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~ Pool Hours ~

~ 2016 Swim Season ~

Opening Day, Sunday, May 8
Starting Sunday, May 8, Open Weekends Only
1:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Summer Schedule
Starting Monday, June 20, Open Daily
1:00 PM to 7:00 PM

A Courteous Club For All

To make the Swim Club experience fun for everyone, let's all remember to be courteous and considerate toward our fellow Club members and their guests. A few suggestions to keep in mind:

  • On crowded days, take up only as much space as you need. Keep your belongings in your own area and be considerate of those around you.
  • Don't monopolize the ping pong table or volleyball court if others want to use them. Take turns.
  • During adult swim, don't take up the whole pool if there are swimmers trying to swim laps. Try to give them a lane to use.
  • Remember that the limit for guests is six per day, per membership. If you want to bring more people for a special occasion, please contact our pool rental person, Paige Adza (510-887-3912), at least one week in advance.
  • Always put swim diapers on little swimmers three or under or any child that is not potty trained.

If you're planning on having guests at the pool, the following rules apply:

  • You may bring in up to 6 guests daily per membership.
  • If you're planning to have a day party, you must contact our pool rental person, Paige Adza at (510) 887-3912.
  • The maximum number of guests for a day party is 15 which includes both swimmers and non-swimmers.
  • You will also be allowed one table and are more than welcome to bring another table of your own into the club.

*** If weather does not lend itself to swimming and no one is present, a Board member will have the authority to close the pool. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Pool: (510) 783-1251

See Rules & Regulations


Home | Club Location | Pool Hours / Rules | Memberships
Newsletter | Swim Lessons | Pool Rentals / Parties | Calendar
Board of Directors / Meeting Dates | Club History
Photographs | Southgate Penguins Swim Team