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Photographs | Southgate Penguins Swim Team

The Southgate SPLASH Newsletter

by Andrea Ford

Printout June 2016 SPLASH (pdf)]


Past Issues:

SouthgateSound 8-09.pdf | SouthgateSound 6-09.pdf

SouthgateSound 2-10.pdf | SouthgateSound 4-10.pdf | SouthgateSound 6-10.pdf | SouthgateSound 8-10.pdf

SouthgateSound 4-11.pdf | SouthgateSound 6-11.pdf | SouthgateSound 7-11.pdf | SouthgateSound 8-11.pdf

SouthgateSound 5-12.pdf

The Splash 6-13 (pdf) | The Splash_7-13 (pdf) | The Splash_8-13 (pdf) | The Splash 9-13 (pdf)

March 2014 SPLASH (pdf) | April 2014 SPLASH (pdf) | May 2014 SPLASH (pdf) | June 2014 SPLASH (pdf)
August 2014 SPLASH (pdf) | September 2014 SPLASH (pdf) | October 2014 SPLASH (pdf)

April 2015 SPLASH (pdf)

April 2016 SPLASH (pdf)


Home | Club Location | Pool Hours / Rules | Memberships
Newsletter | Swim Lessons | Pool Rentals / Parties | Calendar
Board of Directors / Meeting Dates | Club History
Photographs | Southgate Penguins Swim Team