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EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, June 28th, 2006,
Place: Alta Pool


Jeff R. Kennedy, Sue M. Kennedy, Bob H. Chabot, Nancy M. Highlands, Diana S. WMST, Bruce G. Newark, Ray J. Southgate, Jessica D. Treeview, Jane C. Mission Valley, Mike P. Columbia, Jenn S. Treeview, Betsy L. Warm springs, Richard A. San Leandro

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes from last meeting approved.

2. Old Business
Website Update, The results and schedules have been combined. Individual sites are not ready for use but team adim. can input information. Any pictures or color schemes your team has and wants on their site e-mail to Robert. Emergency plan: Paul Y. has asked and received 3 volunteers to make up a committee to review emergency plans for possible implementation by league.

3. President's Report
Pool Depth: Still being reviewed at ACEH. Several pools may be affected.

4. Vice President's Report
All final rosters turned in by due date. The green vests for the raffle have been purchased.

5. Treasurer's Report
Jenn has insurance binder. She will e-mail to Robert so he can post on the website ;) The bill from Chabot was $3128.00 up from $1918.62. Talks remain open with Chabot. Passed out current financial statement to the group. Asked for money from each team. A motion was brought and passed 8-1 in favor of an Assessment fee of $250.00 due July 18th. You can send your payment to Richard Aubrey.

6. Secretary's Report
No report. FYI Direct contact emergency numbers for Fremont 925-447-6880 and Hayward 510-732-2626

7. Meet Director
July 12th champ meeting. Championship walk through is the 26th. This information should be on website. Each team gets seven deck passes.

Discussion about next year pool site. How far are people willing to drive, and if they prefer a one day event or a two day event.

8. Computer Director
Test discs had no problems. Championship final team rosters are due by July 15th.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot: No report pool not finished may need to change SL meet site
  • Columbia: No report
  • Glenmoor: Alls good
  • Highlands: Alls fine
  • Kennedy: Alls good. Would like to change the meet start time with Newark and Chabot to 8 a.m. from 8:30
  • Mission Valley: No report
  • Newark: Good
  • San Leandro: New locker room is very nice.
  • Southgate: Photographer left before taking team pictures.
  • Treeview: Changing ends has increased the meets time. Reminder that only 100 swimmer per team allowed.
  • Wash. Manor: Everything is good.
  • Warm Springs: No report

10. New Business
Motion brought and approved: 8-1 each team is required to pay an assessment fee of $250.00 to cover changes in forecasted costs. Payment due by July 18th. Send to Richard Aubrey.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:23

Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, Marina Community Center

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Place: 7pm Marina Community Center

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.

Attendance: Jeff Rice Kennedy, Betsy Leff WS, Richard Aubrey SL, Bob Harren Chabot, Mike P Columbia, Ray Jackson Southgate, Pal Yamaguchi Glenmor, Diane Souza WMST, Jessica Doerr TV, Phillip Bergy NK, Jane Conn MV, Robert Gonzalez NK, Paula Doherty Gators, Jenn Stringer TV.

1. Minutes of last meeting

2. Old Business
Web site is mostly done. Some code still need to be added to complete site. The web site is usable. Leagues calendar is up an complete.

3. President's Report
Latest pool depth issues. Have compiled all pool depths. Treeview is only pool that does not meet the 42" depth. Depth should be measured at the entry point (about 12" from wall, reference prior e-mail). Alameda County still has not ruled on posting of any no diving signs.

4. Vice President's Report
Rosters distributed. Chabot will redo theirs to proper format. Glenmor needs to turn in applications. Any new additions to team should be e-mail to Betsy (not EBSL group) as well as up dated team roster. Motion brought and passed to authorize $80.00 for 50/50 raffle supplies. These will be used to purchase green reflective vests and adornments for 50/50 buckets as well as balloons and other decorations.

5. Treasurer's Report
Distributed current budget. Insurance binder needed for championships specific to those dates. Will get copy of insurance policy.

6. Secretary's Report
No report

7. Meet Director
Ribbons and cards distributed. Starter clinic went well. Good turn out. June 7th championship meeting may be at Glenmor, Will let know when confirmed. Chabot is remodeling pool and may not be available for 2007. Each team is encouraged to discuss at their board meeting possible scenarios for different pool uses and availability.

8. Computer Director
Not in attendance

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot: All meets will be at CVHS. See previous e-mail from Chabot on address
  • Columbia: Ready for the year.
  • Glenmoor: pool at 42", able to dive.
  • Highlands: Not in attendance
  • Kennedy: Time trial went well. 140 swimmers, ready for the year
  • Mission Valley: Time trial went well. All is good
  • Newark: Time trials this Friday. All good.
  • San Leandro: All is good
  • Southgate: Time trials went well. 117 swimmers. New coaches are doing well.
  • Treeview : Pool at 30" practicing switching ends with timers. Mid 80 in swimmers
  • Wash. Manor: All is fine. 110 swimmers. Time trials went well. First meet on a Weds.
  • Warm Springs: Time trials went well. Ready for the year.

10. New Business
Swimmer responsibility and safety procedures are up to each team.

Meeting adjourned 8:07 - next meeting at the Alta Pool, Wednesday, June 28.

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Place: Alta Pool


Kennedy: Sue Miller, Jeff Rice Newark: Robert Gonzalez, Bruce Garrett, And Philip Bergy Columbia: Mike Panko Chabot: Suzanne Keatris, Paul Biondi WarmSprings: Paula Doherty, Diane Souza Highland: Susan Mission Valley: Jane Conn Treeview: Jessica Doerr, Jenn Stringer San Leandro: Jerry Engler Southgate: Ray Jackson WSA: Betsy Leff Glenmoor: Paul Yamaguchi Computer Director: Glenn St. Marie

Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Jenn Stringer

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes from last meeting approved.

2. Old Business
Web Site server is up and running. It is usable. Any team not actively participating in the site will have a link to theirs on the site.

3. President's Report
Pool Depth: Rule 272 (rule book distributed) this may require that teams with shallow pools have the 10 and under events start at opposite end of pool. No diving from blocks in pools with less than 3.5 ft. of water. Ok to dive into 4 ft. water on blocks under 30 inches. See new business for continues discussion notes.

4. Vice President's Report
Rosters and birth certificates due on May 20th. EBSK reg. Form needs 14 copies. Will send group e-mail on this subject

5. Treasurer's Report
NA Bring copy of insurance policy to the next meeting

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report

7. Meet Director
Distributed new rule book 5/18 6pm starter clinic Newark pool.

8. Computer Director
Ray Jackson taking over. All teams need to be running version 4.0M. preliminary disc due June 7th

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot: 3 weeks until pool is done, swimming at newark
  • Columbia: Practice started all OK
  • Glenmoor: Practice started, all OK
  • Highlands: Practice starting, no room on team
  • Kennedy: Practice started, all OK
  • Mission Valley: Practice started
  • Newark: Practice started, team is full
  • San Leandro: Practice started all OK
  • Southgate: all OK
  • Treeview: Struggling to get swimmers, have 60, would like referrals, pool is not that far away. Concerned about filling all championship positions, not enough parents
  • Wash. Manor: Practice started all OK, need to confirm where meets will be.
  • Warm Springs: Practice started. Have new asst. coach. All OK

10. New Business
Motion brought and passed: It will be allowable to send the EBSL financial sheet via e-mail.

Continued from presidents report: County rules state that any pool under 6 feet is considered shallow and should have no diving signs posted. The county inspector has been requested to rule on the shallow pools in the EBSL. Checking with the insurance carrier to see how rule will affect each pool. Each team needs to send their pool depth to the EBSL group e-mail.

Food safety: Wear gloves when handling food, crock pots are a no-no, make sure hot food is kept hot and cold food kept cold.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, May 24th.

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Place: Marina Community Center


Kennedy: Sue Miller, Jeff Rice - Newark: Robert Gonzalez, Bruce Garrett, And Philip Bergy - San Leandro: Richard Aubrey - Chabot: Bob Harren - Columbia: Mike Panko - Warm Springs: Victor Seeley, Betsy Leff, And Paula Dauherty - Treeview: Jessica Doerr, Jenn Stringer - Washington Manor: Diana Souza - Mission Valley: Jane Conn - Highlands: Nancy McDonough - Glenmoor: Paul Yamaguchi - Glen St. Marie, Computer Director

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Jenn Stringer

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes from last meeting approved.

2. Old Business
Web Site server is up and running (still testing). It is usable. Any team not actively participating in the site will have a link to theirs on the site

3. President's Report
No report

4. Vice President's Report
No report

5. Treasurer's Report
Updated financial report passed out. $16,100.00 so in dues collected to date. Insurance cost did not go up as predicted. Certificates of insurances were passed out.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report

7. Meet Director
NorSki owes $250.00 for sale of goods. Distributed the calendar of events for 2006 a updated version will be e-mailed.

8. Computer Director
All teams should be updated to the current version of Team Manager by start of season. Will have to make time and work with his replacement for next season by communicating the necessary equipment required.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Have all new board. Have 2 new coaches. Pool is under repair and will swim at CS Hayward
  • Columbia - Had record sign up. Had to close team to anymore swimmers
  • Glenmoor - Team is full.
  • Highlands - Have 120 swimmers, starting to swim on May 1
  • Kennedy - Sign ups were good, have a lot of young swimmers
  • Mission Valley - Sign ups done, had to turn away swimmers
  • Newark - first sign ups had 120 swimmers, have only 30 spots available.
  • San Leandro - Have new locker rooms with working showers
  • Southgate - not in attendance
  • Treeview - Had first sign ups will have one more, have room for overflow swimmers from the other teams.
  • Wash. Manor - will practice at Chabot. Meets are still be determined
  • Warm Springs - Have full team and are looking for a second coach.

10. New Business
Discussed the possibility of making a motion to change the rule that limits the number of hours allowed to be swum at stroke and turn clinics. After a good debate it was decided that the rule would remain and no motion would be brought.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Next meeting Wednesday, 7pm, April 26th, at the Alta pool.

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Place: 7pm Alta Pool

Meeting called to order at 7:05

Attendance: Jeff Rice, Sue Miller Kennedy, Phillip Bergey, Robert Gonzalez, Bruce Garrett Newark, Paul Yamaguchi Glenmoor, Diane Souza Paul Doherty Warm Springs, Jane Conn Missin Valley, Ray Jackson, Southgate, Susan Dunsford Highlands, Mike Panko Columbia, Jenn Stringer, Jessica Doerr Treeview, Richard Aubrey San Leandro.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes from previous meeting approved.

2. Old Business
a.) Dues Increase: Motion brought and approved to increase dues by 5% New dues now $2100.00
b.) Website Update: Robert would like all teams to contact him regardless of if they are maintaining their own websites. He needs to determine the server size. Only 4 teams have committed with 1 maybe. Please respond by March 4th, the site will be active one week from then. Robert has also committed to the EBSL board that he will see this project to fruition.

3. President's Report
Would like to examine the current EBSL guidelines limiting the number of hour's swimmers are allowed to attend stroke and turn clinics.

4. Vice President's Report
Not in attendance

5. Treasurer's Report
Turned in proposed 2006 budget. Part of budget includes 50/50 from championships, this falls under the VP duties, how can we make this better. Would like to switch banks to Washington Mutual by next meeting. Would like the President and Vice President to be added to account.

6. Secretary's Report
No report

7. Meet Director
Job assignment for Championships have been done, this can be viewed on the Southgate website.

8. Computer Director
No report

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Not in attendance
  • Columbia - New head coach, wont be available until May
  • Glenmoor - Registration is Scheduled for Saturday 2/26
  • Highlands - No report
  • Kennedy - Need new assistant coach. All is good
  • Mission Valley - Registration 2/22. First couple of meets may be at Washington HS will verify as we get closer to season.
  • Newark - Send all ribbon order to Phillip. All is good.
  • San Leandro - No report
  • Southgate - Has hired 2 new coaches
  • Treeview - No report
  • Wash. Manor - First sign up went well. Will be swimming at Chabot
  • Warm Springs - No in attendance

10. New Business

Meeting Adjourned 8:04

Next Meeting Wednesday, 2/22/06, 7pm, Marina Community Center (booked under Washington Manor Swim Team) 15301 Wicks Blvd., San Leandro (see map)

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Place: Marina Community Center

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m. by President Jenn Stringer

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes from last meeting approved.

2. Old Business
Robert Gonzalez gave update on EBSL website. The date base structures are set up, next meeting he will have a working model able to be signed on by administrators. If level of commitment by the teams is high enough he will rent a dedicated server to run the site. He also asks that each team give him their web administers names and contact info so that they may speak.

3. President's Report is in place. There are 3 owners who can add and delete who will receive messages from here. You can visit the yahoo group EBSL Exec and see any posted messages.

4. Vice President's Report
The new registration form is done and in a PDF format. You can visit the Penguins site to see the working model. It will be distributed to everyone else shortly. Betsy wishes to thank Jackie Sweet for all of her help in setting up this form. Registration forms are DUE May 20th. Remember to send 13 copies of the roster when turning paperwork.

5. Treasurer's Report
Current financial report distributed. There is still no invoice from Chabot. One vender still has not paid. There will be a 5% increase in the cost of insurance this year. Recommended a 10% increase in team's dues an increase of up to $200.00. We need to know if there will be any change of venues for team pools this year so that it can be noted with the insurance carrier.

6. Secretary's Report
Nothing to report

7. Meet Director
Need to have any special card and ribbon orders in by next meeting.

8. Computer Director
Not present

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Not in attendance
  • Columbia - Not in attendance
  • Glenmoor - Wanted input on best way to select swimmers for championship.
  • Highlands - Not in attendance
  • Kennedy - All is good, permits for the pool have been turned in. Registration is in March.
  • Mission Valley - still doesn't know where they will swim. Application will go out in Feb.
  • Newark - Will be using touch pads at home meets. Manual timing will still be used.
  • San Leandro - All is fine.
  • Southgate - Interviewing coaches
  • Treeview - Nothing new to report
  • Wash. Manor - Will swim at Chabot
  • Warm Springs - All is fine. Registration in March, Victor is returning as Coach.

10. New Business
Motion brought and approved: Teams will have to bring deposit of $1000.00 a minimum of $800.00 to February's meeting.

11. Attendance
Paul Yamaguchi From Glenmoor, Sue Miller and Jeff Rice from Kennedy, Vice President from Mission Valley, Philip Bergey, Robert Gonzalez, and Bruce Garrett from Newark, Richard Aubrey from San Leandro, Raymond Jackson from Southgate, Jessica Doerr and Jenn Stringer from Treeview, Diane Souza from Wash. Manor, Betsy Leff, P. Doherty, Unknown signature from warm springs.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Next meeting Wednesday February 22nd at the Alta pool

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: October 25, 2005
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:02 p.m. by President-elect, Jenn Stringer.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes were reviewed and approved.

2. Old Business
No old business.

3. President's Report
Outlined goal for implementing a paperless system for EBSL documents and correspondence.

4. Vice President's Report
Would like any suggestions to help streamline swimmer registration. Will make change to current form that will identify new and returning swimmers.

5. Treasurer's Report
All checks have cleared. Still have not received invoice from Chabot College. Have not changed banks as of yet, still looking for the best account.

Dues may need to be increased to meet increase in insurance cost/ Last year cost increased 30%. Will have final decision on increase by March.

6. Secretary's Report
Still updating E-mail list, 80 percent complete. Still missing Chabot, Warm Springs, and Washington Manor.

7. Meet Director
Looking for fresh ideas for next championship meet.

8. Computer Director
Not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Not present
  • Columbia - "alls good!"
  • Glenmoor - "all Good"
  • Highlands - "same o same o"
  • Kennedy - Web site will be discussed at next meeting. Approve of Weds. Mtg.
  • Mission Valley - May need to swim some of their home meets at visitors' pool.
  • Newark - "No news"
  • San Leandro - Upgrade to locker room is complete
  • Southgate - Have diver-repairing pool.
  • Treeview - "same o same o"
  • Wash. Manor - Not Present
  • Warm Springs - Not present

10. New Business
Motion brought and approved: VP will be responsible for raffle at championships.

Motion brought and approved: Meeting will now be held on the last Wednesday of each month. Alta pool has been scheduled, San Leandro still needs to change, will contact Heidi F.

Motion brought and approved: EBSL will pay $130.00 to have web site created and managed by Robert Gonzalez. All teams are encouraged to review proposal. Each team will control their site. Each site will have about 2 gigs of space (enough for 9000 pics). Will have beta site next meeting.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12

Next meeting will be Wednesday January 25, 2006 at the Alta pool.

Submitted by Jeff Rice, EBSL Secretary


EBSL Minutes
Date: September 27, 2005
Place: Alta Pool, Fremont

Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by President-elect, Jenn Stringer.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes were reviewed and approved.

2. Old Business
No old business.

3. President's Report
President-elect Jenn Stringer stated that out-going President Tom Miller could not be present. Due to these circumstances, she conducted the meeting in his absence.

4. Vice President's Report
Vice President Betsy Leff was unable to attend as well.

5. Treasurer's Report
End of the year league budgets were passed out and reviewed. The league has approx. $2500 in the bank. A motion was made and approved to allow the treasurer to change banks if needed, in the interest of saving monthly bank charges.

6. Secretary's Report
Teams were asked to up-date e-mail addresses.

7. Meet Director
Not present. Peggy Herndon passed out next year's meet schedules. The new meet directors will be Diana Sousa and Bruce Garrett.

8. Computer Director
Not present.

9. Team Reports

  • Chabot - Major construction on their pool is in place.
  • Columbia - Ready for next year.
  • Glenmoor - Had 130 swimmers this season - a good year.
  • Highlands - Not present.
  • Kennedy - 3 new board members.
  • Mission Valley - Having issues with club.
  • Newark - Not present.
  • San Leandro - New president - re-doing locker rooms.
  • Southgate - Question about next year's coaches.
  • Treeview - Maintained most of the board.
  • Washington Manor - Pool still in question.
  • Warm Springs - New Co-President.

10. New Business
Alta meeting room is currently booked through 2006. However, a discussion was made about changing the meeting night to Wednesdays. This will be researched and a final decision will be made at the October meeting.

Three main concerns about CHAMPs: 1) Womens bathrooms were a mess 2) shortfall on 50-50 raffle proceeds, due to time-constraints 3) one team was noticed "parading" on the upper deck.

11. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10.

Next meeting will be Oct. 25 at the Alta pool.

Submitted by Rick Nagy, EBSL Secretary


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