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EBSL Minutes
Date: June 29, 2004
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:08 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Peggy Herndon of Warm Springs made a motion to approve the May minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

No old business to discuss.

3. President's Report

President, Tom Miller, had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report

All rosters, except Glenmoor) have been received. Diana Souza also stated that presidents need to sign EBSL forms on the back for new swimmers.

5. Treasurer's Report

The current budget will be e-mailed to all teams later in the month.

6. Secretary's Report

Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director

Chabot pool has been approved for CHAMPs. Next CHAMP's rep's meeting will be 7/7 @ the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce building.

8. Computer Director

Glenn St. Marie is still working on the test disk. Seeding meeting will be 7/20. also need 7 names from each team for deck passes.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Nothing to report
  • Columbia - Too many kids missed last meet due to vacations.
  • Glenmoor - Meets running long
  • Highlands - Nothing to report
  • Kennedy - Up to 130 swimmers
  • Mission Valley - Everything OK
  • Newark - Everything OK
  • San Leandro - Nothing to report
  • Southgate - Need to train parents for jobs
  • Treeview - Everything OK
  • Washington Manor - Old pool is trashed
  • Warm Springs - Everything OK

10. New Business

Tom Miller suggested awards for age group champions based on points. Glenn will attempt to review if it can be done.

Insurance claims should be started with a league report. Fill out insurance claim form & mail to treasurer.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
May 25, 2004
Chamber of Commerce Building, San Leandro

Meeting brought to order at 7:09 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Jerry Engler of San Leandro made a motion to approve the April minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

No old business to discuss.

3. President's Report

President, Tom Miller, had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report

Diana Souza handed out team rosters and reminded everyone that all swimmers not on the roster are not covered by insurance. Additionally, all changes must be e-mailed to all teams, with a hard copy sent to her (Diana). The last date to add swimmers will be Sunday, June 27.

5. Treasurer's Report

Secretary not present.

6. Secretary's Report

The EBSL roster has been up-dated, with a final up-date due by 6/2.

7. Meet Director

Application for CHAMPs was submitted to Chabot, but have not received a reply from Chabot College at this time.

8. Computer Director

Computer Director not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - All swimmers are in the water and practicing.
  • Columbia - Currently have 110 swimmers.
  • Glenmoor - Time Trials were held last week.
  • Highlands - Not present. (Need to pick up rosters from Diana Souza).
  • Kennedy - Not present. (Need to pick up rosters from Diana Souza).
  • Mission Valley - Everything OK
  • Newark - Time trials will be next Friday.
  • San Leandro - Many new swimmers this year.
  • Southgate - Not present. (Need to pick up rosters from Diana Souza).
  • Treeview - 95 swimmers registered.
  • Washington Manor - Currently have 111 swimmers and have solved "pool problems".
  • Warm Springs - Time trials were held last Saturday.

10. New Business

Team seeding will be held at the Marina Community Center on Tuesday, July 20 @ 7:00 pm.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50.

Next meeting will be June 29 at Alta Pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
March 23, 2004
Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Susan Dunsford of Highlands made a motion to approve the February minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

Diane Erian of Treeview presented a handout, drafted by Treeviews board which stated Treeviews rules for no more than 100 swimmers. Teams are expected to abide by their rules, or risk stopping the meet.

Diane Souza made a statement that the meets should be seeded by swimmer and not by event.

Southgate passed out a similar request letter to all visiting teams for this year.

Championship handbooks will be continued until next meeting.

3. President's Report

President, Tom Miller, contacted Union City to inform them of our negative decision

4. Vice President's Report

Preliminary Rosters due on May 23rd by 5:00 P.M. They are to include 14 copies, EBSL league applications and any new swimmers birth certificates. Final Roster due June 27th by 5:00 P.M., same requirements as preliminary rosters. Both rosters must include every swimmer, not just Championship swimmers.

Test disk due from teams on Saturday June 26th by 5:00 P.M. Final disks due on July 17th by 5:00 P.M. These are to be emailed to Computer Director and are to be limited to 100 swimmers.

Parent Volunteer Roster TBA

5. Treasurer's Report

Not present.

6. Secretary's Report

Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director

May 6th, tentative Champs meeting at Alta pool, 7:00 P.M. Seeding Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 20th at the San Leandro Community Center. All coaches and a team rep must attend. Possible starter clinic the 2nd or 3rd week of May, if needed.

8. Computer Director

Will be sending out manuel to all teams computer person.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Registration 84 and counting;
  • Columbia - Registration will be close to 100
  • Glenmoor - Registration 130, 110 returning. Turned some away.
  • Highlands - Registration 125 with 6 new..
  • Kennedy - Registration 80 swimmers so far.
  • Mission Valley - Everything OK Parent meeting coming up
  • Newark - Not present
  • San Leandro - 32 swimmers that we know of.
  • Southgate - Everything O.K. Davis are returning.
  • Treeview - Presently registering
  • Washington Manor - Registration 100-115. Home meets still unsure
  • Warm Springs - Registration 130 with some turn aways.

10. New Business

No new business.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47.

Next meeting will be April 27, 2004 at Alta Pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: February 24, 2004
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:09 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Susan Dunsford of Highlands made a motion to approve the January minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

Peggy Herndon made a motion to reject the new Union City Swim Team for inclusion into the league in 2004, which was seconded and approved.

Diane Erian of Treeview presented a petition, which would have a consequence of a forfeited meet if over 100 swimmers were seeded at a Treeview home meet. A motion was made for a vote, which was denied. Treeview abstained.

President Tom Miller requested that Treeview bring a secondary motion next month for review.

3. President's Report

President, Tom Miller, agreed to contact the Union City Leisure Services to tell them of our decision.

4. Vice President's Report

Nothing to report.

5. Treasurer's Report

Current league balance is approximately $6,000. The 2003 budget was handed out. The 2004 budget will be presented at the March meeting.

6. Secretary's Report

Nothing to report.

7. Meet Director

Application for CHAMPs was submitted to Chabot. Also, we are looking at ways to save time at CHAMPs.

8. Computer Director

Computer Director not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Registration will be March 20.
  • Columbia Registration will be March 6.
  • Glenmoor - Registration will be March 27.
  • Highlands - New President is in place.
  • Kennedy - Registration will be March 11.
  • Mission Valley - Everything OK
  • Newark - Set to go
  • San Leandro - Pool approved by health dept.
  • Southgate - Registration will be March 20. New coach on board.
  • Treeview - Registration will be March 21 & 27.
  • Washington Manor - Registration will be Feb 28.
  • Warm Springs - Registration will be March 6. Coach returning.

10. New Business

It was requested that all teams bring their CHAMPs handbook and information to share with other teams to the March meeting.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00.

Next meeting will be March 23, 2004 at Alta Pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: January 27, 2004
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:06 p.m. by President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Peggy Herndon of Warm Springs made a motion to approve the October minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

Introductions were made from all in attendance.

Two representatives from the Union City Leisure Services put on a presentation concerning their interest in adding a new team to the league.

3. President's Report

President, Tom Miller, had nothing to report.

4. Vice President's Report

V.P. not present

5. Treasurer's Report

Treasurer reported that the budget was not completed yet, but will be finished by next meeting. It was also requested that the first team installment of $550 be forwarded to her at the Feb. meeting, allowing the EBSL to make their insurance premium payment.

6. Secretary's Report

Requested up-dates on e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director

2004 dual meet schedules were handed out to the teams.

8. Computer Director

Computer Director not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - New board in place with new coaches.
  • Columbia - New head coach
  • Glenmoor - On track - going ok
  • Highlands - Still need President
  • Kennedy - Doing good
  • Mission Valley - 3 coaches in place - vote "no" on adding a 13th team
  • Newark - Set to go
  • San Leandro - Nothing to report
  • Southgate - Still looking for coach for 2004
  • Treeview - New board in place
  • Washington Manor - Not present
  • Warm Springs - Not present

10. New Business

Motion was made and seconded, requesting each team to identify CHAMP's reps by next meeting.

Jerry Engler asked all teams to check meet card & ribbon inventory status and report needs at February meeting.

Peggy Herndon suggested that we take a vote in February to determine if we fine teams that are late with their volunteer disks.

Treeview requested that EBSL take action against teams that seed more than 100 swimmers at the Treeview home meets. It was requested that Treeview submit a formal request in writing at the Feb. meeting.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 8:23.

Next meeting will be February 24, 2004 at Alta Pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: October 28, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by new President, Tom Miller.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Peggy Herndon of Warm Springs made a motion to approve the September minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

Motion was made and seconded for participation in three (3) dual meets to be eligible for CHAMPs. Passed by vote.

Motion made and seconded to retain "No comp/100 max. swimmers @ CHAMPs" rule for one more year. Passed by vote.

3. President's Report

New President, Tom Miller, stated that he was pleased to be representing the EBSL and will work diligently to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

4. Vice President's Report

V.P. not present

5. Treasurer's Report

Treasurer not present.

6. Secretary's Report

Requested up-dates on e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director

Nothing to report

8. Computer Director

Computer Director not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Nothing to report
  • Columbia - Nothing to report
  • Glenmoor - Tom McWaid is new president
  • Highlands - Not present
  • Kennedy - Same board as last year will be in place in 2004
  • Mission Valley - Nothing to report
  • Newark - Nothing to report
  • San Leandro - Nothing to report
  • Southgate - till looking for coach for 2004
  • Treeview - Nothing to report
  • Washington Manor - Pool status still unknown.
  • Warm Springs - Everything "fine".

10. New Business

Jerry Engler asked all teams to check meet card inventory status and report needs at January meeting.

Peggy Herndon suggested that we take a vote in January to determine if we fine teams that are late with their volunteer disks.

Logan High School requested information on joining EBSL as a new team addition. Further information needed before serious consideration is given to this issue.

It was also suggested that each team bring to the January meeting their notes from CHAMPs jobs to transfer to new team.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 7:57.

Next meeting will be January 27, 2004 at Alta Pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: September 23, 2003
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:09 p.m. by outgoing President, Diana Souza.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Dan Galender of Southgate made a motion to approve the June minutes, which was accepted.

2. Old Business

Additional receipts for expenses from CHAMPs were forwarded to Jerry for approval.

CHAMPs comments:

  • Was the long wait during the meet due to a job change? A no-show?
  • Deck movement was good.
  • It was noted that a foot injury occurred due to a mishap from a Chabot security guard.

3. President's Report

CHAMPs went smoothly overall & we experienced good security on the deck. Acting president, Diana Souza, will resume the EBSL V.P. duties

4. Vice President's Report

No issues.

5. Treasurer's Report

Treasurer not present.

6. Secretary's Report

Requested updates on e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director

  • Next year's CHAMPs will be July 31, 04.
  • June 5 will be the opening dual meet date.
  • Meet Director will remain a volunteer position.

8. Computer Director

Computer Director not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - New board change - Pres. & VP to return.
  • Columbia - Will have a board meeting in next 2 weeks
  • Glenmoor - New Pres. & VP
  • Highlands - Not present
  • Kennedy - Not present
  • Mission Valley - Will meet in Oct.
  • Newark - New board w/same people
  • San Leandro - Same board - pool status unknown
  • Southgate - New VP - need coach
  • Treeview - Same Pres. & VP
  • Washington Manor - Same board - could have pool issues in '04
  • Warm Springs - New Co-Pres & VP

10. New Business

Diana reminded all in attendance to bring files & notes for CHAMPs job assignment to next meeting.

We will be voting during the Oct. meeting on the "Comp vs. Non-Comp." Issue, which was amended for a 1 year trial basis this year.

Treeview expressed a concern that visiting teams are not responding to their "100 swimmer" rule. The EBSL will not take disciplinary action at this time, but suggests better communication during the seeding process.

The new EBSL President, Tom Miller, was installed.

11. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Next meeting will be October 28.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary

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