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EBSL Minutes
Date: June 24, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:15 p.m. by Acting President, Diana Souza.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Typo correction made in section #8 - change "distributed" to "distribute". Motion to approve May minutes (after correction) made and accepted.

2. Old Business
Any team pool restrictions or concerns?

  • Washington Manor: inspectors have shut down their bathroom. One last home meet.
  • Southgate: Letter received from Southgate Swim Club asking that home meets end at 12:30 since it needs to open the pool to club members at that time.

New rule books

  • Peggy distributed new rule books. Water depth, slope of pool may be an issue for 2004 season.

3. President's Report
No issues.

4. Vice President's Report
Final rosters were turned in on June 22nd, team copies were distributed. Diana handed out lists of problems and issues to appropriate teams. Corrections must be done by July 15, before the seeding meeting or swimmer will DQ.

July 15 seeding meeting at Marina Community Center.

5. Treasurer's Report
All teams have paid their dues. Spreadsheet handout out showing teams that still owe ribbon payment.

6. Secretary's Report
2003 Coaches roster distributed.

7. Meet Director

  • Everything on track with Chabot and timers.
  • They are contacting starters and officials from last year.
  • Next champ rep meeting July 8th 7:00 p.m. at Alta Pool.
  • Chabot parking - be prepare to pay $1 for parking.
  • No talking on cell phones as timers/recorders during Champs.
  • Swimmers can only swim 4 events, if they swim 5 they DQ from all events. Since there are no comps, you can't comp a relay and have someone swim 5 events.

8. Computer Director
Preliminary disk is due now. Have your computer director email Glenn for directions on how to submit preliminary disk. Final Championship disk and hard copy due July 12th to Glenn.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Needs 6th and 8th place ribbons.
  • Columbia - Everything good
  • Glenmoor - Everything fine
  • Highlands - Everything good
  • Kennedy - Everything good
  • Mission Valley - Everything good
  • Newark - Sleeping bag left at last meet (Glenmoor)
  • San Leandro - Not present yet
  • Southgate - Nothing to report
  • Treeview - Everything good. Their club limits visiting teams to 100 swimmers. Treeview now has 104 swimmers. Does any team have issues if Treeview brings 104 swimmers (unlikely they'll all show up).
  • Washington Manor - Working on closed bathroom issue for last meet. Also working out pool closure issues for next season.
  • Warm Springs - Doing fine

8. New Business
Next meeting: July 15th Seeding Meeting at San Leandro Marina Community Center, 15301 Wicks Blvd. San Leandro.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: May 27, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by Acting President, Diana Souza.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve April minutes made and accepted.

2. Old Business

  • Starter's Clinic
    • John Pickens did a great job on the Starter'Clinic which was held Thursday, May 15th at Newark Pool. About 20 people attended. Thank you to Bruce Garrett of Newark for handling it.
  • Coaches Clinic
    • It was cancelled since only 1 coach could attend. Various teams had practice during the scheduled time. It was recommended that it be scheduled earlier in the year (before the season starts) possibly on a Saturday. Thank you to Treeview and Coach Radecke for their willingness to do it.
  • Programs
    • Championship program packets were handed out. It included information on preordering programs, the cost to buy pages, the cover contest… If you want an email copy contact Heidi Finberg

3. President's Report
No issues.

4. Vice President's Report
All teams turned in their preliminary roster on time. Copies of team rosters were distributed. If you are going to add a swimmer, email other teams and notify the other coach at the seeding meeting. Final roster due June 22 by midnight to Diana Souza.

After each meet email or call in the score to Diana. Each team needs to report the score.

July 15 seeding meeting confirmed at Marina Community Center.

5. Treasurer's Report
3rd dues installment of $550 was collected. Teams received their ribbon and card orders from Glenmoor, if extras were ordered the balance is due.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Champ Rep Meetings will be June 4, July 8 at Alta Pool 7:00. You must have a rep there to receive information. Alta Pool address is 38350 Alta Dr. Fremont 94536

Rick Nagy of Columbia has access to ice cream sales truck during Championships. Jerry will check with Chabot College if they will approve this.

8. Computer Director
If you have any issues contact Glenn St. Marie at .

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Roster at 124
  • Columbia - Time trials at Cal State Hayward went well. About 95 swimmers Spirit Award plaque found
  • Glenmoor - Had fun at time trials. 128 swimmers
  • Highlands - Everything going fine, 122 swimmers
  • Kennedy - Have permit to use their pool, 107 swimmers. Meets at American High School, they run 8 lanes.
  • Mission Valley - Started practice today at Mission High School. Meets will be at their pool. Have 1 returning and 2 new coaches
  • Newark - Everything fine
  • San Leandro - Everything going good, 126 swimmers. Did pictures
  • Southgate - Had practice meet last Thursday, 92 swimmers
  • Treeview - 104 swimmers. Timed trials went smoothly. Have a new wireless PA system. They recommend with good service for swim caps. . .
  • Washington Manor - 110 swimmers. They use San Leandro School District pool. District may close pool to cut costs, WM negotiating to help pay to keep it open.
  • Warm Springs - Timed trials May 10th. Took pictures and received them already. 127 swimmers. Saturday's meet is Twins Day.

10. New Business
Peggy has new Rule Books. She will distributed them at the champ rep meeting next week.

If your pool has restrictions or concerns please bring them so we can notify everyone.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting June 24 7:00 at Monarch Bay Golf Club, 13800 Monarch Drive (formerly Neptune Dr.) San Leandro, CA 94577

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: April 29, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by Secretary Sandi Westover.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve March minutes made and accepted.

2. Old Business

  • Snack Bar Certification
    • Betsy Leff discussed the state law requiring us to have an individual with a food handling certificate in order to have a snack bar at meets. 3 years ago she taught the certification class to individuals from each team. This certificate is good for 3 years and will expire this summer. If you do not have the certificate, contact Betsy She can tell you who on your team took her class or you can use her certificate. She will teach another certification class April 2004 in time for next season. This class is available through the state/county and online if you want to take it sooner.
  • Starter's Clinic
    • John Pickens will do a Starter'Clinic on Thursday, May 15th at Newark Pool. All starters and new coaches should attend. RSVP to Jerry at

3. President's Report
No issues.

4. Vice President's Report
Preliminary roster are due May 26 by midnight to Diana Souza, 1212 Coe Ave, San Leandro, 94579. 14 copies with swimmers listed in alphabetical order by age group and gender. New swimmers or swimmers who did not swim last year need to provide a birth certificate and the team president must sign their application. All applications require parent signature but not the swimmer's signature unless they are over 18 years. Please do not staple anything.

5. Treasurer's Report
Financial reports were reviewed. Dues installment was collected.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Chabot College has confirmed the pool for Championships on Sat. July 26, 2003. Champ Rep Meetings will be June 4, July 8 at Alta Pool 7:00. Walk thru at Chabot July 23 at 7:00.

  • Volunteer Coordinator - (Warm Springs)
    • If you saw volunteer needs at champs last year let Peggy Herndon know now so she can make adjustments to the volunteer roster. The volunteer rosters are done using excel. Make sure your team's volunteer coordinator has excel and knows how to use it. Do you want your volunteer roster (hard copy and electronic copy) to go to your President or Champ Rep. If you have changes to your volunteer roster you do not need to notify the Volunteer Coordinator just make sure someone is sent to fulfill the job.
  • Programs - (Washington Manor)
    • Diana will verify program cost and page charge. Preorders, ads and cover drawings are due July 15 at the seeding meeting.

8. Computer Director
The computer software should be upgraded to TeamManagerII 3x. If you have 1x the upgrade costs $69, it you upgraded to 2x last year you can get the replacement CD for $10. If you have any questions or have a new computer director contact Glenn St. Marie at .

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Registration closed yesterday
  • Columbia - not present
  • Glenmoor - Card and ribbon orders should arrive shortly. He'll email us.
  • Highlands - Parent meeting tomorrow. Practice kick off Monday.
  • Kennedy - Started swimming, move back into their own pool May 10.
  • Mission Valley - Have 2 new coaches.
  • Newark - Practicing. Started turning kids away yesterday. Warning: Parking will be difficult this year (parking lot smaller).
  • San Leandro - Kids in the water. Registration done. Things going smoothly.
  • Southgate - Kids swimming. May 17 kick off BBQ. Team not full yet.
  • Treeview - Doing well on swimmers. Coach Bob will do a Coaches Clinic May 21 at 7:30 pm Treeview. RSVP Diana Erian 489-6774 or
  • Washington Manor - Started swimming. Team full.
  • Warm Springs - In the water. Final swimmer's count still fluctuating. Picture day Sat. Working on coaches' contracts.

8. New Business

  • Clinics
    • Motion made to spend up to $300 for food at Coaches' Clinic and Starter's Clinic as well as a thank you gift for John Pickens. Motion seconded and passed. Treeview will purchase pizza for Coaches Clinic and Meet Directors will do so for the Starter's clinic.

Meeting adjourned, Next meeting: May 27, 2003.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: March 25, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:04 p.m. by Acting President Diana Souza.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve February minutes made and accepted.

2. Old Business

  • Addendum to EBSL Rules & Regulations was presented and reviewed.
  • Team Surveys
    • Diana will email the summary.
    • Does any team have "Pool Rules" that may affect dual meets?
  • The following is Treeview Swimming Club Pool Rules Pertaining to the Dolphin Swim Team for 2003 Issued by the Board of Directors
    1. Treeview Swim Club maximum grounds capacity is 256 people
    2. Noise must be kept to a minimum as swim meets start early and there are people that live in close proximity to the pool grounds.
    3. Treeview Swim Club maximum pool capacity is 150 swimmers
    4. Access to Treeview Swim Club grounds are no earlier than 7:00 a.m.
    5. The swim meets must be over by 12:00 p.m. for membership use of the pool.
    6. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the pool grounds.
    7. The grounds must be returned to a clean state by 12:00 p.m. for membership use.
    8. The grass area must be kept in good condition.
    9. Graffiti or willful destruction of club property will not be permitted.

3. President's Report
Insurance discussed.

4. Vice President's Report
EBSL calendar was previously emailed with roster and disk due dates.

5. Treasurer's Report
Certificates of Insurance were distributed, they are effective as of April 1, 2003. Let Kate know if you need any more. Jerry recommends teams place their Snack Bar Coordinator on their Board of Directors so this person is covered by insurance. First dues installment collected.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Jerry has turned in our application for Chabot College. Are teams interested in a Starter's Clinic or a Coaches' Clinic? Starter's Clinic is a good refresher course and good for 1st year coaches. Bruce of Newark will contact John Pickens to see if he's available to run a Starter's Clinic in mid-May. Peggy needs to know who your Champ Rep is, please let her know. Most teams will have the same job as last year. We will again self officiate but we'll have a Head Official.

8. Computer Director
Not available tonight. Please let Glen know who your computer director is.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Had registration, about 108 swimmers. New Vice President.
  • Columbia - Had registration. New Registrar and new Treasurer. Have 2 coaches and possibly 1 more.
  • Glenmoor - 125 swimmers starting April 7. 2 coaches and 2 assistants
  • Highlands - Pool being resurfaced, hope to start May 5th. Had 140 applications going to accept about 120.
  • Kennedy - 80 swimmers on roster. 1 returning coach and 2 new. Start April 7
  • Mission Valley - Have more swimmers than need, starting April 7
  • Newark - Having tryouts the end of April. Have 4 coaches
  • San Leandro - Coaches back. April 1st in the water with over 100 swimmers.
  • Southgate - Start swimming April 14th, both coaches back. New EBSL Rep.
  • Treeview - Had 1st sign up, 2nd sign up next week. Start swimming April 7.
  • Washington Manor - Had 2 sign ups, about 100 swimmers. 3 coaches. Hope to be in the water April 7th.
  • Warm Springs - Have about 130 swimmers, had to turn some away. Coaches back. New heater being installed. Start swimming April 7th

8. New Business
Snack bar person needs to be certified. Each team needs to have someone with a "food service" type certificate in order to have a snack bar. In the past Betsy Leff has done training and certification for EBSL teams. Peggy will see if she's available to come to our next board meeting to answer questions regarding snack bars and certification.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 29, 2003.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: February 25, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice President Diana Souza.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve January minutes made and accepted.

2. Old Business

  • Meet Schedule
    The June 14 San Leandro @ Columbia meet is changed to June 17th.
  • Rule Change
    Motion made and carried to revise EBSL Rules and Regulations to conform with January 25, 2003 vote to eliminate comp swimmers on a one year trial basis. Addendum to Rules will be made.
  • Swimmers with USS experience
    Motion made and carried regarding swimmers with 24 month consecutive USS experience. Rule 3, Section 2, Article 5 will be rewritten. EBSL Application will be revised.

3. President's Report
Card sent to Robert's family. Southgate will provide Treasurer with amount due for son's swim fees.

4. Vice President's Report

  • Application will be updated to reflect rule change. Use of old form is acceptable.
  • Preliminary roster due May 26, 2003 (14 copies).
  • Return team surveys to Diana and she will compile a summary.
  • If there are any pool rules that may affect dual meets please bring info next meeting.

5. Treasurer's Report
Unable to attend. First dues installment of $550 due next meeting.

6. Secretary's Report
Team e-mail addresses and roster were updated. Secretary will make EBSL Rule and Regulation changes.

7. Meet Director
List of no shows for jobs at champs was reviewed. Glenmoor will send out order form for ribbons. They will also order deck cards.

8. Computer Director
Updating computer program. Teams need to purchase new version. New computer directors need at attend a training (possibly May 17 or 18). Let Glenn know if you have a new computer director. He's looking for an older youth to help him Fri-Sat (champs weekend). Preliminary disk due June 28 7:00 p.m. Final disk due July 12 7:00 p.m.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - New board. Practice starts April 7
  • Columbia - Registration this Sat, Have 2 coaches need 1 more
  • Glenmoor - 101 returning swimmers, new registration coming up. Coach Stephanie had a baby girl and is returning
  • Highlands - Registration March 10 and 22
  • Kennedy - Registration March 13
  • Mission Valley - This week registration due, coach returning
  • Newark - Tomorrow returning registration, Apr 26 new registrations
  • San Leandro - Pool is available. Had registration
  • Southgate - March 15 1st sign up, April 12 2nd sign up
  • Treeview - Registration March 22 and 29.
  • Washington Manor - Had 2 sign ups about 100 swimmers. Coaches lined up.
  • Warm Springs - About 94 returning swimmers. Coaches back. Practice starts April 7. Heater being replaced.

8. New Business
Anyone interested in standardized meet sheets?

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 25, 2003.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: January 29, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice President Diana Souza.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve October minutes made and accepted.

2. Old Business

  • -Fines
    No league fines this year for Champs no shows.
  • -High School Rule Changes
    Press release on rule changes distributed. See website
    • Required pool depth remains at 4ft with 18 inch blocks. Motion to require 4 ft pool depth when children are diving off blocks made and accepted. Mission Valley's pool is acceptable when filled.
    • The stand-up backstroke start has been eliminated. It is up to the starters to enforce not a matter of DQ.
  • -Proposal for rule change to eliminate comp swimmers
    After much discussion motion made to accept proposal on a one year trial basis. Motion carried by a 6 to 5 vote. Voting yes - Chabot, Highlands, Mission Valley, Newark, San Leandro, Warm Springs. Voting no - Columbia, Glenmoor, Kennedy, Southgate, Treeview. Washington Manor did not vote.

3. President's Report
Robert Ewell's services will be Sunday February 2, 2003 1:00 pm at the USS Hornet in Alameda. Motion for the league to pay for Robert's son swim fees made and accepted. Diana will send a card to the family.

4. Vice President's Report
Application (rev. 01/02) needs a date change.

5. Treasurer's Report
2002 financial records and 2003 budget presented. Motion to accept budget as presented made and accepted. Teams dues will increase from $1500 to $1650 a year. $550 due in March, April and May.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director
Making contact with Chabot College.

8. Computer Director
No report

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Coaches returning, registration March 8,9
  • Columbia - Registration March 1, actively recruiting for a full team
  • Glenmoor - Packets going out this weekend, coaches returning
  • Highlands - 1st board meeting tomorrow, new president
  • Kennedy - New team director, sign ups March 14
  • Mission Valley - Team meeting tonight
  • Newark - Registration Feb 26, have coaches and pool
  • San Leandro - Pool needs repair, don't know if it'll be available. Restrooms will not be available at the pool, but at the gym instead.
  • Southgate - Board meeting tomorrow
  • Treeview - Board meeting on 24th. Limiting other teams to 100 swimmers for meets at their pool.
  • Washington Manor - 1st sign ups next week, coaches returning
  • Warm Springs - Packets go out Feb 8th, March 8th swimsuit orders

10. New Business

  • -Meet schedule worked out.
  • -Next meeting come prepared with order for ribbons and cards.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 25, 2003.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: October 22, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

1. Minutes of last meeting

2. Old Business

  • Letters to girls re: champs incident
    • Motion to accept EBSL President's letter as written made by Diana of Treeview and seconded by Peggy of Warm Springs.
    • Motion to table this motion until January meeting made by Jerry of San Leandro and seconded by Bruce of Newark, approved.
  • Should "no shows" for jobs at championships be fined?
    • Peggy will bring "no show" information to January meeting. Teams will be informed.
  • Chabot's white board missing - Jerry Engler knows where it is.
  • Rule changes for next season - Peggy Herndon will check.

3. President's Report
No report

4. Vice President's Report
No report

5. Treasurer's Report
Financial records need to be transferred from Becky Cull to Kate Sabin. For January Kate will review final financial figures and work up a budget.

6. Secretary's Report
Let me know of board roster changes at . I will use EBSL Treasurer, Kate Sabin's, address on the EBSL roster for the next two years.

7. Meet Director
Almost every team has the same job this year; only 3 teams have new jobs.

8. Computer Director
No report

9. Team Reports

  • Warm Springs: No report
  • Washington Manor: Nothing new to report.
  • Treeview: Had last meeting of the year, tied up loose ends, have new board.
  • Southgate: Hope coaches are coming back.
  • San Leandro: Pool maintenance going on.
  • Newark: Had transition meeting, coaches coming back.
  • Mission Valley: Not present
  • Kennedy: No report
  • Highlands: Not present
  • Glenmoor: Had first board meeting with new board. Coaches should be coming back.
  • Columbia: Not present
  • Chabot: Not present

8. New Business
Bruce Garrett of Newark proposed a rule change regarding comp swimmers. This proposal will be emailed to the board. Please contact your team board and coaches and be prepared to vote on this proposal at the January meeting.

Meeting adjourned. . Next meeting: Tuesday, January 28, 2003.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: September 24, 2002
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Robert Ewell.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve June minutes made and seconded.

2. Old Business

3. President's Report
The Championship Meet went wonderful. Thank you to all involved. Having ended the 1st year as President he appreciates how well the league is organized and runs smoothly.

4. Vice President's Report
Bruce Garrett our outgoing Vice President said his farewells, "thanks a lot and it's been fun". The box of paperwork was handed over to Diana Souza of Washington Manor our new Vice President for 2002-2004.

5. Treasurer's Report
Becky Cull our outgoing Treasurer was out of town and unable to attend this meeting. We thank her for the wonderful job she's done handling EBSL finances for the last two years. Financial matters will be turned over to Kate Sabin of Kennedy.

6. Secretary's Report
I am updating our EBSL Roster and email addresses. Please let me know of changes at .

7. Meet Director
Championships went pretty well. Jerry Engler and Peggy Herndon (meet directors) got together after the meet and came up with suggestions for improvement.

  • Thank you to Clerk of Course, Columbia and Kennedy. This was the hardest job and they kept it running smoothly.
  • All the teams did a good job on their assignment.
  • Many people were late to their jobs and had to be tracked down, we need to find a way to improve this.
  • There were 7 no shows, should they be fined?
  • Security needs improvement. Need to train security people better. People did not know where to go. Suggestion: hand security volunteers a map and job description of what to do.
  • Overflowing garbage cans were an issue. Each team was suppose to bring bags, but they didn't know where to turn them in. There was a shortage of bags. Possibly make it part of Take Down, and have it to be monitored throughout the day.
  • Each team should write a summary of their job, what worked and what didn't.
  • Jerry and Peggy were again appointed as Meet Directors for 2003.

8. Computer Director
Having computers set up on both sides of the pool worked well.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot: Thanks again to Peggy and Jerry. White board used in Clerk of course is missing.
  • Columbia: Hopes to use Cal State Hayward pool next season. Clerk of Course volunteers worked the entire meet. Hopes to have more people helping next year. Will be recruiting swimmers in order to have a full team.
  • Glenmoor: Thanks to all volunteers, everyone did a wonderful job.
  • Highlands: absent
  • Kennedy: Excited to provide the new EBSL Treasurer.
  • Mission Valley: With new rule changes going into effect their pool depth is an issue. Peggy will check on new rules.
  • Newark: Bruce Garrett is the team's new president. They are happy to have their coach returning for another season.
  • San Leandro: A disturbing incident occurred, but everything else went well
  • Southgate: Meet went well.
  • Treeview: New President is Diana Erian. Looking for new ideas for year end banquet.
  • Washington Manor: Loved the event of championships and appreciate Peggy and Jerry. Looking forward to spring and being part of EBSL Board.
  • Warm Springs: Nothing to report.

8. New Business
There was discussion of a complaint filed on September 19, 2002 by San Leandro for an incident that occurred at Championships. There was alleged inappropriate conduct in the final heat of the 15-18 girls freestyle race against their swimmer. The volunteer officials on deck did not witness the situation so no action was taken at the meet. In the future, it was recommended to have a designated head official in the starter area during the entire meet. The actions of one girl was the issue however there is some history between the two girls. With the consensus of the 2 team presidents, San Leandro and Washington Manor, EBSL President, Bob Ewell will write a stern letter to both girls.

Meeting adjorned at 8:12 . Next meeting: Tuesday, October 22, 2002.

Submitted by Sandi Westover, EBSL Secretary

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