~ EBSL Meeting Minutes Archive ~
2002: |
24 | October
22 | |
2003: |
January 29 | February 25 | March 25 | April 29 | May 27 | June 24 |
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:15 p.m. by Acting President, Diana Souza. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business
New rule books
3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report July 15 seeding meeting at Marina Community Center. 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director
8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
8. New Business Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by Acting
President, Diana Souza. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report After each meet email or call in the score to Diana. Each
team needs to report the score. July 15 seeding meeting confirmed at Marina Community
Center. 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director Rick Nagy of Columbia has access to ice cream sales truck
during Championships. Jerry will check with Chabot College
if they will approve this. 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 10. New Business If your pool has restrictions or concerns please bring
them so we can notify everyone. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting June 24 7:00 at Monarch Bay Golf Club, 13800
Monarch Drive (formerly Neptune Dr.) San Leandro, CA
94577 Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: May 27, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
Motion to approve April minutes made and accepted.
No issues.
All teams turned in their preliminary roster on time. Copies
of team rosters were distributed. If you are going to add a
swimmer, email other teams and notify the other coach at the
seeding meeting. Final roster due June 22 by midnight to
Diana Souza.
3rd dues installment of $550 was collected. Teams received
their ribbon and card orders from Glenmoor, if extras were
ordered the balance is due.
Nothing to report.
Champ Rep Meetings will be June 4, July 8 at Alta Pool
7:00. You must have a rep there to receive information. Alta
Pool address is 38350 Alta Dr. Fremont 94536
If you have any issues contact Glenn St. Marie at
gstmarie@attbi.com .
Peggy has new Rule Books. She will distributed them at the
champ rep meeting next week.
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by Secretary Sandi
Westover. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 8. New Business Meeting adjourned, Next meeting: May 27, 2003. Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: April 29, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
Motion to approve March minutes made and accepted.
No issues.
Preliminary roster are due May 26 by midnight to Diana
Souza, 1212 Coe Ave, San Leandro, 94579. 14 copies with
swimmers listed in alphabetical order by age group and
gender. New swimmers or swimmers who did not swim last year
need to provide a birth certificate and the team president
must sign their application. All applications require parent
signature but not the swimmer's signature unless they are
over 18 years. Please do not staple anything.
Financial reports were reviewed. Dues installment was
Nothing to report.
Chabot College has confirmed the pool for Championships on
Sat. July 26, 2003. Champ Rep Meetings will be June 4, July
8 at Alta Pool 7:00. Walk thru at Chabot July 23 at
The computer software should be upgraded to TeamManagerII
3x. If you have 1x the upgrade costs $69, it you upgraded to
2x last year you can get the replacement CD for $10. If you
have any questions or have a new computer director contact
Glenn St. Marie at gstmarie@attbi.com
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:04 p.m. by Acting President
Diana Souza. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 8. New Business Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 29,
2003. Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: March 25, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
Motion to approve February minutes made and accepted.
Insurance discussed.
EBSL calendar was previously emailed with roster and disk
due dates.
Certificates of Insurance were distributed, they are
effective as of April 1, 2003. Let Kate know if you need any
more. Jerry recommends teams place their Snack Bar
Coordinator on their Board of Directors so this person is
covered by insurance. First dues installment collected.
Nothing to report.
Jerry has turned in our application for Chabot College. Are
teams interested in a Starter's Clinic or a Coaches' Clinic?
Starter's Clinic is a good refresher course and good for 1st
year coaches. Bruce of Newark will contact John Pickens to
see if he's available to run a Starter's Clinic in mid-May.
Peggy needs to know who your Champ Rep is, please let her
know. Most teams will have the same job as last year. We
will again self officiate but we'll have a Head
Not available tonight. Please let Glen know who your
computer director is.
Snack bar person needs to be certified. Each team needs to
have someone with a "food service" type certificate in order
to have a snack bar. In the past Betsy Leff has done
training and certification for EBSL teams. Peggy will see if
she's available to come to our next board meeting to answer
questions regarding snack bars and certification.
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice President
Diana Souza. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 8. New Business Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 25,
2003. Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: February 25, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
Motion to approve January minutes made and accepted.
The June 14 San Leandro @ Columbia meet is changed to
June 17th.
Motion made and carried to revise EBSL Rules and
Regulations to conform with January 25, 2003 vote to
eliminate comp swimmers on a one year trial basis.
Addendum to Rules will be made.
Motion made and carried regarding swimmers with 24 month
consecutive USS experience. Rule 3, Section 2, Article 5
will be rewritten. EBSL Application will be revised.
Card sent to Robert's family. Southgate will provide
Treasurer with amount due for son's swim fees.
Unable to attend. First dues installment of $550 due next
Team e-mail addresses and roster were updated. Secretary
will make EBSL Rule and Regulation changes.
List of no shows for jobs at champs was reviewed. Glenmoor
will send out order form for ribbons. They will also order
deck cards.
Updating computer program. Teams need to purchase new
version. New computer directors need at attend a training
(possibly May 17 or 18). Let Glenn know if you have a new
computer director. He's looking for an older youth to help
him Fri-Sat (champs weekend). Preliminary disk due June 28
7:00 p.m. Final disk due July 12 7:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in standardized meet sheets?
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice President
Diana Souza. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 10. New Business Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 25,
2003. Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: January 29, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
Motion to approve October minutes made and accepted.
No league fines this year for Champs no shows.
Press release on rule changes distributed. See website
After much discussion motion made to accept proposal on a
one year trial basis. Motion carried by a 6 to 5 vote.
Voting yes - Chabot, Highlands, Mission Valley, Newark,
San Leandro, Warm Springs. Voting no - Columbia,
Glenmoor, Kennedy, Southgate, Treeview. Washington Manor
did not vote.
Robert Ewell's services will be Sunday February 2, 2003 1:00
pm at the USS Hornet in Alameda. Motion for the league to
pay for Robert's son swim fees made and accepted. Diana will
send a card to the family.
Application (rev. 01/02) needs a date change.
2002 financial records and 2003 budget presented. Motion to
accept budget as presented made and accepted. Teams dues
will increase from $1500 to $1650 a year. $550 due in March,
April and May.
Nothing to report.
Making contact with Chabot College.
No report
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert
Ewell. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 8. New Business Meeting adjourned. . Next meeting: Tuesday, January 28,
2003. Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: October 22, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
No report
No report
Financial records need to be transferred from Becky Cull to
Kate Sabin. For January Kate will review final financial
figures and work up a budget.
Let me know of board roster changes at
sandi_westover@yahoo.com . I will use EBSL Treasurer, Kate
Sabin's, address on the EBSL roster for the next two
Almost every team has the same job this year; only 3 teams
have new jobs.
No report
Bruce Garrett of Newark proposed a rule
change regarding comp swimmers. This proposal will be
emailed to the board. Please contact your team board and
coaches and be prepared to vote on this proposal at the
January meeting.
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert
Ewell. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports 8. New Business Meeting adjorned at 8:12 . Next meeting: Tuesday, October
22, 2002. Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary
Date: September 24, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont
Motion to approve June minutes made and seconded.
The Championship Meet went wonderful. Thank you to all
involved. Having ended the 1st year as President he
appreciates how well the league is organized and runs
Bruce Garrett our outgoing Vice President said his
farewells, "thanks a lot and it's been fun". The box of
paperwork was handed over to Diana Souza of Washington Manor
our new Vice President for 2002-2004.
Becky Cull our outgoing Treasurer was out of town and unable
to attend this meeting. We thank her for the wonderful job
she's done handling EBSL finances for the last two years.
Financial matters will be turned over to Kate Sabin of
I am updating our EBSL Roster and email addresses. Please
let me know of changes at sandi_westover@yahoo.com .
Championships went pretty well. Jerry Engler and Peggy
Herndon (meet directors) got together after the meet and
came up with suggestions for improvement.
Having computers set up on both sides of the pool worked
There was discussion of a complaint filed on September 19,
2002 by San Leandro for an incident that occurred at
Championships. There was alleged inappropriate conduct in
the final heat of the 15-18 girls freestyle race against
their swimmer. The volunteer officials on deck did not
witness the situation so no action was taken at the meet. In
the future, it was recommended to have a designated head
official in the starter area during the entire meet. The
actions of one girl was the issue however there is some
history between the two girls. With the consensus of the 2
team presidents, San Leandro and Washington Manor, EBSL
President, Bob Ewell will write a stern letter to both
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