form for team use only.

5. Treasurer's Report

Insurance: Payment was made. Premiums went up from $3.77 to $4.34 for swimmers and from $300 to $500 for directors. She hopes to have the certificates for the next meeting. Give Becky updated information if you have a new location or new parties to be insured.

Budget: This year we are expecting a deficit of $1650.00. We currently have a surplus of $4000 from previous years. At some point we need to raise team dues, they are currently $1500 per team. We will keep a watch on the budget and decide later.

Unpaid balances: All teams have paid dues, but there is $1369 in unpaid ribbon payments. There was a problem with the 2000 ribbons, Newark and Treeview did not receive all of them. Larry Broun of Glenmoor motioned to waive Newark's balance of $526.17 and to credit Treeview $37.24 for 2000 ribbons, Jerry Engler seconded the motion and it was approved. 2001 ribbon balances need to be paid. Please bring payment to the March meeting or mail it to Becky Cull, 17780 Columbia Dr., Castro Valley, 94552. Amounts due are:

  • Glenmoor - 188.50
  • Kennedy - 290.00
  • Highlands - 116.00
  • San Leandro - 123.25
  • Southgate - 43.50
  • Washington Manor - 81.50

6. Secretary's Report

I brought hard copies of Meet Schedule, Calendar and the new Application which were all sent out via e-mail. If you need updates of anything let me know.

7. Meet Director

Contracts are pending. Waiting for final contracts from Chabot College Pool for championships and the timer "Zone One South" (same as last year). We need deck cards, Larry Broun will order them.

8. Team Reports

  • Chabot: Had a successful registration with 78 swimmers. Suzi needs to contact club members to fill extra spots then she can go to the waiting list. Hoping for 100.
  • Columbia: Registration this Sat. Have a couple of coaches and working out a few more things then they'll be set to go. Their pool may be having repairs and they have 2 home meets scheduled. Rick asked if these meets with Chabot and Treeview could possibly be held at their pools instead. Rick will let them know if this is necessary.
  • Glenmoor: Hired a second coach. Registration is this weekend and next. Be sure to get your ribbon order form from Larry.
  • Highland: Had their first board meeting. Sign ups are coming up in 10 days.
  • Kennedy: absent
  • Mission Valley: Registration packets sent out.
  • Newark: Their head coach and founder is retiring. Registration is tomorrow. Looking for 2 more coaches.
  • San Leandro: Jerry had some ribbon questions. Relays have 1st to 5th places. League does individual ribbons to 5th, some teams give ribbons to 7th, 10th or 12th.
  • Southgate: Have the same coaches as last year. All forms are on website.
  • Treeview: Sign ups March 23 and 30. 80 packets being mailed out. They are expecting a full team. Their coach Bob Radecke is willing to do a "coaches clinic" in late April. More details will be sent out later. Treeview has the champ job of purveyors. They would like last years information from Southgate. What guidelines to follow. Southgate will get info from Bob Henry and give to Treeview.
  • WM: Had registration. Team pretty full. Coaches in place.
  • Warm Spring: absent

9. New Business

Rick asked about snack bar requirements. One person from the team needs to go to food handling training. They'll receive a 3 year certificate. Betsy Leff taught training last time.

Larry asked for any recommendations with ribbons. Try to get the same colors.

Larry will make a questionnaire form on team costs and charges. These can be filled anonymously and provide useful information for each other. He'll bring the form to review next month.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at Alta Pool in Fremont.

Submitted by
Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: January 22, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

  1. Minutes of last meeting
    1. Motion to approve October minutes made 2nd.

  2. Old Business
    1. Registration Paperwork.
      1. Peggy and Jerry have revised the EBSL Application form. After a few minor corrections it will be e-mailed to everyone. It will also available at Southgate's website under the EBSL link. A few notes: Even if the swimmer is 18 the parents should still sign the form. 18 year old swimmers must have swam on the team before.
      2. "Non-team swim caps". We will not enforce the High School Swim Cap rule. Cap attire is left to the discretion of the team. Motion made and seconded.

  3. President's Report
    1. Northern meeting location not yet found. Robin looked into the Elks Club, they charge $75 per meeting. Marina Community Center also charges. We'll keep looking. Jerry will check with San Leandro Library.

  4. Vice President's Report
    1. Use new EBSL Application form. No staples please. Presidents, please look at new swimmer's birth certificates. If birth certificate is not available a blessing certificate or passport is acceptable, preferably in English. Parent and President signature is required. If swimmer did not swim last year you need a new birth certificate. Only current swimmer's birth certificates are kept with EBSL. If you have any questions call Bruce Garrett 792-8357. Dates to remember:

      May 27, 2002 - Turn in 14 copies of prelimimary roster to Bruce Garrett
      June 22, 2002 - Turn in preliminary computer disk to Glenn St. Marie
      June 24, 2002 - Final roster due to Bruce
      July 13, 2002 - Final computer disk due to Glenn
      July 16, 2002 - Seeding Meeting
      July 27, 2002 - Swim Championships

  5. Treasurer's Report
    1. Becky was not available for this meeting. Recommendations for the Treasurer are:
    2. Bring incident report forms to next meeting
    3. Send in premiums to renew insurance certificates
    4. Present the budget at next meeting

  6. Secretary's Report
    1. Copies of EBSL Bylaws, EBSL Rules and Regulations and EBSL Roster were available. If you need hard copies of anything please let me know. I will contact Becky Cull about using her address for EBSL. (She confirmed it was okay, it will appear at the top of the EBSL roster).

  7. Meet Director
    1. Peggy Herndon handed out a tentative meet schedule. Peggy and Georgia Graham put together a meet schedule for the South and included Becky Cull's North schedule. If you had 2 home meets last year you should have 3 home meets this year and vice versa. The North/South meet locations were briefly discussed. Peggy will finalize the schedule, she'll send it to the EBSL Secretary and it will be e-mailed it to everyone.

  8. Team Reports
    • Chabot - If they don't get 100 swimmers from the club they will go to the club waiting list to fill the team. Registration Feb 23, 24 for club members
    • Columbia - Having 2 "stroke and turn" clinics this year. Registration March 2. Last year they had holes in 15-18's. They're going to try to recruit high school kids. New goal: 10th place at championships.
    • Glenmoor - Actively looking for a head coach.
    • Kennedy - They have approval to use American High School pool. Have a big gap in 15-18's and hoping to recruit. Registration March 14.
    • Highlands - Have a new president, Charles Johnson.
    • Mission Valley - Asked for information on team budgets and costs.
    • Newark - Next week they'll decide when to hold sign ups.
    • San Leandro - Getting ready for February registration. Everything going good.
    • Southgate - Their board is meeting on Thursday.
    • Treeview - Registration March 23 and 30. Hopefully they'll have 100 swimmers. They are offering an incentive to sign up early. (The price goes up later). Their well experienced coach, Bob Radecke, has offered to do a "coaches clinic" covering seeding, dq's…. Robin asked if any teams were interested and many are. They'll set up a date and information will be e-mailed to everyone.
    • Washington Manor - Returning swimmers registration Feb 4, new swimmers Feb 23. Looking for a head coach. City of San Leandro has a commission studying the condition of pools. Hopefully their pool can be fixed up.
    • Warm Springs - Mail in registration for returning swimmers due Feb 23. March 2 is new swimmer's registration and suit fittings. They are trying to send out registration information by e-mail this year. Parents will print it out, sign and return it. Team needs an assistant coach.

  9. New Business
    1. There was discussion of forms and recommendations.
    2. EBSL Emergency Form (emergency medical information). Make a copy and keep it at the pool and meets. Possibly in a binder. Form available at .
    3. Incident Report. If someone get injured, fill out and make 2 copies. Keep one and send one to the EBSL Treasurer, Becky Cull.
    4. Liability Insurance. Place people on your team board that you want covered by liability insurance. Make sure to have your paperwork to substantiate this, i.e. keep minutes of board meetings.

Next meeting: Tuesday, February 26, 2002, 7:00 p.m. at Alta Pool.

Submitted by
Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: October 23, 2001
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

  1. Minutes of last meeting
    1. Motion to approve September minutes made by Larry Broun of Glenmoor and 2nd by Peggy Herndon.

  2. Old Business
    1. Registration Paperwork: Peggy Herndon and Jerry Engler will review it and e-mail it to everyone.
    2. Volunteer Check-in at Champs: Pete Gabriel said problems were minimal no need for fines. Most parents showed up, or the volunteer desk did a good job of tracking down the parent or filling the job. He has made a CD with necessary software and instructions. One copy for the league and one copy will go to Besty Leff of Warm Springs.
    3. For Jan meeting: "non-team swim caps" decision. Is it acceptable for swimmers to wear other team's swim caps such as high school or other leagues? Need coach's input on this topic.

  3. President's Report
    1. Looked into a Northern meeting location. National Guard location didn't work out. Elks Lodge across from Chabot might be a possibility, it might be for sale however.
    2. Thank you to Peggy and Jerry for doing a fantastic job on championships.

  4. Vice President's Report
    1. Thanks for help with applications. Please remember no staples. Becky Cull asked if kids really need to sign application. Children's signature not necessary but parents should review information with children. Parent and President signature required.

  5. Treasurer's Report
    1. She'll present financial report in January. Bank signatures have been changed. Proposed meet schedule was passed out. It will be discussed in January and revised.

  6. Secretary's Report -None

  7. Team Reports
    • Chabot: They are a private team. They will be deciding soon if to open enrollment or raise fees.
    • Columbia: Nothing to report.
    • Glenmoor: Pool is repaired. Looking for an assistant coach.
    • Kennedy: They are moving right along.
    • Highlands: Request to go back to name "Highlands". Change designation to "HI". They have a new league president and vice president. Susan Dunsford will still attend meetings.
    • Mission Valley: No change, everything fine.
    • Newark: Request for league to set up website with all league information.
    • San Leandro: Nothing to report.
    • Southgate: New board. Joanna Houghtelling is president. Coaches lined up.
    • Treeview: Everything going fine. Robin asked if Becky (Treasurer) got incident report. If a claim is needed to be filed they have one year.
    • Washington Manor: Nothing to report
    • Warm Springs: Looking for assistant coach.

  8. New Business
    1. Jerry will contact timers and Chabot pool for next years championships.
    2. Jerry will look into San Leandro library for Northern meeting location.
    3. Jerry has rework on Championship results.
    4. Volunteer needed to make league website.

  9. Kudos to outgoing president Richard Keller. Appreciate all his service. Jerry Engler moved to adjourn.

  10. Next meeting: Tuesday, January 22, 2002, 7:00 p.m. at Alta Pool.

Submitted by
Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
April 24, 2001

Meeting brought to order at 7:15 pm

1. Old Business

  1. Motion to approve March minutes made, and seconded by floor; motion passed.
  2. Several representatives reported that they are not receiving e-mails, e.g., minutes, rule changes, etc. This will be reported to Cristy Alexander for further research.
  3. Change to EAST BAY SWIM LEAGUE 2001 SCHEDULE &endash; May 14 date for preliminary roster due to Bruce Garrett needs to be changed to May 28.

2. President's Report: None

3. Vice President's Report:

Preliminary rosters, EBSL applications and birth certificates (for new swimmers only) need to be delivered to Bruce Garrett's home. [ (510) 792-8357]. Bruce requests that the applications be arranged in order of roster, alpha by age group, with boys and girls apps. separate. The EBSL application goes with the first child in the family. The League gets a copy of the birth certificates for new swimmers. A passport and baptismal are acceptable in lieu of a birth certificate. Applications for all swimmers need to be signed by the Team President.

4. Treasurer's Report:

Fees are being paid timely. The third payment is due by the May 29 meeting.

5. Secretary's Report: None

6. Computer Director:

Glenn asked for names of computer people from each team. He has analyzed the Team Manager software program, and feels that is not applicable to our needs at this time.

Computer training will take place on May 12 from 10:00 am-12:00 at Glenn's house ( (If you need to reach Glenn on May 12, you may call him at (510) 490-4296.)

7. Team Reports

  • Chabot: Coaches hired, practice has begun
  • Columbia: No report
  • Glenmoor: Practice has begun, all is well
  • Kennedy: The Security bucket will be transferred to Washington Manor
  • Mission Highlands: The wireless PA system was stolen. Will start practice on 4/30
  • Mission Valley: No report
  • Newark: (See new business)
  • San Leandro: (See new business)
  • Southgate: 65 swimmers, coaches hired, practice has begun.
  • Treeview: 90 swimmers, began swimming 4/16
  • Washington Manor: Fabulous new coach, wondered whether there was a rule against practicing at more than one pool (was told no rule existed)
  • Warm Springs: Pumps are broken, hope to be fixed and swimmers in water by 5/30

8. New Business:

Championship Program prices should be discussed at the 5/29 meeting.

Jerry Engler from San Leandro announced that the Starter Clinics with Fran Edison will be held at 7:00 pm at Glenmoor (for the South), and at 7:00 pm at San Leandro on May 10 (for the North). It is crucial that every team send a representative to the starter clinic.

Fran will also coordinate the starter crew for Champs. However, since she is moving to Nevada, she will not be present the day of Champs, and will get someone to fill in for her. Jerry noted that USS will have a meet that day in this area, and will be taking many of the area's starters and stroke and turn judges. A motion to approve a $50 compensation for Fran Edison was moved and seconded. Becky Cull will cut the check.

Jerry also reported that deck cards still need to be printed and is working on various plans to ensure they will be printed in a timely manner. He will also order a book of DQ forms, or get a book from USS.

The Championship representative meeting will take place at Treeview on June 6 at 7:00 pm.

A tentative date has been set for a walkthrough at Chabot JC prior to Championships. This will occur on Friday, July 27. Times will be announced later.

Kelly Shannon from Washington Manor strongly urged that a meeting place in the north be found. Kelly will call the San Leandro Library, then contact all teams to inform them whether the 5/29 meeting can be held there.

The seeding meeting will take place at Warm Springs in July 17 at 7:30 pm. This is a change in time (from 7:00 pm) to allow the coaches to complete their workouts.

Newark and San Leandro discussed the feasibility of running tandem relays during Champs. For example, "A" relays would be held in the deep end, while "B" and "C" relays would be held in the shallow end. The League felt that both parents and coaches would be split if this should occur. The Computer Director thought this might be a computer nightmare, as well as extremely difficult for Clerk of the Course. However, the league reps would like to talk about the feasibility of running tandem IMs at the May meeting.

Next meeting: May 29, 2001, 7:00 pm, location to be determined.

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
March 27, 2001

Meeting brought to order @ 7:10 pm.

Motion to approve January minutes made and 2nd by floor, motion passed.

1. Old Business:

  1. Chabot College still has not confirmed receipt of forms, Dick Keller will fax them again.
  2. EBSL is still looking for a new northern area meeting place, any suggestions??

2. President's Report:


3. Vice President's Report:

Preliminary roster (14 copies) along with EBSL applications and birth certificates (new swimmers only) is due to Bruce Garrett on the Monday before the first dual meet (May 28, 2001). Final roster will be due June 25, 2001. Bruce requests that each team submit their applications in the same order as the prelim. Roster. Contact Bruce Garrett

4. Treasurer's Report:

Becky Cull of CO said that the insurance certificates should be in her hands next week. Becky will report at the next meeting clarification of who is covered by EBSL insurance policies.

EBSL dues of $1500.00 per team are payable in thirds beginning in March. $500.00 is due on the first of March, April & May.

5. Secretary's Report:

Rosters, Meet Schedule, EBSL Calendar and e-mail list passed out. Please send any changes to Cristy via e-mail at . Changes and/or corrections to be made and e-mailed out before next EBSL Meeting.

6. Computer Dir.:

Glenn announced that computer training will be held on May 12 10:00am &endash; 2:00pm. Glenn requested that all teams e-mail the name and e-mail address of their computer directors. Glenn questioned whether or not he could purchase an update of Team Manager for the league so he could determine if it is a good worthwhile investment for all teams. All teams need to report to Glenn if they own Meet Manager or not. Test disk due to Glenn June 26, 2001 by 8:00pm, final disk due July 14, 2001 by 8:00pm. Contact Glenn St. Marie

7. Team Reports:

  • Chabot: Hired a head coach and an assistant coach.
  • Columbia: Practice starts mid April
  • Glenmoor: Has coach and pool
  • Kennedy: Has coach, moving to American May 11
  • Mission Highlands: No report
  • Mission Valley: No report
  • Newark: No report, questioned how many radios for champs need to be reserved?
  • San Leandro: SL High may be able to design deck cards, Jerry will know by next meeting. 4170 per 5000 from local printer known by Larry Broun
  • Southgate: No report
  • Treeview: Has an assistant coach
  • Washington Manor: coaching in place, however pool has a heater system malfunction. Will start swimming when heater is fixed
  • Warm Springs: No report

New Business:


Next Meeting April 24, 2001 at 7:00pm Alta Pool

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
February 27, 2001

Meeting brought to order @ 7:10 pm.

Motion to approve January minutes made by Larry Broun 2nd by floor, motion passed.

1. Old Business

  1. Dual Meet schedule updates need to be given to Cristy at the end of meeting tonight.
  2. Peggy of WS questioned if swimmers are required to list their EBSL participation on the new application form, Dick suggested that the participation question is to determine eligibility of swimmers and it's not really important to list EBSL participation.
  3. Phil of NW wanted to clarify that returning EBSL swimmers do NOT need to submit another birth certificate.
  4. EBSL is still looking for a new northern area meeting place, any suggestions??

President's Report: None

2. Vice President's Report:

Preliminary roster (14 copies) along with EBSL applications and birth certificates (new swimmers only) is due to Bruce Garrett on the Monday before the first dual meet (May 28, 2001). Final roster will be due June 25, 2001. Bruce requests that each team submit their applications in the same order as the prelim. Roster. Contact Bruce Garrett

3. Treasurer's Report:

Becky Cull of CO said that the insurance forms are ready, a 5 cent per swimmer increase was announced. Becky passed out the ribbon order form and requested orders be e-mailed to her no later than March 9. The cost now is .14c per ribbon, later each ribbon will cost approx. .40c. **Reminder** Ribbons will be awarded 1st &endash; 5th place on individual and relay races. This is new this year. Robin of TV asked for clarification of who is covered by EBSL insurance policies. The first policy covers the swimmers, volunteers and coaches, the second policy covers EBSL Board members. Deck card orders are due at the next EBSL Meeting in March. Each team will need approx. 300 girls and 200 boys per meet.

EBSL dues of $1500.00 per team are payable in thirds beginning in March. $500.00 is due on the first of March, April & May.

4. Secretary's Report:

Roster update to be e-mailed prior to the next EBSL Meeting in March, an additional hard copy will be available for the President and coaches of each team at the March meeting. Please send any changes to Cristy via e-mail at no later than Monday March 26 8:00pm to be included in the final hard copy draft.

5. Computer Dir.:

Glenn announced that computer training can be for new people only, returning people have the option. Test disk due to Glenn June 26, 2001 by 8:00pm, final disk due July 14, 2001 by 8:00pm. Contact Glenn St. Marie

6. Team Reports:

  • Chabot: Looking for a head coach, would like to talk to GM about pool renovation contacts
  • Columbia: Needs to contact Chabot College to order a Northern Division Perpetual Spirit Award plaque. The current plaque is out of space.
  • Glenmoor: Pool renovation postponed
  • Kennedy: Needs to set Meet dates
  • Mission Highlands: No report
  • Mission Valley: No report
  • Newark: No report
  • San Leandro: Hired a head coach, still needs an assistant. Jerry wants to meet with Peggy to work on calendar for champs.
  • Southgate: No report
  • Treeview: Wondered when starter clinic will be held. Sometime in mid May.
  • Washington Manor: No report
  • Warm Springs: No report

New Business:

  1. Jerry of SL passed out new Meet sheet to all teams.
  2. Robin of TV will e-mail Cristy old copy of Rules and Regs. so Cristy can adapt the recent changes and have a hard copy for each team.

Next Meeting Mar. 27, 2001 7:00pm Alta Pool

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
January 23, 2001

Meeting brought to order @ 7:10 pm.

Motion to approve October minutes made by Peggy 2nd by Phil, motion passed.

1. Old Business:

  1. Amended Rules and Regulations: The amendments made by the Rules and Regulations Committee were passed by a vote of yes (10), no(1) obstintions/unknown (1)
  2. Robin of Treeview requested a clarification of the dates for eligibility.

2. President's Report:

Dillingham's are lined up for Championships on July 28, 2001 tentatively at the Chabot College Pool. The EBSL board is open to and is actively looking for another option to the Chabot Pool, however, the college has been put on notice that we are interested in the facility and rooms if another site is not found.

Each team needs to come prepared to place their order for ribbons and deck cards at the next EBSL meeting in February. Columbia, who had the ribbon ordering responsibility last year, will e-mail to Cristy an order form to be distributed to all team presidents.

EBSL should prepare own DQ cards for champs. Cyril will be asked to design a DQ card or possibly use an old format if one can be found on EBSL disks. Dick will check into it.

EBSL Calendar should be ready by the February meeting (Dick), as well as first draft of updated roster (Cristy).

3. Vice President's Report:


4. Treasurer's Report:

Larry passed out the budget for 2001 and current bank balance report. A suggestion was made to increase the radio budget for champs to cover all teams.

EBSL dues of $1500.00 per team are payable in thirds beginning in March. $500.00 is due on the first of March, April & May.

5. Secretary's Report:

Team rosters were passed out to each team for updated information and collected at the end of the meeting. First draft will be e-mailed to everyone and a hard copy will be brought to the next meeting as well. Please send any changes to Cristy via e-mail at

6. Team Reports:

  • Chabot: Looking for a coach, anticipating major renovation in 2002, yes, the nasty neighbor moved!
  • Columbia: Looking for an assistant coach
  • Glenmoor: No home meets this year due to pool renovation.
  • Kennedy: No report
  • Mission Highlands: No report
  • Mission Valley: Peggy & Georgia introduce tentative meet schedule for the southern teams. Week of June 30 is a by.
  • Newark: Questioned whether or not there is an EBSL rule regarding one EBSL team actively recruiting swimmers from another EBSL team?
  • San Leandro: Suggests circulating a salary survey since so many teams are looking for coaches.
  • Southgate: None
  • Treeview: Wondered where the Spirit Award Trophy is? Dick has it and will bring to next meeting. Former coach Cindi usually did northern teams meet schedule so team presidents should get together tonight to schedule their dual meets.
  • Washington Manor: Looking for coach
  • Warm Springs: None

New Business:

  1. Reminder: Food Coordinators, if new must be properly trained.
  2. Susan D. discussed new application which reflects the newly adopted rules and regulations, she will finish it up and e-mail out to everyone tonight (Jan 23, 2001).
  3. EBSL is looking for a new northern area meeting place, any suggestions??

Next Meeting Feb. 27, 2001 7:00pm Alta Pool

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
Oct. 30, 2000

Meeting brought to order @ 7:05 pm.

1. New Business

a. Jerry of SL introduced Rules and Regulations Committee recommendations for the 2001 season.
I. Eliminate water polo prohibition (Rule 2 Sec 1 Art 3e)

II. Eliminate automatic disqualification during champs for missing a race. (Rule 3 Sec 5 Art 6b)

III. Three different proposals concerning: (Rule 3 Sec 2 Art 4)

3. no change

4. no change except recreational swimmers will be treated like USS swimmers

5. EBSL swimmers may not swim with an additional program(other than a scholastic program) from April 1 until the end of the EBSL season.

6. Swimmers may not participate in an Organized Swim Program from January 1 to March 31

IV. Clinics will be limited to 15 hours per month from January through March. (Rule 3 Sec 2 Art 6)

V. Eliminate Rule 3 Sec 2 Art 7

Discussion from floor:

Concerns over whether or not to add the word "conditioning " were discussed when talking about clinics. It was decided that putting limits on hours of conditioning /clinics would be the best form of control.

Motion to adopt committee recommendations by Georgia MV, second by Vicki CH. Motion carried by majority. Each team is to vote by e-mail to EBSL Secretary Cristy Alexander by Dec. 1, 2000. New Rules will be e-mailed to each team for vote. If passed, each team will receive a hard copy.

2. President's Report:


3. Vice President's Report:


4. Treasurer's Report:


5. Secretary's Report:

Will begin to update team rosters. Please send new officer info. to Cristy at

6. Team Reports:

  • Chabot: None
  • Columbia: Team meeting on Nov. 16. Would be willing to trade with Kennedy for EBSL position. Carol will report to Dick after their team meeting.
  • Glenmoor: None
  • Kennedy: Has possible EBSL Treasurer to trade obligations with Columbia
  • Mission Highlands: None
  • Mission Valley: None
  • Newark: None
  • San Leandro: None
  • Southgate: None
  • Treeview: None
  • Washington Manor: None
  • Warm Springs: None

Next Meeting Jan 23, 2001 7:00pm Alta Pool

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
June 27, 2000

May minutes approved as read by WM, 2nd by WS. Columbia requested a copy.

Old business:

Chabot College snack bar up and running by champs. Chabot snack bar wants menu items to accommodate EBSL. Southgate will make contact w/ Chabot College. Greg Rees phone # 786-6914.

Chabot pool available 4-8 for practice and set up on Friday evening. Treeview had discussions with Mr. Rees and there is NO LAWN available for teams to set-up. Softball fields and parking lot area. Also, no blankets or tents in courtyard. No dance room or weight room. Computers can be set up in hallway of handball court and teachers room. Chabot has gone to Saturday classes and are becoming difficult to deal with. There is possibly a teacher on staff at Chabot trying to help us out. Names given to Holly to help with Chabot College.

President Report: Dillingham's had their trailer vandalized and we are checking to see if they are still available to do champs. Jerry of SL and Cindi of WM are checking into back up sources for a scoring system. Multi user version of our software possible back up per Peggy of WS.

VP Report: Teams have outstanding birth certificates. Holly needs all by Monday July 3rd. WM gave Holly 2 outstanding certificates. All rosters are in.

Treasurer Report: Budget, team deposits and current balance sheet passed out. All teams need to check to see if you owe for membership, ribbons, etc. and make payment ASAP.

Secretary Report:


Team Reports:

  • Chabot: (Clerk of the Course):Has main person for Clerk of the Course(Paulette Best 537-5855), coach back in town and Chabot home meets arrival time is 8:00am.
  • Columbia: (Ribbons):Has extra ribbons for MV.
  • Glenmoor: (Officials): no report.
  • Kennedy: (Security): no report
  • Highlands: No report
  • Miss. Valley: (Programs): Program sales forecast presented to approve $1.00 increase in cost prior to champs 43.00 increase at champs. Ad costs to increase to $25.00 per page from previous $20.00 per page. WM made a motion to keep ad page price for 2000 and to increase to $25.00 per page for 2001. Motion passed. Presale program to be sold for $7.00, at champs to be sold for $10.00. Presale cut off and checks due @ July 18 seeding meeting. Ads due at seeding meeting also.
  • Newark: (Main Clerk of the Course): Needs binder from WM for clerk of the course. WM brought binder to hand off.
  • San Leandro( Set-up): set-up on track, Dick proposed an additional tent and will notify ASAP and discuss with Holly. SL has contacted company regarding two-way radios. Proposed price is $35.00 per unit. Champion Communications last year vendor approx. $12.00 per unit, however, they were not successful. SL will get together with Peggy of WS. We need #18 radios and they are not budgeted. Dick recommended ordering same as last year and only distribute to people on check off list. SL needs to know who to coordinate with at Chabot.
  • Southgate: (Purveyor): No report
  • Treeview: (Volunteer desk): No report
  • Warm Springs: (Hospitality): Working on Hospitality
  • Washington Manor: (First Aid): Misunderstanding with swimmer A. Bruton, she is ineligible to swim on WM because she swims USS. How much are the nurses paid? Please give nurses names to WM for volunteer work at champs. WM needs supplies. SG suggested calling local hospitals for donations. GM bought supplies last year and they are outdated, should be a league expense. Nurses are not in volunteer grid. TV said that Pete Gabriel of TV(489-9449) has grid for champs volunteers, due July 6th.

New Business:

Larry informs us that there is no money in the budget for canopies which run approx. $1200- $1500. We can afford them but we need a motion to put them back in the budget. Motion passed.

Gene Kendall of KY believes EBSL to be archaic. Feels EBSL is discriminatory towards kids who swim USS and waterpolo and wonders what are our rules accomplishing? He wants the league to do research of top 10 times from champs to show that we have no time swimmers in our league. He feels that if a swimmer is not currently enrolled in USS they should be able to swim EBSL. Dick recommends at year's end to reevaluate rules. Gene Kendall volunteered for committee. Each team should have a rep for this committee.

GM is researching T-shirts for champs. Poster contest winners for next year 2001 possible.

Appeals for ineligibility:

  1. MH- M. Cambana swam out of area in a summer program in Atlanta;NASA rec. league 4-18yr olds. Her application was denied because of Rule 2 Sec. 1 Art 3. She has prior experience in an organized program, and Rule 3 Sec 1 Art 7; she swam after April 1 of 1999 in a year round program, (she swam May, June, and July 1999).
  2. KY- 2 girls, Christie and Lindsay, represented by their dad swam for Castlewood Barracudas past April 1, 1999. Both stopped in July of 1999 and the father believes the rules written are not interpreted correctly.
  3. KY- Erin, represented by her mom, last swam 1999.

Dick asked all to leave room but board and team reps.

  • CO: Rules are rules, not time to change them
  • KY: Wants clarity of the rules
  • TV: Rules were worked on very hard and it is not our fault that info was not taken back to individual teams.
  • GM: Need to abide by rules
  • WM: Loopholes in rules
  • SG: Stand by rules, clarify in off-season
  • MH appeal denied 10-1
  • KY appeal denied 10-1
  • We need practice disk from CH, CO, MH, MV deliver to Glenn

Meeting adjourned

Next meeting to be held at SLCC July 18, 2000 @ 7pm (Seeding Meeting)

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
May 23, 2000

Meeting brought to order by EBSL President Dick Keller @ 7:10pm.

Old business:

Holly working with Greg Reiss of Chabot College, an area of concern is Chabot's snack bar. If the snack bar is not ready for business by champs, can we run our own? Pool will be available Friday July 28 from 4pm until 8pm and July 29 from 5am until 10pm. A suggestion was made that there be no practice on Friday because the Dillingham's will be setting up at 4pm on Friday as well.

Jerry thinks teams may need to order more boy deck cards, cards were passed out at previous meeting and he has more in his car but not sure if the supply is enough. Steve announced that Glenmoor has 1200+ cards available to any team who needed them.

President Report:

Weight and Dance Room facilities are not available to us at champs, as well as no tents in front of the college on the lawn area. We will have use of the racquetball courts and staff lounge for Hospitality, Ribbons, and possibly Computers.

Hospitality will need to have trained and certified personnel working and possibly a card and certificate posted. This needs further investigation.

VP Report:

13 copies of the preliminary rosters due on the 29th of May

Treasurer Report:

Budget, team deposits and current balance sheet passed out. All teams need to check to see if you owe for membership, ribbons, etc. and make payment ASAP. Final EBSL installment is due on May 29.

Secretary Report:


Team Reports:

  • Chabot (Clerk of the Course): Still looking for family to host Clerk of the Course
  • Columbia (Ribbons): Meets to be held at Cal State, request help in policing swimmers while attending a meet at Cal State. Please clean up after your team and children. Dick recommended withholding scores until pool area is clean.
  • Glenmoor (Officials): Spoke with Fran and all is well. Dick will e-mail timers with confirmation of Chabot Pool.
  • Kennedy (Security): no report
  • Highlands: No report
  • Miss. Valley (Programs): Announced that their rosters were finished and wondered where their reward was for finishing early!!* Passed out Program Cover Contest info.
  • Newark (Main Clerk of the Course): Looking for champs rep. Has incumbent to help with Clerk of the Course.
  • San Leandro (Set-up): Questions whether or not we want an additional canopy? Peggy to get detailed info to Jerry.
  • Southgate (Purveyor): Announced 97 rostered swimmers this season. Purveyor letter sent out to sporting goods stores. Jerry suggests making a commemorative patch to sell at champs, leaves the idea in the hands of Southgate.
  • Treeview (Volunteer desk): Announced 93 rostered swimmers this season, the most in 5 years. Received Volunteer Desk packet today (May 23), teams need to have volunteer packet by June 6 for champs rep meeting. Jerry suggested having a volunteer for handling DQ slips; last year the EBSL board members hand delivered them to coaches.
  • Warm Springs (Hospitality): No report
  • Washington Manor: (First Aid): Request minutes to be sent out earlier. Has list but needs the supplies for first aid. Introduced Heidi Finberg as new VP of team. Pool is on verge of collapsing with no funding available. Heidi has been speaking to city council, community groups, etc. to solicit money. Mayor has given a public commitment that swimmers will have a place to swim. WM is looking for support and endorsement from EBSL as a whole as well as individual teams for a Parks and Recreation Bond Measure. WM has personally raised $15,000 so far.

Dick suggests putting WM Bond issue on the agenda for discussion and consideration for June meeting.

New Business:

Georgia questions whether or not the food trainer is covered under team insurance. Food trainer must be put on their team's board to be covered by team insurance.

Meeting adjourned 8:15pm

Next meeting to be held at Alta Pool June 27, 2000 @ 7pm

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


East Bay Swim League
March 28, 2000

Meeting brought to order by EBSL President Dick Keller @ 7:10 pm. February minutes approved unanimously by voice vote.

President Report:

Mr. Rees of Chabot College pool doesn't anticipate any problems with our date for this years championship meet. Dick will get update tomorrow 3-29-00.

VP Report:


Treasurer Report:

Insurance certificate was mailed out to teams, it is okay for teams to make copies. Combined bank balance is $9000.00 with no major expenses currently. Second team installment of dues is now due, final installment payable by May 29, 2000.

Secretary Report:

Final roster passed out, one for each president, coach and EBSL Rep. Team E-mail addresses list also passed out.

  • Vicki of Chabot: How specific of a date needs to be written on registration form?
  • Robin of TV: Suggests that the month and year is needed to determine eligibility.
  • Vicki of Chabot: To MH, How much did it cost to redo their bathrooms?

Team Reports:

  • Chabot: Clerk of the Course: Needs to get together with Newark to discuss.
  • Columbia: Ribbons: Will be available early May for distribution. Gave check from team to EBSL Treasurer.
  • Glenmoor: Officials; Now has phone number to call
  • Kennedy: Security; no report
  • Highlands: No report
  • Miss. Valley: Programs; Champs Rep has received the program information, Purveyor info forwarded to Southgate.
  • Newark: Main Clerk of the Course; no report, however, they are working on signing people up.
  • San Leandro: Set-up: Need to get together with WS. Suggest July 18, 2000 as seeding meeting date.
  • Southgate: Purveyor; no report, has coaching staff in place.
  • Treeview: Volunteer desk: When/ who has information on the computer clinic for volunteer desk?
  • Warm Springs: Hospitality: Has all information on their job.
  • Washington Manor: First Aid: No report, did receive inventory and supplies list from Steve @ Glenmoor.

Kelly of WM will handle reserving big room at SLCC for seeding meeting as they already have a room that night for their own team meeting (which they will change to accommodate the EBSL meeting)

Dick: Requested pool set-up for July 28 at 4:00-8:00 pm

Jerry: Thinks the extra deck cards may be enough for this season

Robin of TV: Suggests asking Cindi Coats as to how many were used last year. If we do need more Robin suggests using a local high school graphics dept. for cheap printing. Regular meets use approx. 350 cards per color, per team, per meet. Each team should count up their cards and report to Jerry by April 10.

Glenn: Computer clinics will be held on a Saturday afternoon sometime in May. Glenn needs to know how many people need the training and who is the computer person for each team. Training will be held in Warm springs.

Peggy: Betsy has food training books for teams and either May 6 or 13 will be a good date for her to do the training. Betsy's phone number is 510-490-1409 , she will be out of town until next week.

Robin of TV: Requested an updated EBSL calendar to be e-mailed.

Dick: After confirmation of a few dates, Cristy will e-mail the updates to all.

Champ Rep Meetings to be held June 8, July 6 @ Alta Pool and July 26(walkthru) @ Chabot College.

New Business:

Kennedy: Requests a copy of their teams results and league records.

Dick: Asked Jerry to bring copies of the leagues records to the next meeting. Jerry reminded everyone that these copies are not individual team results.

Peggy: Stated that Brandon printed individual team results by request only, previous years nobody picked up their results.

Glenn: Will ask Brandon if he has team results on disk.

Dick: reminder to all that the second team installment is due and if not paid to please mail to the league address in Fremont.

Next meeting to be held at Alta Pool April 25, 2000 at 7 pm (880 to Thornton East, (R) on Blacow, (R)on Keystone, (L) on Alta Dr., pool on (L)

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by
Cristy Alexander, EBSL Secretary


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