~ EBSL Meeting Minutes Archive ~
2005: 2006: January
| February
| March
| April
| May
| June
July | August
EBSL Meeting Minutes Attendees: Jeff R. Kennedy, Sue M. Kennedy, Bob H. Chabot, Nancy M. Highlands, Diana S. WMST, Bruce G. Newark, Ray J. Southgate, Jessica D. Treeview, Jane C. Mission Valley, Mike P. Columbia, Jenn S. Treeview, Betsy L. Warm springs, Richard A. San Leandro Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director Discussion about next year pool site. How far are people willing to drive, and if they prefer a one day event or a two day event. 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Meeting Adjourned at 8:23 Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, Marina Community Center Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m. Attendance: Jeff Rice Kennedy, Betsy Leff WS, Richard Aubrey SL, Bob Harren Chabot, Mike P Columbia, Ray Jackson Southgate, Pal Yamaguchi Glenmor, Diane Souza WMST, Jessica Doerr TV, Phillip Bergy NK, Jane Conn MV, Robert Gonzalez NK, Paula Doherty Gators, Jenn Stringer TV. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Meeting adjourned 8:07 - next meeting at the Alta Pool, Wednesday, June 28. Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Meeting Minutes Attendees: Kennedy: Sue Miller, Jeff Rice Newark: Robert Gonzalez, Bruce Garrett, And Philip Bergy Columbia: Mike Panko Chabot: Suzanne Keatris, Paul Biondi WarmSprings: Paula Doherty, Diane Souza Highland: Susan Mission Valley: Jane Conn Treeview: Jessica Doerr, Jenn Stringer San Leandro: Jerry Engler Southgate: Ray Jackson WSA: Betsy Leff Glenmoor: Paul Yamaguchi Computer Director: Glenn St. Marie Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Jenn Stringer 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Continued from presidents report: County rules state that any pool under 6 feet is considered shallow and should have no diving signs posted. The county inspector has been requested to rule on the shallow pools in the EBSL. Checking with the insurance carrier to see how rule will affect each pool. Each team needs to send their pool depth to the EBSL group e-mail. Food safety: Wear gloves when handling food, crock pots are a no-no, make sure hot food is kept hot and cold food kept cold. Meeting Adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, May 24th. Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Meeting Minutes Attendees: Kennedy: Sue Miller, Jeff Rice - Newark: Robert Gonzalez, Bruce Garrett, And Philip Bergy - San Leandro: Richard Aubrey - Chabot: Bob Harren - Columbia: Mike Panko - Warm Springs: Victor Seeley, Betsy Leff, And Paula Dauherty - Treeview: Jessica Doerr, Jenn Stringer - Washington Manor: Diana Souza - Mission Valley: Jane Conn - Highlands: Nancy McDonough - Glenmoor: Paul Yamaguchi - Glen St. Marie, Computer Director Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Jenn Stringer 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, April 26th, at the Alta pool. Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 7:05 Attendance: Jeff Rice, Sue Miller Kennedy, Phillip Bergey, Robert Gonzalez, Bruce Garrett Newark, Paul Yamaguchi Glenmoor, Diane Souza Paul Doherty Warm Springs, Jane Conn Missin Valley, Ray Jackson, Southgate, Susan Dunsford Highlands, Mike Panko Columbia, Jenn Stringer, Jessica Doerr Treeview, Richard Aubrey San Leandro. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Meeting Adjourned 8:04 Next Meeting Wednesday, 2/22/06, 7pm, Marina Community Center (booked under Washington Manor Swim Team) 15301 Wicks Blvd., San Leandro (see map) Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m. by President Jenn Stringer 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business 11. Attendance Meeting Adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Next meeting Wednesday February 22nd at the Alta pool Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:02 p.m. by President-elect, Jenn Stringer. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report Dues may need to be increased to meet increase in insurance cost/ Last year cost increased 30%. Will have final decision on increase by March. 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Motion brought and approved: Meeting will now be held on the last Wednesday of each month. Alta pool has been scheduled, San Leandro still needs to change, will contact Heidi F. Motion brought and approved: EBSL will pay $130.00 to have web site created and managed by Robert Gonzalez. All teams are encouraged to review proposal. Each team will control their site. Each site will have about 2 gigs of space (enough for 9000 pics). Will have beta site next meeting. 11. Meeting Adjourned Next meeting will be Wednesday January 25, 2006 at the Alta pool. Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary |
EBSL Minutes Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by President-elect, Jenn Stringer. 1. Minutes of last meeting 2. Old Business 3. President's Report 4. Vice President's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Secretary's Report 7. Meet Director 8. Computer Director 9. Team Reports
10. New Business Three main concerns about CHAMPs: 1) Womens bathrooms were a mess 2) shortfall on 50-50 raffle proceeds, due to time-constraints 3) one team was noticed "parading" on the upper deck. 11. Meeting Adjourned Next meeting will be Oct. 25 at the Alta pool. Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary |